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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Tanya_cotto

  1. Tanya_cotto

    Sleepy Time, Ground Shaking Gas, And Relief

    So Last Thursday July 5th I received a full unfill. Surprisingly only 2.25cc were in there, even though i had kept tabs and was expecting 6cc. Since the unfill i have had no acid re-flux, the nausea is down, but food still is hesitant going down. i have noticed that a side effect of the unfill is gas coming out (burps) an hour or so after eating. not the lady like quiet ones, but the kind that make little kids laugh. I'm also more sleepy, which i just think is my body readjusting to food. (like after thanksgiving dinner you knock out) All in all i'm feeling WAY better and have a Dr's appointment to discuss the revision and other issues that may come up. I also seem to have fractured my pinky and ring finger on my right hand, so things have been awkward as far as using that hand is concerned. sleep is settling in. Good night Lapbanders! Have Wonderful sleep so you can kick but tomorrow
  2. Tanya_cotto


    Just took a big sigh before starting this blog. I'm at a loss for words to describe how frustrated i am at myself, the world, the people in the world, and at my band. When i first thought of having this surgery i was like 16 and i had images of getting the band and being best friends with it, holding hands and running on the beach-type of images. If i had only known the massive headache I would have with the band, i would have taken more time then 'the 3 month supervised diet' to make an informed decision. When i had the surgery, i did not even get the band that i wanted. I had researched different brands and sizes, what their results were, their ratings and comments. Day of surgery my surgeon did not even entertain the notion of a choice. Now i'm 9 months out, with a constant headache, stomach ache, achy-aches and not a remarkable weight loss. ALL of my doctors (general, specialist, dental, vision, etc) have told me that i need a revision since i have not lost a dime's worth of my weight. They see it as a joke since i have had no success, my family sees me as a joke since i have had no success. I am the butt of most jokes, the surgery and band have become the butt of all insults with my sister constantly telling me to have another lap-band surgery my parents telling me I've taken the easy way out... And yet I find myself thinking that I'd do it all again. I have not only lost myself, but also found out more about myself in these last couple of months than I have previously. I have had many epiphanies and made many goals. Some accomplished, some still categorized as dreams. I have made friends and lost others. Found new interests and rid myself of self destructive behaviors. I have gone both long and far, stayed on this path and gotten lost on this journey to and beyond the magical place we all call BandLand. I wish in the purest way possible that this journey had taken me on a more direct path to my destination. That the literal pain and anguish suffered had been worth it, but alas, i could have taken a shortcut around those parts. Now that I have to consider a revision, its not much of a consideration at all. I Have to do it. I honestly thought that having the band surgery done was the LAST resort, the one that would save my life from being overweight, unhealthy and unhappy. But that was pure and utter nonsense. Without the revision i'd be stuck with aches and pains ( of which I am having right now both at the top of my pouch and at the bottom of my stomach), With the ridicule (mostly of myself, mostly) of failure, and Stuck at an unhappy-unmoving part of my life. I wish things were easier. But easy has never been all that easy.
  3. Tanya_cotto

    67 Weeks Post-Op: The Wedding Post. That's It, It's All Over Now!

    Happy Belated Wedding! I'm so excited and i wasn't even there! Love the photos! Looking good!
  4. Tanya_cotto

    Food And Portion Size

    Don't jinx it! Just enjoy the ride! I've been overfilled for months and just got deflated to the point where i'm functional again!
  5. Tanya_cotto

    Happy Times!

    I've been going over my blog entries and i realized that i have been so miserable and mopey. i could barely stand myself. Just looking back makes me realize that having been overly filled was such a huge mistake that affected me in ways i didn't even notice. Its been 2 days since I had that Huge (to me anyways) unfill, and all the colors are brighter, the day is nicer, and my outlook is happier. I actually had breakfast this morning. Well, it was a small homemade tortilla, but to me that's a huge step forward. I also had a steaming mug of Coffee, but that's nothing unusual. Going to the gym seems like a good idea, but going to the beach with my dogs sounds way better! Still going to run, just a nicer setting!
  6. First breakfast since January!

  7. Tanya_cotto

    Third Unfill, -1.5Cc!

