So far, I've only told my husband, my parents, my sister and I'm telling my brother this week. They all love me and have seen me struggle my whole life with being overweight and they are very very supportive. I've told a couple people at work, but only bc I was hoping they could be banded along with me. Sadly, their insurance doesn't cover it and they can't afford to pay out of pocket(which i can't either, but luckily my insurance covers 100%)
I'm worried about the people that are skinny and have never really had to deal with weight issues and the people that have at some point in their life been overweight and eventually lost the weight(whether it be by dieting and excercise or diet pills) I myself know I am not taking the easy way out(that was made even more clear in my 1st nutrition appt), but I know there is a certain stipulation by society that weight loss surgery is an "easy way out". I just feel I have dealt with criticism my whole life about being overweight and now I'm afraid I will get criticism for doing something about it. I have no intentions to lie about it, but I have no intentions of posting it on my twitter either...