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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tanya_cotto

  1. I've told my parents, sister and an older cousin (who is also overweight). Sadly, the only one who has not told me that i took the easy way out (Mom)or that i'm not loosing fast enough (dad) or that i'm not going to succeed (sister) has been my older cousin since we have both had weight struggles all of our lives. The few friends i have told have been surprisingly supportive and even know of more people my age (24) that have had the surgery. In the end in know that i did this for me, so that one day i can be healthy and not have to shop at specialty stores or be concerned when i'm dating, or getting ready to start a family. I still have issues with self doubt, but i'm working threw them. =)
  2. Tanya_cotto

    Am I Really Going To Have To Be Adult About This?

    You write what i feel! Ah! we should be Besties! thanks for finishing my sentences, before I've even started them!
  3. Tanya_cotto

    Feeling Better Now, Sorry For The Outburst!

    Actually, you were right about the post being spam. I did a little research, and if you click through her profile you find her "website" where she wants you to buy the product so that you too can lose weight. The more she refers, the more compensation (free food, drinks, money) she gets!
  4. Tanya_cotto

    Top Things That Just Tick Me Off And Just Rambling!

    I still feel like she's promoting. She mentioned protein, shake, or product 12 times. Not that i was counting
  5. Tanya_cotto

    Hitting The Wall Again!

    Feel Better! The good old fashioned cold is making the rounds in most of my classes and I've been hit twice this semester! Remember: fluids, fluids, fluids! Its all I can say to make myself do the same!
  6. Tanya_cotto

    Tests, Exams And Horse Bones

    In the words of Lucy Ricardo, I feel so "Blah"! Its Tuesday night and I'm down two tests and a quiz I have one more test this week, tomorrow actually, and I am terrified. I need to know the entire skeletal structure of the horse, cow, humans and dogs. I also need to know the joints and what this all looks like on radio-graphs. My exam for tomorrow is 2 hours long, about 100 questions, and a few wrinkles on my face! I'm so mentally exhausted! And i find myself wanting to do some stress relieving shopping since i need a new swimsuit, but I'm still in between sizes and going down ( yay!) so that I don't want to spend $60+ on a swimsuit that won't fit very well or for very long. Its frustrating! I want to be frugal about this purchase, but at the same time i need something that will hold the girls up! (Sad story, at the gym these guys were referring to me as 'grandma' since my bathing suit was sagging in all the wrong places! I'm only 24! Sadness! ) Weighing not only myself, but the pros and cons of making clothing purchases. If only i could sew better and had a pattern, i'd make one myself!
  7. I have a test everyday, in every class this coming week! I'm trying to focus on my animal anatomy and physiology class and lab since those are the toughies! but my animal and zoonotic diseases class is hard as well, so is my animal care class! Ha! I should be studying, but i'm a procrastinator! Weight loss is what it is, I need to get to the gym more, i need to introduce a bigger variety of foods to my diet, i need to restart measuring my food instead of eye balling it i need to stop being afraid of certain foods since my unfill will allow them to pass with out pain! I need to do a lot of things!!!!!!! I should think about getting a social life but i have too much to do! and too many distractions already! Ha!
  8. Tanya_cotto

    No Help From Band

    Got an unfill! Thanks for all the wonderful advice! I do feel a million+ times better!
  9. Tanya_cotto

    No Help From Band

    So Its been about a week since my last fill. The fill itself was an issue since my port likes to hide from my Dr. I had to be stuck, and then re-stuck a few times before the site was found. Since then I've had these horrible Pb/Slime attacks, and i fear i'm becoming bulimic. No matter what i eat, solids, purees, smoothies, oat meal... It gets stuck, even after long chew periods. It hurts like heck, and i end up having to regurgitate it because of the pain. I feel so weak and tired from the lack of food. I tried a smoothie this morning with some protein powder, but i couldn't even finish 3 oz before it felt like it was starting to slime. Since my surgery i have lost 6 lbs. I am exercising, no soda, no fast food, no candy/sweets lots of water, tea and protein drinks and still nothing! I am starting to regret this whole thing. I'm hungry as heck, but it hurts to eat to the point that i'm scared of food. I'm not losing any weight, but i have these ugly scars I feel like crap. and i'm tired of drinking my meals. I miss Food.
  10. Tanya_cotto

    Paranoia, Party Of One? Your Table Is Ready

    I have the same feelings! Talking it out really helps!
  11. Good thinking! I would also recommend that you start reducing your liquid intake when eating since you'll have to wait 20-30 Mins after you finish before you can drink. Its hard if you stop once you are banded! Keep up the good thoughts!!
  12. Tanya_cotto

    A Tough, Hard Week And Its Only Wed.

    Thanks for the nice comments and warm hugs!
  13. Tanya_cotto

    A Tough, Hard Week And Its Only Wed.

