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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by PatienceMom3

  1. PatienceMom3

    September Bandsters

    Lisalee I am not overly tall 5'6" I was always told that I don't look my weight. Again I truely appreciate all the writings that have taken place. It's so nice to see that so many people are in the same boat. I go back to the obesity clinic on Tuesday and see my surgeon for a fill on Wednesday then I will get an accurate weight. I too need to remember that this is a two year process. Thanks again
  2. PatienceMom3

    September Bandsters

    Hi Everyone, just found this part of the site. It was great reading different entries from people banded the same time as me. I was banded September 14 by Dr. Connie Campbell in NH. I went from a size 20 263LB's to a size 12 190 LBS. I have been working my butt off (literally) at the gym. I was going 4 times a week (very hectic end of the school year hope to get back next week) and just joined a womens softball team. I sometimes get discouraged about the slow weight loss but I see that I am in the same boat as many of you. I wish I had known about this link back in September. Thanks for the inspiration. I will check back soon.
  3. PatienceMom3


    Hello I am new to to this site and have enjoyed reading many of the postings. I was banded in September at a starting weight of 263 lbs and have lost a total of 44 lbs. I started back at the gym right after Christmas. I am confused about the lack of weight loss after starting to work out. I work out about 4 times a week I am doing the elliptical for 30 minutes and the treadmill for another 30 minutes. I am averaging over 600 calories burned in the hour that I am there. I have lost NOTHING since going to the gym. Is anyone else experiencing this? My calorie intake is only around 1000-1200 calories a day. I teach first grade so I am very active during the day keeping up with the kids. Thanks for any help you can give me.
  4. PatienceMom3


    Wow that was quick! They are getting a little looser but since I am still 219 lbs.! I thought the weight would come off as well as the inches. I am down 9 inches (in waist)since September but I am not sure how many since December. Are you or did you go through a similar slump?

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