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Terry H.

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Terry H.

  1. I have the glue closure on my incisions. I take a shower every day and just pat dry my incision areas. The glue is just now starting to flake and I had my surgery Oct 10. So I wouldn't worry. Note that I don't stand in the shower in a way that exposes the area very long or directly in the path of the shower. Just enough to get the area wet before soaping up gently and then to rinse the soap off.
  2. The reviews on the web page looked good to me. I ordered some and I'll post how it turns out.
  3. It's been 18 days since my surgery. Down another 14 pounds and doing well. Feeling better every day! I'm having my first get together with friends tonight. Planning on having hummus for dinner at the restaurant. Wish me luck!

  4. Terry H.

    October 10 Sleevies!

    Hi guys. I'm sleeved and doing fine. In the hospital for 2 nites (I was behind on fluids so they kept me an extra night...best thing and I'm glad for it). No problems so far. I don't like dealing with the drain, but other wise every day I'm feeling better. sip sip sip, walk walk walk, sleep when you can. Best to all. Terry
  5. Ask them if they can hold their breath for 30 seconds. Then when they say yes, ask if they can hold their breath for 50 years. Starvation has always been considered torture but people really believe that a lifetime of starving ourselves while feeing hungry should be a-OK and is just a matter of will power. Ain't gonna happen. Our biology works against it at every level. Only by altering our biology can the majority of us change the game. At least that's my current opinion.
  6. I'm all set to go with just a few appointments before my October 10 kickoff to my new life. Any others out there for the 10th?
  7. Terry H.

    Almost There!

    Oct 10 is THE DAY. LSD starts Monday. Let the countdown begin for us!
  8. Terry H.

    5% of 1%?

    Hopefully you can add one more to the ranks here as soon as I get my sleeve date. All hail the invisible pink unicorn!
  9. Had my last mandatory meeting today prior to submission to insurance. Shouldn't be long now until I get approval from insurance and the magic date.

  10. Terry H.

    Broken hearted

    OMG. I'm so sorry. This is what scares me about our healthcare system. We are held captive by our jobs and the whims of management an HR. Hang in there. My thoughts are with you.
  11. Terry H.

    Could it be gout?

    This is a pretty good summary of Gout. http://www.umm.edu/p...ut_000093_2.htm I have flare ups from time to time but its mostly controlled with a daily dose of Allopurinal. For me, it hits my toes, ankles, and heels most often, usually only presenting in one joint at a time (thank goodness). If you suspect gout, GO TO A DOCTOR! My first time I didn't know what was happening and my ankle was swollen to the size of a cantalope between the time I realized it wasn't a sprain and the time I made it to the Doctor's office (just one day). It is very painful, I don't get bruising but I do get swelling and redness. As the article points out, a bedsheet is too much pressure to bear on a full on attack. I hope for your sake (and I'm sure your husband will bear this out) that it isn't gout but something more immediate. The bruising is, I think, unusual.
  12. Hi Everyone. I'm new to the forum (been lurking for a while). I'm working toward a sleeve hopefully in September or October. I currently weigh about 411 pounds and am on a 3 month program to meet Aetna requirements. I am excited and frightened by the prospect of the surgery and the expected results and lifestyle change. All of you here are inspirational. I'm not a big sharer but that may be one of the changes that I need to make on my journey. I'll post more as I work through the hoops!
  13. Thanks guys. I've really been impressed with how people here are responsive and willing to share.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
