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About meldramatic

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  • Birthday 01/31/1983

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  1. Happy 30th Birthday meldramatic!

  2. Happy 29th Birthday meldramatic!

  3. meldramatic

    Did I flip my port?!

    Good news! I spoke with the nurse today and she said that they have had maybe three flips in the time theyve been doing it. They actually sew the ports into the stomach muscles really really well. She said the pain I am feeling is normal.
  4. So I am 6 days post op and I have been having the most pain when sitting at a 90 degree angle. Today I bent over as a reflex too fast and hard and it hurt soooo bad at the port site. Now I have a dull pain that won't go away. Is it possible to flip it by bending over? I'm nervous that I messed up already?
  5. I am day six post surgery and I love water. I am not drinking enough because I want to drink it not sip it. I have caught myself guzzling and it doesn't hurt me. If that's the case, is it ok to drink it like that or do I still need to sip? Thanks.
  6. Welcome to the Lap Band Talk forums meldramatic! Stop lurking and please introduce yourself in our introduction forum! Don't be shy!!! ;-)

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