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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CountryGirlatHeart

  1. CountryGirlatHeart

    My Journey

  2. CountryGirlatHeart


    From the album: CountryGirlatHeart

  3. CountryGirlatHeart


  4. CountryGirlatHeart


    From the album: CountryGirlatHeart

  5. CountryGirlatHeart


    From the album: CountryGirlatHeart

  6. CountryGirlatHeart


    From the album: CountryGirlatHeart

  7. CountryGirlatHeart


    From the album: CountryGirlatHeart

  8. I was sleeved back on 10/13/10 and am down 86 pounds and doing great. Joined the gym and enjoying working out now that I have energy. But, I've noticed in the last month or so that my hair is thinning. I find it in the shower, on the bathroom counter and I have to clean the brush out two or three times while styling in the morning. Before surgery my hair was thin but it wasn't falling out or this thin. I know hair needs protein to grow but as most of you know after being sleeved it's hard to get in the amount of protein or even the fluids you need to stay hydrated. But, back on the topic of protein.. I still drink one protein shake for breakfast and I drink of something called a "protein shot" you can get a the Vitamin Shop", which has 42g of protein for a 4oz bottle. So, I think now and within the last two weeks I've been getting the 70g of protein my doctor wants me to get... now my question is will the hair start to regrow once I maintain the daily protein levels? I also have hypothyroidism which can also cause hair loss... double wammy. I haven't see my doctor since the middle of December but i do have my four month check up next week and I'll find out more from him on this hair loss/thinning issue. I am taking Biotein daily but I don't think it's enough. I also have an appointment with my thyroid doctor in two weeks so maybe my thyroid levels are off again. I did not see "you'll go bald" from getting sleeved when I was going through the pre process. Anyone else experiencing the same issues with their hair and if so what did you do? HELP!!!
  9. thanks girls, but i feel like i want to cry with the amount of hair that is falling out. I dread washing it now because I know I'll lose hand fulls. Before surgery it was a lot fuller than it is now but I still have long curly blond hair. I keep thinking maybe a shorter cut would help but I just can't bring myself to got and get it cut off. I'm going to continue with the Biotin and try changing shampoo's and conditioners as well as talk to both my doctors within the next two weeks to see what else I can do. I've been on the Biotin since before surgery and I know it did help with the growth before the procedure but my body has gone through a major shock and still is so I'm hoping that it doesn't last much longer or else I'll really go crazy. My husband said to me yesterday when I mentioned to him that he could start messaging my scalp to help the blood flow that he's noticed the hair in the drain but he didn't want to say anything that he was waiting until I was ready to talk about it - and that unless he wasn't cleaning out the drain he would not know I was losing the amount of hair that I was. Hopefully he's telling me the truth and not just telling me what I want to hear.
  10. Just wanted to post an update as today is the first day I've really felt like turning on the computer. Surgery was last Wednesday, the 13th and it was a success. Dr said the procedure ran a little longer than anticipated due to previous surgery I'd had 30 years ago to remove my spleen and he ran into a lot of scar tissue he had to go through (as if there wasn't enough other stuff in the way like pounds and pounds of fat LOL) but anyway I'm on the mend. Still in a lot of pain but as they say no pain no gain. Didn't expect to come home from the hospital with the drain tube still in but I was happy to be released after two day. Hopefully the tube will be removed on Wednesday when I go in for my one week follow-up. Right now the hardest part is getting the required liquids in to stay hydrated... my doctor only wants me drink 1oz every 15 to 20 minutes so I don't spring a leak... that just sounds funny. Well that all for now... oh and I'll be happy when I drop those extra 7 pounds of fake weight I gained in the hospital due to the bags and bags of fluids they we pumping into me. I didn't work my ass of to lose 31 pounds before surgery to gain 7 pounds of fake weight in less than 48 hours. More to come later. Hope everyone is doing well in their journey.
  11. CountryGirlatHeart

    5 days til surgery and I'm SCARED!!!!

