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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Ebby42299

  1. I went in to the doctors office the other day for a consult on a Tummy Tuck. I had my lapband surgery in August 2011 and i have lost 85 lbs, i have this apron of sagging skin that i just want removed. After talking with the doctor it was decided that i am going to get a Tummy Tuck, Lipo around the sides and a breast lift. I would really like to have my hips lipo but maybe next time. Doctor said it would take about 3 hrs and i would be out of work 1 - 2 weeks. They are doing a special now with financing so i can get this all completed for about $7500. I thought that was pretty good. What does everyone one else think? I have not schedule this yet but my husband says if i want to get it, then i should get it done whatever makes me happy.

  2. It was a year on 8/26/12 that i had my LBS, i have already lost 70 lbs, but would like to lose about 50 more and tone up all of my fat. I have basically not exercised at all. So i decided i would get serious about getting into shape and losing the rest of the weight. I joined Title Boxing Club on tuesday. I love it!!! They have boxing and kickboxing classes, each class is 60 minutes long and very intense. They say that you can burn 1000 calories an hour. I have been to 2 boxing classes this week, they do a mixture of boxing, cardio and abs exercising. I know i am not burning the 1000 calories yet because half the stuff i cannot do, but i try. My questions is how often do you think i should exercise like this? I was thinking 3-4 times per week with a mix between the 2 types of classes. Right now i am very sore but that is becuase my body is rebeling (lol) but i know it will get better each time. I just want to get other opionions.


  3. I did not throw up at all yesterday, which for me is a victory. I can only eat about 1/4 - 1/2 cup of anything. Yesterday i tried being extra slow and taking even smaller bites and counting to like 30 before the next bite and it seemed to help. I go back to the dr on June 5th so i am going to try to manage until then.

  4. I have been banded since 8/26/11, i have 2.3 cc of Fluid in my band and i have lost 60 lbs so i am very happy with my lap bad, but ever since i started getting filled i have trouble keeping "real foods" down. I drink Protein Shakes, Soup, yogurt, sugar free puddings, etc. When i try to eat any kinds of meat such as fish, chicken or veggies i usually end up throwing up. I am starting to feel like i am bulimic. My husband says i try to eat too fast but even when i try to eat slow i still have problems, my doctor does not seem to concerned about it. Does anyone else have this problem?

  5. great article. I have been banded since 8/26/11 and i have only 2 fills at 2.3 cc. I am down 57 lbs. but i find eating solid food to be very difficult and frustrating. I pb a lot. My husband was banded at the same time and he says i try to eat to fast. The "healthy" food is the hardest to get down, especially meats. I eat a lot of Soups, yogurt, sugar free puddings, frozen yogurt and Protein Shakes. I probably pb 3-5 times a week. Will this stop? what will happen if i keep having this problem?

  6. sounds like you are too tight.... did you drink Water before you left the Doctors Office?

    yeah i drank Water before i left, that when he went from trying to put in 3 cc's to 1.5. This is the only fill that i have ever got. I can keep liquids down at the moment. I am going to wait until Monday and if its not better i will call the doctor. You wouldnt think 1.5 cc would be too much.

  7. I had my first fill on Wednesday. The doctor tried to put 3 cc's in the band but it was too tight and i could not handle it so he ended up just putting in 1.5 cc. My doctor says he wants his patients on 2 days Clear Liquids and 2 days full liquids after fill. I tried to have a very small amount of Tomato Soup with some crackers in it last night and i ended up throwing up. then this morning i tried to eat some eggs and threw up. Is this normal? I hate this feeling. It makes me frustrated and scared because now all i want to do is just drink stuff because i do not want to throw up anymore. Has anyone else had this problem??

  8. So I went for my first fill today and the Dr. Tells me that my port is flipped and he cannot do a fill! He said to wait 2 weeks to see if as it heals it flips back or can be manipulated as the scar tissue reduces. But there is greater than a 50% chance I will have to have another surgery to correct it. Has anyone else had to deal with this? Advice is greatly appreciated!

    My husband and I were banded on August 26, 2011, we both went to the doctor yesterday to get our first fills but my port was flipped so i have been scheduled for outpatient surgery tomorrow to have the port fixed. The doctor said that he will put 2 cc's of saline in the band during surgery. My husband received 4 cc's in his band. I am not looking forward to the surgery but i am looking forward to losing more weight so hopefully this will help and i will not be in too much pain. I am hoping to be able to go back to work on Monday.

  9. getting lapband put on friday...Alot of different emotions going thru me excited but nervous. Family is being really supported but have no clue really what this feels like going thru it.

    My husband and I are going to be banded on Friday. My husband is nervous about it but i am excited. I cannot wait to start losing more weight and getting to a "healthy weight"

    Good Luck.

  10. Hi all, i am new to this site. I am 44 years old, happily married to my husband for 13 years. Most of my life i was a size 12 but then in 1992 i got an office job and i started to gain a little weight, but then in 2003 i got very sick had sinus surgery and lung surgery and was diagnosed with a disease called Wegner's Granulomatosis Disease. My local doctor put me on massive amount of Cytoxin and 80 mgs a day of Prednisone. Needless to say i started gaining a lot of weight. I switched to a doctor at the Cleveland Clinic who changed my meds and my disease is now in remission since 2004 but i gained 100 lbs while i was on Prednisone for 2 years. I have been trying to lose weight on my own since then but i get it off and it comes back on. When i lived in IL i was thinking about getting gastric bypass surgery but after i moved to Florida i found out about the Lap band. My doctor is Dr Grossbard. Both my husband and i went through the 6 months, required for insurance, weight loss, and now we are scheduled to have our surgery on August 26, 2011. I am 5' 9" and weigh 275 lbs, my husband is 6' 1" and weights 295 lbs. We are in Day 3 of the 2 week liquid pre-diet which has been very hard for my carb loving husband, i am doing ok on it. I am excited to have this surgery. A little nervous, but i hope i can get through these next 2 weeks on this diet. It is very hard. Need lots of encouragement.

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