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MaryKay Sigma

LAP-BAND Patients
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About MaryKay Sigma

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  1. MaryKay Sigma

    Not Losing Weight

    I saw my doctor 2 weeks ago. He scheduled an upper GI to make sure my pouch is not enlarged. Thanks you all for the responses!
  2. I was banded in late December 2009. I have lost only 44 lbs! I did not receive a fill until 4 to 5 months after my surgery. I currently have 12 ccs in a band that holds 14. I have had a hard time sticking to an exercise regiment, and I am truly frustrated. Any suggestions? Someone please help me!
  3. Welcome to the Lap Band Talk forums MaryKay Sigma! Stop lurking and please introduce yourself in our introduction forum! Don't be shy!!! ;-)

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