    So my Granny died this past weekend. My dad's Mom. She had been in the hospital for two weeks with pneumonia and bronchitis. We found out she had lung caner on my dad's birthday (2/7) She had to wear a breathing mask for a week after, until she passed on Sat (2/11) (Aunts B-day) I've been so stressed and tired from school, not eating enough, worrying about my dad's heart, having so many bills and not being able to pay them or find a job. Now to deal with her death, family stress, and on top of everything else, I find out that the burial costs is close to $25,000 cash. Weight wise, I've gained two pounds but I've also been menstruating for two and a half weeks so a lot of it is bloat (I hope) Still having pain when eating or drinking thick fluids Though dark chocolate has no issues going down (Weird eh?) I was supposed to go on vacation this coming week to El Salvador for my cousin's wedding. Had to cancel though since the money had to be relocated. Humbug! This week sucks. So did last week. And next week doesn't look any better. The burial will be on my mom's 50th Birthday! and she was so excited for this one, but again, it will have to be postponed. I feel like such a Debby-downer A hungry downer. And i find i'm now scared of bread and all bread like substances. I have phantom pains when i see hamburger commercials on TV. Told my dad that the only black sweaters i have are faded to grey with holes in them, so they'll fit it at the burial since they're so sad looking. He just cracked up laughing, since its true!
  14. Tanya_cotto

    tired and sore inside and out

    I had surgery yesterday and I've been hungry since i woke up from anesthesia! All tv commercials look so yummy! Even the gross sea food looks like something i want in my belly! I'm super tired from walking around IKEA and Target with my mom and grandma, has broth at Sizzler's while they had steak and fish! not fun! I'm so sore at my incision site and my throat is killing me! I'm also so tired and tired of feeling this way! Watching Ruby and Bizarre Foods on Netflix Gas is starting! Bah!
  15. Tanya_cotto

    Second Fill, Anxiety And A Shaved Dog.

    So, I had my second fill this morning. It was not bad at all, actually very fast! I can still feel the injection site, but at least I didn't cry this time! ha! The only trouble i had was with my anxiety. Since I still remember my first fill and all that drama, I got so worked up that my throat started getting tight. That really makes it hard to drink down the water after a fill. But I plowed through it (Thanks to the liquid Tylenol i took before hand) After the fill, i get home only to find that my mom's little chihuahua Phoebe has been scratching her back so roughly, that she has a nasty cut! I had to hunt down a dog grooming set to shave down her bum (so the dirt and dander don't stick to the hair, and so the area can breathe and heal) I also had to put this smelly ointment on her bum to disinfect the area. Basically, I had a procedure and then I gave one! Oh silly medical day!
  16. Tanya_cotto

    New Found Food Obsession!

    I'm done that before! The effects will last as long as you keep drinking the juice! Have you seen "Fat, Sick and nearly dead?" Great documentary about juicing and its effects!
  17. Tanya_cotto

    No Help From Band

    My surgeon doesn't do this. I don't even think its an option, but I will ask to make sure, sounds less painful.
  18. Tanya_cotto

    No Help From Band

    I have an 11cc band with 8.25cc in it. ( I believe) I'm scared of getting an unfill though, since i really don't want to go back and gain all the weight back. Its either the pain from food, or the pain of disappointment from gaining everything back. I'm so confused.
  19. Tough Week! Oh boy!

  20. Tanya_cotto

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    I feel like such a loser, and not in the losing weight way! I've only lost 6 lbs since my surgery day. I work out and eat right, and yet nothing! To top it all off, I'm getting stuck, slimming, PBing, or regurgitation with almost every meal. Everyone else that has surgery in Sept 2011 is twenty+ pounds down while i'm still in the single digits. Anyone have any advice?
  21. Not losing and in pain.

  22. Tanya_cotto

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    Had my second fill today! It went really well! I just have a headache since i'm on liquids again for a day. My weight loss has stalled, yet i am going to the gym every other day, or everyday with the weekends off. This weekend is tough! I think i'm catching a cold, plus with pms, i'm not in the finest condition! bah! Well this day is almost over, and tomorrow with begin fresh!
  23. Second fill today!

  24. Tanya_cotto

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    Samsies! I've been eating the same post fill as i did pre fill! Trying to cut back, but i get so hungry it physically hurts. Alos, with the diabetes, if i don't eat enough of the right foods, i slip into hypoglycemia. Not Fun. Have had some semi-stuck feelings, but i just drink some Water and that helps. UH! I need to exercise more, but i don't have a gym membership, my bicycle broke, and i don't live in the nicest neighborhood so going for an early morning run, or an evening walk is a no-no. I'm so frustrated! I generally go to the beach to walk/run/jog with my dog, but gas is so expensive and i still haven't found a job so i have to save what little gas i do have for school. I hope December is a better month for me, Though i am still not giving up on November! I've wanted to have this surgery since i heard about it when i was 16, now at 24 I've gone through with it, so i really need to push and stay motivated! I'm slowly heading back up the scale, but i have been noticing that my clothes are feeling big, and my bra's don't hold anything anymore (Sorry for the TMI guys), so perhaps i'm gaining muscle? Hope so, though, I'd rather lose weight.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
