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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by highland

  1. highland

    Hooray!!!!!!!! 100Lbs Down!!!!!!

    I am so happy! it's a terrible thing what being obese can do to our minds! Very sad! Absolute best wishes on your journey! You WILL lose weight and you WILL have a whole new outlook on life! <3
  2. highland

    Hooray!!!!!!!! 100Lbs Down!!!!!!

    I do wish you amd your family the best in fighting this terrible thing we call obesity! Yuck! My son is 27 and struggles daily with his weight and he's a triathelete and a master diver! Poor thing he got my crummy genes!
  3. I agree!!! Your doctor needs all the information in order to treat you,
  4. highland

    Hooray!!!!!!!! 100Lbs Down!!!!!!

    Thanks everyone! Holly you're awfully close too!! Congrats!
  5. highland

    Fat Turning To Flab ??

    Yep, it's loose skin and extremely difficult to get rid of through exercise, and particularly weight loss. The more I lost the worse it got! I've always had rediculously thin, musculor legs, my only body part I ever liked. Well----- you should see them now!!!!! Yikes! 16 inches at the biggest part of my thigh, and thin horizontal folds of skin almost down to my knees!!!!!! I've worked with a trainer through all of this, And NOTHING has helped! I just had a br and tt 3 weeks ago and plan to do the inner thighs next summer. My plastic surgeon said its weird that my thighs are so tiny and you really don't see the wrinkles when I'm lying down. So I told him I had a solution.....instead of having surgery I would hire some Cabanna Boys to carry me into the pool area on a bed so nobody would see my wrinkly thighs!!!! lol On a more positive note, some people's skin does come back, like jachut's, she looks amazing! Best of luck to you on your continued weight loss, and keep working out!!!!!
  6. Congratulations and best wishes for tomorrow. I had only discomfort with the band, never pain. As for the gas pains, walking is the best remedy! Thr Gas X did nothing for me in that area! See you on the other side!!!!!
  7. Happy to hear you're " taking the bull by the horns", as we say in Texas!! lol I am scared to be getting so close to the maintenance part of all this! Best Wishes to you on your continued journey!
  8. highland

    21 And Hoping To Get The Lap Band

    If you are self pay you will most likely not need to go through the qualifying process that insurance companies require.
  9. NO! Absolutely not. Most PS's will tell you the closer to goal as possible is best, however you also need to think about the weight you personally think will be maintainable for YOU! That's how I looked at it, and my brilliant ps gave me an u believeable result on my breast reduction and abdomoinoplasty. I'm 2 weeks post op and feel amazing! Best decision of my life......after lapband surgery!!!!
  10. I'm amazed at how well I feel pnysically! The breasts are the absolute easiest part.You have the same incision pattern from a lift as you do from a reduction. I was really surprised by that. The hip to hip incisioon from the tt sounds bad but it really doesn't bother me either. The vertical incision to work on my upper abs is the most sore, but oh so worth it. First PS wasn't going to bother with it. So glad I went with the PS my sister works with. It's been wonderful having a 24/7 nurse with me!!!!
  11. highland

    Insurance Cover Tt?

    Hi Cindy! How are you doing???? I haven't heard from you in a while and was wondering how you were doing. Wellllllll I'm actually in Michigan having had a BR and TT at ny sister's hospital in Ann Arbor. It was a great decision for me. I had the surgery laat Friday and of course she's been my own personal nurse through the recovery. I'll be here til June 18. Hope all is well with you!!!!!
  12. highland

    3 Days Post Op

    Glad to know I'm not the only one with the post surgery blues. You'd think we would be over the moon with relief at getting rid of all that excess skin!!!Sometimes I think it's hard realizing that we really are going to be "normal"!!! Best of everything to you cazzy! I say a little prayer everynight for myself and you! We're going to do great !!!!!
  13. highland

    3 Days Post Op

    I am so very happy for you! I'm one week out and feeling good. Just wanting that last drIn out! GRRRRR!!! I'm amazed at how fast the healing is coming along fro. my tt and br. BUT I have major surgery blues! Can't seem to shake it.
  14. Hopefully I'll get brave enough to post pics one day! I've been camera shy for the last 100 pounds so it's a very sensitive subject for me. It feels great to now smile for the camera instead of running for cover!!!!!!
  15. My abdomen feels more bloated than anything. It's pretty cool here in Michigan so the compression garment isn't so bad, just feels tight! ugh! He said I could move toa spanx type garment if I wanted so I will definately be looking into that!
  16. good to hear from you cazzy! Saw my surgeon today, he's thrilled and I'm over the moon with my results. he left two drains in, but my sis, the rn, can pull them this weekend he said.
  17. I see the dr tomorrow. Can't wait to see what he thinks. I am really pleased with how good I look this soon!!!!
  18. It was a very hard decision for me as well. On Friday, May 18, I had both my tummy tuck, and breast reduction done at the same time. I couldn't be more pleased with my decision!!!
  19. I'm just very lucky to have an awesome RN as my sister!
  20. By the way....he took 8+ pounds 31/2 in the br and 41/2 lbs in the abdomen!! Woo Hoo. I guess when the swelling goes down I'll be at 100 pounds lost!! yea me!!
  21. I was a self pay. $15500.00 thus far. I did end up staying overnight in the hopital because the surgery ended up taking 6 hours!!! My sister works in the surgical practice so my ps went above and beyond to give me the best result. I ended up agreeing to a vertical incision so he could shape my upper abdomen as well and tighten the muscles there as well as the lower. I'm only 30 hours post op and can see an awesome reslt. Wow! I'm speechless!!!!
  22. 20 hours post op and doing great! My surgery lasted 6 hours! Pain pumps are a girl's best friend!!!! lol
  23. Good luck to you! you will look amazing!! I'll be in surgery about 5 hours. For the TT I'll have the hip to hip horizontal incision AND a vertical incision to improve my upper stomach. It's kind of freaky isn't it!!!!
  24. Everyone is SOOOO different! Many lose a ton of weight the first month. I only lost 7!!!! YOU WILL definately lose the first month.
  25. highland

    Tt Scar Suggestions

    Yep it's a tummy tuck!!!! lol

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