    Thanks everyone for your words encouragement. I know I'[m doing to right thing for me and my health. I just hate putting my family through the stress and the worrying. OMG Wednesday is right around the corner.
  12. As I sit here it's finally hitting me... 5 more days til surgery. WOW it's almost here. I'm nervous and scared. I'm also excited to start the next stage of this journey. But I'm also sitting here thinking will I ever be able to eat the food I enjoy ever again... I guess I'm thinking about that more due to the fact that I've been on all liquids for the last 9 days. Will I be able to eat spicy food again? Both me and my husband enjoy cooking and eating spicy food. The hotter the better is our motto And I'm also stressing about the pain after surgery. I'm not only having the sleeve procedure I'm also having a hiatal hernia repair. I'm a BIG chicken and cannot tolerate pain at all so here we go with worrying about that too. At least I have the support of my husband and parents. My parents will be coming up the day of surgery to sit with him while I'm in surgery. I have to be at the hospital at 6:00 and the surgery is at 7:30 a.m. Not sure if mom and dad will be there before then to see me. Dad is 75 and he supports my decision to have the surgery but he's worried and I know it because he's recently started calling me when he used to have mom call to see how we are doing. I hate putting my family through this stress. And another thing for me to worry about. I need to be medicated.
  13. CountryGirlatHeart

    Tomorrow is the big day!!!

    Best wishes. Keep us posted.
  14. CountryGirlatHeart

    My journey...

    Day 6 of the liquid diet... it SUCKS!!!!!!
  15. CountryGirlatHeart

    My journey...

    Today is day 4 of the liquid diet... 11 more to go. This all liquid diet SUCKS bad. I know I have to do it so surgery on the 13th is a success but it still SUCKS! I think the weekend is going to be the hardest... at least when I'm at work I'm busy and the not sitting here worry about all of this :biggrin0: Last night I had beef broth and jello for dinner while my dear husband had grilled hotdogs and chips... I could have shot him but again he's not the one on this journey, I am. I do have to give him credit... he's been doing two protein shakes as replacement meals with me for breakfast and lunch for the last month so I can't be too upset when he eats dinner and I'm drinking mine. I can't expect him to give up his only meal a day as I've had to do... can I? NO I can't:thumbdown: Ok that's enough for now... time to go have a protein shake :thumbup:
  16. CountryGirlatHeart

    October Surgeries!!

    I'm getting sleeved on the 13th but in Maryland. I've been doing two liquid protein shakes as replacements for breakfast and lunch for the past month... per doctors orders and dropped 12 pounds. I started this journey at 346. Prior to starting the two shakes I had lost 11pounds so right now I'm down a total of 23. I've been on all liquids for the last four days to prepare for surgery, which I have to say totally SUCKS, but it's something we need to do to make the surgery a success! I have to keep reminding myself of that. Best of luck to everyone having surgery in October and those to follow. This is the journey of our lives and we will succeed!!!!!
  17. CountryGirlatHeart

    10 days to go

    Hey Kim -I'm right there with you... I'm having my surgery on the 13th. I'm nervous and excited at the same time. This part of the journey is the hardest... I don't know anyone who enjoys being on a liquid diet but if it makes us healthy and makes surgery a success we'll get through... keep in mind that end result we're looking for. Keep us posted on how things go and best wishes :wink0:
  18. CountryGirlatHeart

    Finally Have a Date

    Congrats on getting your date. The scope is a breeze you may have a scratchy throat after for a day or two but that should be it. I'm finally being sleeved on the 13th and can't wait to start my new journey.:001_smile:
  19. CountryGirlatHeart

    My Hospital Experience

    Mary - thanks for sharing your experience. I'm being sleeved on the 13th so this piece of advice is very helpful.
  20. Getting ready for the all liquids (two weeks before surgery). I start on Wednesday. Just made a double batch of Jello and stocked up on the ready made Protein shakes. Anything else I can make or get to help me through until the big day? I've been reading a lot of the post surgery success stories here and they are all so very encouraging but I need inspiration now to get me through the all liquid part of the pre surgery part of this journey. I've already been doing two Protein Shakes in place of Breakfast and lunch for the last two weeks (per doctors orders) so at least I had dinner to look forward to. Now the only food I've been having for the last two weeks is getting taken away from me... how am I going to survive?:001_tongue: Doctor: Barry Greene Hospital: Shady Grove, Rockville, MD
  21. CountryGirlatHeart

    Surgery in 17 days

    My VSG surgery is in 17 days. I'll start the liquid diet in just three days for the two weeks prior to surgery... any suggestions or words of advice? I know these next two weeks are going to be hard so any advice or words of how you powered through will be so helpful.

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