    Yesterday I had an appointment to have an unfill, and it couldn't have been too soon. They took out approx. 1.5 cc's and i haven't felt better since mid January. Dinner Yesterday was the most I've eaten (about a full cup) since January. It was my third unfill and these are the reasons i decided to deflate: 1. My hair was falling out 2. My nails were flaking off 3. I wasn't sleeping 4. I wasn't able to concentrate 5. I wasn't loosing weight 6. i was getting stuck, slimming, PBing everyday 7. I had started vomiting (the dangerous kind) 8. I wasn't happy and most importantly 9. I was developing a food phobia. While it may seem ideal for an overweight person to have a food phobia, it had gotten to the point where i would have only have massive amounts of coffee in a day. Maybe a sugar free fat free vanilla pudding (60 cals) or 1/2c tomato soup (90 cals) I stopped functioning, i would cry at the thought of eating, my bm's where nonexistent, and i had fallen down more than once. I'm still having this internal battle because part of me still doesn't want to eat (because getting stuck sucks and hurts) and the other part thinks with the amount of fill I had removed, i should overeat to make up the nutrients that i'm missing. (Basically Binge) I've been a good girl though, Ate dinner last night, but am trying to convince myself to eat some breakfast/lunch. I'm still scared but more willing to try some foods. Before the unfill i was tight until 4pm then i'd end up eating too close to bedtime. So i need to start earlier in the day. i'm looser now so i shouldn't be overly tight in the morning, just more-restricted. I still have some hurdles in front of me, but as the Brit's say i'm going to "Give it a Go" until everything is alright.
  8. Tanya_cotto

    Sept 2011 bandsters

    I'm getting stuck or sliming almost everyday. I have 7.5 cc in a 11cc band. I cannot get my veggies down or fruits unless they are blended. But, compared to this time last year, I'm down almost 40 pounds. Big picture is nice, but since the surgery I've not lost much. Not even in the double digits yet! will keep working and checking in!
  9. Tanya_cotto

    2 Days Post Op And Miserable!

    You can also try drinking warm/hot tea. I have issues with cold liquids so it may help you get some liquid in. Did you have any liquid placed in the band during surgery?
  10. Tanya_cotto

    Food Portions Questions.

    How much should a lapbander be eating? Calories? Ounce wise? How much Fluid? 56oz? Carbs? Fats? Veggies/fruits? Protein i know is between 60-80g Any other important info? Any advice or answers are really appreciated! Thanks!
  11. Tanya_cotto

    Food Portions Questions.

    I've had an unfill, but still have issues getting food down that aren't hot. Still no breads or rice or pastas, or meats or fruits\veggies . Tough time. Not even coming close to the food portions I need to lose weight. Retaining everything I eat!
  12. Tanya_cotto

    Happy About An Unfill!

    I never thought I'd be so happy to get an unfill in my entire life! Basically I've been feeling tight, regurgitating, Sliming, PBing, since about Jan 30th when i got my last fill. I've had no energy, I've gained weight (2lbs) and I've been hurting with the stuck episodes so i finally called in yesterday to my surgeon's office to have an emergency unfill. Sadly, my surgeon was unavailable (Long story) so I saw another doctor within the Oband medical group, and the new Dr. took about about .5 cc (1/2 a cc) out. Boy oh Boy, did it make all the difference! I can finally eat!! (Starting with mushies!!) and Drink!! I'm so happy right now! Pain free and Loving it!
  13. Tanya_cotto


    I see ABS! Hooray!
  14. Tanya_cotto

    I Can Eat! (A Little)

    So i had an unfill that made me very very happy (although the Dr. looked pissed i asked for one (( not one on profile, other Dr.))) I still regurgitate at least once a day, but i am able to eat real food, but only after about 3:30pm, before then i get stuck. Tried oatmeal this morning, able to get about 1/3c down before i slimmed. Had an accident at the movie theater (described below) that has left me bruised and battered, so walking is an issue, much less working out! bah!! Story: You know when you walk up the stairs in the movie theater? picture the first seat next to the aisle. right behind the seat (or the back of the seat) next to the stairs is a small triangle shape where the seat doesn't fit all the way. yeah that spot, right there... So, i'm walking up said stairs and i take a miss step only to have my leg (up to the top of my knee) fall through that triangle. its a very small triangle for a 5'3 249lb woman. i didn't touch the ground because my fat stop me. My leg is bruised from my calf to my knee. the joint is swollen and it still hurts to walk. And i'm convinced that if i had not been wearing my cowgirl boots my ankle, leg or knee would have been fractured or broken. Yeah, FML
  15. Tanya_cotto

