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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Ebby42299

  1. This has been a very long and busy week, need sleep

  2. Hate rush hour traffic

  3. On my way to Miami area 2 see my BFF

  4. So glad it is Friday!!!

  5. When on a 2 lane express way, why is that slow people, that r not even driving the speed limit, insist on driving in the left lane??? Seriously people!!! U r testing my patience today!!!!

  6. Cannot sleep, i know i am going to regret being up this late tomorrow

  7. Ready for this day and week to be over

  8. SUV still broken down but I got to drive Darald's truck - pretty cool.

  9. Ebby42299

    Restriction: the Holy Grail

    great article. I have been banded since 8/26/11 and i have only 2 fills at 2.3 cc. I am down 57 lbs. but i find eating solid food to be very difficult and frustrating. I pb a lot. My husband was banded at the same time and he says i try to eat to fast. The "healthy" food is the hardest to get down, especially meats. I eat a lot of soups, yogurt, sugar free puddings, frozen yogurt and protein shakes. I probably pb 3-5 times a week. Will this stop? what will happen if i keep having this problem?
  10. I am down 10 lbs. for this month, very excited!!!

  11. Got fridge fixed today, now waiting to see how much more the suv is going to drain the bank account

  12. Transmission went out of SUV, now refrigerator has quit, very frustrating!!!

  13. The Avengers movie is great. Saw it today

  14. My housekeeper has the weekend off so I am stuck with the household chores, yuk

  15. Glad it is Friday, but it is going to be a long day. Have to be at work at 7:15 am and last meeting ends at 5 pm. Yuck

  16. Hate rush hour traffic,,,,people drive crazy!!!!!!

  17. Had lunch @ chick fil a with my hubby

  18. Bike riding, swimming, now lunch, been a busy active day so far

  19. Spending the day with the husband -- nice.

  20. I have 5 meetings today so hopefully the day will go by fast.

  21. By the time I get home from work most days I am "brain dead". I need a personal secretary to take care of my bills and mail :(

  22. I want a horse or a place to go horseback riding.

  23. Out trying to find some bargins

  24. I had Monday off so u would think the week would be short but it has seemed to drag on forever!!!

  25. Working 4 the weekend :)

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