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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ebby42299

  1. Ebby42299

    December Sleevers??

    I had sleeve surgery on 12/21, doing pretty good
  2. Ebby42299

    December Sleevers??

    Hi, I had sleeve surgery on 12/21, with each day it gets better,
  3. Ebby42299

    December Sleevers??

    I am scheduled for Dec 21st, I am very excited, I had the lap band for 5 yrs but had to have it removed due to thyroid cancer but I am cured from that and looking forward to the next chapter in my life!!!
  4. There r some days I think I would feel better if I could just beat someone's head into the wall, but that would probably get me jail time and I do not look good in stripes!!! Lol

  5. I have my TT and breast lift scheduled for 6/12/13, very excited but getting kind of nervous now since it is almost here

  6. Due to slow or stopped traffic it took me over an hour to get to work today.FUN :(

  7. So very happy, happy, happy that today is Friday!!!!!

  8. Had ice coffee today with almond joy creamer, at first it was good, but after a while it felt like I was drinking coconut hand lotion -- yucky

  9. I went in to the doctors office the other day for a consult on a Tummy Tuck. I had my lapband surgery in August 2011 and i have lost 85 lbs, i have this apron of sagging skin that i just want removed. After talking with the doctor it was decided that i am going to get a Tummy Tuck, lipo around the sides and a breast lift. I would really like to have my hips lipo but maybe next time. Doctor said it would take about 3 hrs and i would be out of work 1 - 2 weeks. They are doing a special now with financing so i can get this all completed for about $7500. I thought that was pretty good. What does everyone one else think? I have not schedule this yet but my husband says if i want to get it, then i should get it done whatever makes me happy.
  10. My Abdominoplasty and Mastopexy - T is scheduled for June 12th, excited but nervous too

  11. Who gets up to go to garage sales @ 7 am??? My addicted husband Darald Osborne, love u honey.

  12. Happy 15th anniversary to my wonderful husband Darald Osborne, looking forward to many many more .

  13. Last day of work this week, then I am off for 5 days, yea!!!!!

  14. So ready for the weekend!!!

  15. Ebby42299

    Start Exercising

    It was a year on 8/26/12 that i had my LBS, i have already lost 70 lbs, but would like to lose about 50 more and tone up all of my fat. I have basically not exercised at all. So i decided i would get serious about getting into shape and losing the rest of the weight. I joined Title Boxing Club on tuesday. I love it!!! They have boxing and kickboxing classes, each class is 60 minutes long and very intense. They say that you can burn 1000 calories an hour. I have been to 2 boxing classes this week, they do a mixture of boxing, cardio and abs exercising. I know i am not burning the 1000 calories yet because half the stuff i cannot do, but i try. My questions is how often do you think i should exercise like this? I was thinking 3-4 times per week with a mix between the 2 types of classes. Right now i am very sore but that is becuase my body is rebeling (lol) but i know it will get better each time. I just want to get other opionions. thanks,
  16. On way home from Orlando I had to pull completely off road for President Obama's Motorcade to go by, very tight security. May not agree with his views but it was neat sight to see.

  17. Why r baseball games soo loooong?????

  18. Ebby42299

    100 Lbs Gone.

    Wow that is amazing, what have you done to lose so much weight so fast???
  19. 1 yr ago yesterday my husband and i had lapband surgery. I am currently down 69 lbs. I am very happy with the progress i have made, just need to get serious about exercising to lose the rest and tone up.

  20. Horrible migraine since yesterday just will not leave completely.time to take more meds- night night

  21. Never know who u will see. Kris Kristofferson is here watching wrestling. Wow

  22. Welcome to the Land of Lincoln and Casey IL. So glad to finally arrive.

  23. Back in Indiana

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
