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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mayburyb

  1. mayburyb

    10 Weeks Post-op

    It has been almost 5 weeks since I have had my Op and I too am a little disappointed as I can eat way to much food I know that I have to have my first fill hoping that hen i do the amount that I can eat will be smaller , I too am having trouble trouble keeping myself until control I find it hard when the food is cooking it is the smells that get to me,if I get hungry I will just eat this is what I was looking for with the banding was to stop the hunger.
  2. Hi I had my Op 4 weeks ago I have had no pain at all but get a bit of gas just burp and its gone,I feel that I am lucky.
  3. Hi I had my Op 4 weeks ago I have had no pain at all but get a bit of gas just burp and its gone,I feel that I am lucky.
  4. Just found this site need some one to talk to about how they are going. I was160kgs at my heaviest seen my Dr is February was 154.5kg when on Opitfast until I had my Op 134kg so had a good loss before banding I am now 129.5kg this morning, I am on solid food now for the first week it was liquid then the food was blended ,not having any trouble with food going down I need adjustment as I am sure that i am eating to much,not want to put any weight back on, have a little trouble with gas no to bad . Going to see my Dr on Wednesday so hoping to have it done then. I find that the smell of food cooking gets to me the banding has help with the amount that I can eat but the smell of food still gets to me I would love to eat it all of it, need to get my mind banded as well.

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