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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SimplyClassyStephanie

  1. SimplyClassyStephanie


    Hello, I just had my initial doctors appt to ask my doctor if I would be a good fit for Lab Band, how I am awaiting a call about orientation. Kinda nervous and kinda scared to talk to my family. I told my husband I was looking into it and he had mixed feelings and felt I can lose the weight on my own, but I've done it several times and it has always come back. I told my mom and she was the positive reinforcement I needed, however, it is still embarressing for me to talk about for some reason?
  2. SimplyClassyStephanie

    SimplyClassyStephanie's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!
  3. SimplyClassyStephanie


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