    Dip, Lick And Trying Not To Vomit

    I feel the same! Although i have some fear of certain foods (i remember really bad stuck episodes) i still have some trouble eating fruits and veggies, but i've been able to get down lots and lots of tomato soup from trader joe's! yummers!
  16. Tanya_cotto

    Dip, Lick And Trying Not To Vomit

    So today's meal consisted of Lentil soup But since i can't eat with out regurgitating, i just dipped the spoon in the broth, licked it clean and repeated a few times. took a good 20 mins to "eat" 3 spoonfuls I've been working really hard at it today and i have not vomited yet! Yay! no vomit! Although I did get stuck! Spring break officially over in 2 hours then back to the grind! I have to get my shakes ready and maybe some emergency juice. No food though ;( Oh, how i miss my midday spinach salad with 7 grape tomatoes! mmm...tomatoes. Is it weird that I've been having really funky dreams? Some food related, some just really out there? also, how much should a lapbander be eating? oz wise? how much fluid? carbs? fats? veggies/fruits? protein i know is between 60-80g
  17. Tanya_cotto

    That's Not Real Food

    Oh, home made bread! yummers. you can also buy soy flour that is higher in fiber and protein and sub it in or mix it with organic unbleached flour. great taste!
  18. Another Unfill! Hooray!!

  19. Tanya_cotto

    Dip, Lick And Trying Not To Vomit

    thanks for advice! I also take lots and lots of Fluids!
  20. Tanya_cotto

    Food Portions Questions.

    I forgot to ask, when referring to ounces, are we talking liquid ounces volume ounces or weight ounces? Lots of great advice here! Got a run around answer from a nurse today she basically said to try and stick to the diet i got when i was discharged. No one mentioned that to me before hand!
  21. Tanya_cotto

    Port Location

    Mine was placed inside my belly button slightly to my left Felt mine the day of surgery since i'm impatient and wanted to know if i could feel the band inside of me (yes, i can)
  22. Tanya_cotto

    Post Op Day 4

    yay! Just try not to do too much too fast! I went for a 2 hour walk day after surgery! Remember to rest as often as you need it! Welcome to Bandland!
  23. Tanya_cotto

    Too Tight, Ruby, And Not Loosing Weight.

    I do watch my calories, i use the Lose It app on my phone and nook to keep track of all my foods in ( fats, calories, protein, fat, etc) I've been around 1350 a day but my general doctor says 1800, my surgeon says 1500, but since my last fill I've been averaging about 150/day. Mostly tea, some juice when my blood sugar gets low.
  24. Tanya_cotto

    Too Tight, Ruby, And Not Loosing Weight.

    Uh! So i got a new fill on Thursday with fluoroscopy i got 1 cc but ended up regurgitating water so .25 was taken out. I was supposed to do two days liquid 2 days soft foods but have barely been able to drink enough liquids to stay hydrated. I've had a headache for 2 days now. I'm calling early tomorrow morning, hoping for a same day appointment for an unfill. I've been re-watching Ruby episodes on Netflix to inspire me to keep at it and not give up, but in reality its been about 6.5 months since my surgery and i'm 4 pounds down. Total is 35pounds down since my heaviest, but still, 4 pounds! I exercise, i eat a low cal - low fat semi-organic diet , I've been working on my garden over the last few years to grow some of my own fruits, veggies and herbs and Still BUMPKINS! I'm so discouraged! I really wanted to be a size 16 by my birthday ( 4-14) But i'm still hovering at a size 20. I don't know what else i can do. My Dr. is talking about waiting another 6 months before considering a revision surgery. I Don't even know if that's something that i want to consider. I'm so embarrassed FML.
  25. I've told my parents, sister and an older cousin (who is also overweight). Sadly, the only one who has not told me that i took the easy way out (Mom)or that i'm not loosing fast enough (dad) or that i'm not going to succeed (sister) has been my older cousin since we have both had weight struggles all of our lives. The few friends i have told have been surprisingly supportive and even know of more people my age (24) that have had the surgery. In the end in know that i did this for me, so that one day i can be healthy and not have to shop at specialty stores or be concerned when i'm dating, or getting ready to start a family. I still have issues with self doubt, but i'm working threw them. =)

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