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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ZiggyStardustGirl

  1. ZiggyStardustGirl

    Burp Problems

    I got my band a year ago and things have been good. But recently I've been having this problem with burping constantly! I feel like I have a huge burp stuck just waiting to get out. It gets even worse when I'm in bed at night. And this gas makes it hard to breathe. I have no idea what caused it or how to get rid of it! I told my doctor two weeks ago and he said it's probably too tight, so he loosened it for me and I thought that did the trick, but NO. I've been careful with how I eat- I don't even get super hungry, I've cut down on salt ALOT, I've been working out, I've been drinking alot of liquids; I tried the chewable Gas-X, Pepto, Tums, Mylanta, and nothing works! I have an appointment with the doc this Saturday, and I REALLY hope that he doesn't loosen the band again! Anywho, has this happened to anyone, and does anybody know what I should do???
  2. ZiggyStardustGirl

    4th Fill, Hungry And Scared

    I had my 4th fill yesterday, and I was extremely hungry! I kept having liquids but my stomach was still rumbling, so I thought I'd take a small bite of solid food and I felt okay. This is freaking me out! I can feel a bit of restriction right now, but it's been a long while since my last fill so I don't remember if I was this hungry before. I'm so scared that something is wrong The port moved and the doctor had to find it, but he found it, and I could feel the injection into the band, but I'm feeling super paranoid! Is this normal?
  3. ZiggyStardustGirl

    My sister and Me

    From the album: Crystal011888's Before and After Pics

    That's my tiny sister on my right. Now I'M the hot one!
  4. Its been a while since Ive been on here but I have now lost 50 POUNDS!!! I am high on life!

  5. ZiggyStardustGirl

    Crystal011888's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!
  6. ZiggyStardustGirl


  7. ZiggyStardustGirl

    Vegas, July 2011 -25 pounds

    From the album: Crystal011888's Before and After Pics

    This is me (on the left) and my cousin (on the right) in our hotel room in Las Vegas. This is the most recent picture of me and I lost 25 pounds when this was taken
  8. 30 pounds!! I've loste 30 freakin pounds!! It feels amazing :D

  9. Got my second fill. I have lost 27 pounds!!!

  10. Hey, I just wanted to let you know that my first fill was totally fine since you were curious :) How are you? Has the bleeding on your incision stopped? I hope all is well!

  11. Just got back from having my first fill. It really was quick and painless! I'm going to be on liquids today and tomorrow, then soft food, then back to regular food. I hope I survive! Lol

  12. I get my first fill tomorrow, it's actually happening this time! I'm so nervous! I'm nervous about how I'm gonna feel afterwards and I'm nervous about what I'll be able to eat. I hope I won't have to be on only liquids for several days like some people :( I am SO asking my doctor about all this tomorrow!

  13. The doc wasn't in today so I get my first fill NEXT weekend

  14. Tomorrow's my first fill. I'm nervous about what to do afterwards when it comes to eating. I don't want to do anything to mess this up!

  15. Thanks! I'll let you know how it is :) And yeah Dr. Gee is doing the fills

  16. Well they got me full just fine. You just gotta keep yourself busy so it can take your mind off food. I'm going to the Long Beach office for my fill

  17. Hey! It's going good. I get my first fill this Saturday :) I know it sucks that you can't eat anything but just stay strong. Eat some sugar free jello or popsicles. Those are a gift from heaven! It'll get a little easier when you move on to full liquids. Sugar free pudding is pretty filling. And be sure to get up and walk. That'll help keep your mind off the hunger

  18. ZiggyStardustGirl

    Soft Food Ideas

    I'll be moving on from full liquids to soft foods this Friday. YAY! And I was wondering what all I can eat, and also any good ideas for recipes. The diet packet I have shows examples and lists of what to eat and not to eat, but it doesn't really have a whole lot of options. I know the obvious things I shouldn't eat, but I want to know if other stuff is okay. Like lean ground beef, spinach, other low fat cheese besides cottage and ricotta, whole grain pasta, salsa... I want to do this diet right but also still eat something that tastes good. Any ideas and suggestions would be very much appreciated!
  19. About to go into week five of regular food and everything's going great so far! I discovered there are some things I can't handle yet. It's not so much that it hurts when I eat it, but it feels heavy. So I know which stuff to avoid at least for now. My first fill is next Saturday! I can't wait :)

  20. Today is my first day on regular food! I'm eating and omlette and so far so good :) I'm just making sure to really pace myself and only have a bite every few minutes, which I think is what I'm supposed to do anyway, and so far it's working really good

  21. This morning I tried on the dress my mom got me for Christmas that I wasn't able too fit in and guess what? IT FITS!!! It's such an amazing feeling!

  22. Hey! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. The cuts are actually really small. The only one that's actually pretty big is the bottom one because that's where they put the access port. And don't worry about the liquid! Those first 3 days are easy because you really don't feel hungry. I'm on my last day of mush food :)

  23. Started on soft food today! It's a little harder than I thought. I'm actually really nervous because I don't want to risk my health, so I'm taking super small bites and I'm eating as slow as possible, I just hope I do this right!

  24. Hi, thanks for friending me! You're going to love Dr. Gee! He's so cool, so nice, he made me very relaxed and comfortable on the day of my surgery. I was so nervous and scared, but everything turned out great :) I haven't had my first fill yet, I have to wait a few weeks. Good luck on your surgery!

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