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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by dmg223

  1. dmg223

    Fill Me Up Already!

    I would try adding protein into each of your meals, that will keep you fuller for longer. Are you eating the specified amounts of food given by your surgeon? I follow a strict plan from my surgeon of 2 protein shakes a day plus one meal that consists of 3 oz lean protein & 6 oz veggies. After I finish my protein I judge my hunger level and see if I need to continue on to the veggies, most of the time I don't need to finish them. I am 8 weeks post-op and have not gotten any fills (although I know I was given 4 cc at time of surgery). What I keep telling myself is "Just because you can eat it, doesn't mean you should". As far as getting a fill so close to going on your cruise I probably wouldn't do that. Not sure If all Dr's do this but mine requires 24 hour clear liquids, 2 days protein shakes only, 2 days mushy foods, then finally back to regular foods. I know I wouldn't want to be bothering with all that while one vacation! Good Luck!
  2. 34.5 lbs gone in 2 months!!

  3. I am 8 weeks post-op and have not had a fill yet. I know 4 cc was put into my 10cc band during surgery and so far that is working very well for me. The nurse practicioner I see says that can change at any moment and if I start feeling like what I am eating is not holding me over for a while to come in for a fill.
  4. dmg223

    Best Low Carb Protein Shakes??

    I use EAS Carb Advantage and I know Muscle Milk Light also has low carbs but I'm not a huge fan of that one. Good Luck!
  5. 9 more lbs and I can finally say I have LESS then 100 lbs to lose! :-)

  6. dmg223


    I hate those days where I feel like I can totally eat what ever is not nailed down. Luckily I am on a BC pill that only gives me my TOM every 3 months so I will only have to deal with that bottemless pit feeling 4x a year! Haven't had my period yet since being banded, will be interesting to see how my body now reacts with the band :-)
  7. My highest weight ever has been 265 (I'm 5'0) and I weighed in at 260 on the day of surgery 2 months ago. Stepped on the scale this morning and could not believe the scale now reads 229!!! I have not seen this decade of numbers in YEARS! Loving every second (even the hard ones) of this journey :-)
  8. dmg223

    #'s on the scale

    I have not had any fills yet but I know 4cc was put in my band at time of surgery.
  9. dmg223

    #'s on the scale

    Thanks for all the awesome words of support & encouragement, they mean a lot!! Good job is in order for all of us on the path to living & being healthier :-)
  10. In a whole new decade of numbers on the scale that I have not seen in years!! WooHoo!!

  11. I was banded on June 8th and had to do clear liquids for 5 days post-op before being allowed to add in protein shakes for 2 full weeks. I remember at about 1 1/2 weeks post-op I thought I was going crazy! All I wanted to do was chew something! I was ready to throw the stupid protein shakes out the window LOL. Every commercial on tv was had something to do with food, I was going crazy. Right after that weekend I was completely fine. Its like a rite of passage for those of us who are banded, you just come out stronger on the other end. When it was time to switch to mushy foods I thought it was the happiest day of my life!
  12. I am just shy of 8 weeks post-op and I am down 30 lbs. I know that 4 cc's was put into my band at the time of surgery. I am also trying to take a more conservative approach to the fills. When I went for my 6 week check last week the NP agreed that I did not need a fill since I am lasting 3-4 hours between meals without getting hungry ( and I am eatiing a lot less then you due to very strict guidelines from my physician). It sounds like you do not need one right now, but the NP did warn me that could change at any time and to make sure you are aware of any chages in your hunger. Good Luck!
  13. I am 8 weeks post-op and had saline put into my band at surgery (4 cc). I measure out my foods for the one real meal I eat a day, 3 oz lean Protein & 6 oz veggies. I eat my protein first then move on to veggies and finish what I can. Some days I eat all that while other days I can not finish. For right now I believe I am at my sweet spot. Of course there are certain days too that I want to eat more but I do not. Just because you can eat more does not mean that you should. Are you measuring out your meals? Did your surgeon/dietician give you a specific meal plan to follow?
  14. dmg223

    Lap Band Blogs?

    Great blog! I started one too right after surgery, feel free to check it out :-) Good Luck on your journey! http://danaslapbandjourney.blogspot.com/
  15. I ate out for the first time this weekend since being banded 7 weeks ago. I went to Ruby Tuesdays, they had a great salmon filet with grilled shrimp on it (asked for the asian peanut sauce on the side) and they have a ton of new sides being offered. I got roasted spaghetti squash and sliced tomatoes. Put half the meal in a take out box as soon as it came to the table and still wasn't even able to finish the half left on my plate! Restaurants are like a whole new ball game to me now since I can no longer order all the junk I am used to having!
  16. dmg223

    reward for reaching my goal weight

    I decided I was going to reward myself for getting to certain weights, not just my goal. I picked up a pair of cute earrings when I hit 25 lbs last week, and my next goal of 50 I plan on getting a(nother) small tattoo. I haven't picked anything else out for 75,100, 125, and my goal of 140 :-) I also decided that these rewards would be something tangible, something I can hold in my hand (or look at on my body) and say " I got this when I reached ____ goal". Although the cruise sounds like a great idea for reaching my end goal!
  17. I am 7 1/2 weeks post-op and last week started working out at the gym with a trainer. I was under the impression that 6 weeks post-op you can resume abdominal excercises. Monday I had an appt with the nurse praciticioner at the bariatric office who said that I can no longer do crunches forever and have to be careful with other ab moves as well. Anyone else told this as well? I am aware that the port if stitched into my abdominal wall and that I have to be careful but how can I accomplish a good work-out of my abs then? Any suggestions?
  18. Went to my support group tonight that is run by one of the nurses from the bariatric office and asked her about the exercises. She explained that the only one they really want me to stay away from is going from a laying down (flat on back) to a full sitting up position. That move is uncomfortable for me anyway so I guess really nothing to worry about :-)
  19. dmg223


    Follow the recommendations given to you by your surgeon/dietician. Right now it may be all about willpower. You have to remember, just because you can eat anything you want right now doesn't mean you should :-) Good luck!
  20. Love her but have only seen her passing in the halls since surgery. I think my next appt is with her bc I made it 1st thing in the morning and im pretty sure she is the only one there.

    Luckily I haven't needed a fill yet but Jeannie said that can change at any time and to be aware of it

  21. Thanks ladies for your response!
  22. I am 31 and was banded 6/8/11. I was concerned about the same thing and brought that up to my surgeon. He says that I am young and my skin should have very good elasticity so it shouldn't be a problem. I have started working out at the gym recently to help make sure I do not end up with a lot of excess skin as well.
  23. dmg223

    Pain from Band

    I was banded on June 8th of this year. I woke up from surgery with terrible pain in my left shoulder from the air they pump in to you but now 7 weeks later I will still get that pain on occasion. It could go away for days then all of a sudden be back, hoping it goes away soon because it is getting very annoying lol .
  24. 25 lbs down...might be time to pick up a few new shirts!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
