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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by highland

  1. highland

    Starvation Mode

    Cazzy and Mis73 spot on!!!! Starvation Mode is sooooo over used on this site. Our bodies need much less calories than we think. I have been under 800 calories for the past year and closer to 600 the past couple of months. If I have a bad week and go up to 900. I either gain or don't lose, but this is just ME. We are all sooo different. Find out what works for you and stick with it.
  2. Protein Shake for lunch. Chicken or Fish and Veggies for dinner. Very plain, but it works for me.
  3. Congratulations on maintaining!!!
  4. highland

    Lost Of My Friend!

    I'm very sorry for your loss. How tragic the story is, but may some learn from it. Fellow bandsters PLEASE CONTACT YOUR DOCTOR when you are experiencing problems. Bandsters on this sight can give wonderful emotional support, however save medical questions for your doctor. Best wishes to you on your upco ing band removal surgery.
  5. highland

    Surgery On The 27Th...so Excited

    Congratulations and best wishes for your journey!
  6. highland

    2 Fills...no Restriction....arrrgh!

    It took me 4 fills to feel ANY kind of restriction, however I always showed a weight loss. My advice is always the same, consistency over time will win the race for you! Also....I always ate like I DID have restriction.
  7. My fills usually lasted about 3 or 4 weeks, hence I was getting fills once a month for about 6 months. Then at 9 mos. my fill lasted and lasted so I haven't gotten a fill for the last 3 months. But realize everyone is VERY different. This has just been my experience.
  8. 30 grams carb. under 20 grams fat.
  9. Good for you! I now cannot wear mine because they fall off me! I'll get them resized when my weight stablizes!
  10. highland

    Hooray! Support For A 32 Bmi!

    June 27th is a GREAT day to have your surgery! It will be my one year bandiversery and I've lost 102 lbs!!!!! 4 more to go. Best of luck to you. I wish I would have done this when I just had 50 to lose.
  11. highland

    So Excited! Tt Four Years After Lapband!

    I just had a tt and br 4 weeks ago and was AMAZED at the little to no pain I had. They inject anesthesia (?) or some type of deadner into your body cavity at the time of surgery so you don't have that immediate pain when you wake up. For my TT I also had a vertical incision so he could repair the muscles in my upper abdomen. Truthfully the sides of that vertical incision was the only thing I felt. It was like I had done 1000 sit ups!! My biggest issue was emotional unrest not pain. Having two major surgeries at once really played mind games on me. I was extremely lucky in that my sister is the head nurse for the practice I used and I stayed with her Fter my surgery so she took care of my drains and the incision care. Good luck and DON'T worry about the pain. Your PS will make certain that is managed. They don't want you in pain because that affects healing.
  12. highland

    So Close

    Maintenance!!!!!! Yikes!!!! Terrified? Me too!!
  13. highland

    Less Than 24 Hours Until Surgery

    Congrats!!!! You're going to love the new you! I'm 4 weeks out from my breast reduction and tummy tuck and I couldn't be happier! it's amazing how fast you heal! Good luck!
  14. highland


    Is he a plastic surgeon?
  15. Never in my wildest dreams did I EVER think I would be writing this post! My one year bandiversary is June 27th and I hit my 100lb, actually 101lb, loss this morning!!!! I am over the moon happy with all the wonderful changes in my life! I am finally living again, and for the first time in a long, long, long, while I actually feel comfortable in my own skin. For all of you newbies out there reading this I encourage you to keep the faith and stay strong in your long journey to your goal. It is SOOOOOO worth it. By the way, I had a breast reduction and abdominoplasty 3 weeks ago and am so happy with the results!!! My best wishes to all bandsters out there!!!!! Loving Life Again, Lisa
  16. highland

    Start Weight 295 Current Weight 174

    Congratulations!!!! Inspiring really!!!
  17. highland

    What Was Your " Ah Ha" Moment?

    I crushed my big toe bones in January 2011 without even knowing it bexauae of my diabetic neuropoathies. When I noticed how vig it was (no pain) I pointed it out to my dr. Well long story short - they were convinced I had a very serious bone infection that would require months of intravenous antibiotics. After 4 MRI's and a surgical bone biopsy they determined I did not have a bone infection. Good news...NO I was diagnosed with "charcot foot", a degenerative bone disease many times brought on by diabetes and obesity. Google it sometime, the images are frightening to say the least!!! I got on my cell phone, in the parking lot of the orthopedics office, and called the bariatric surgeons office told them I would be a self pay and wanted the surgery as soon as possible. I had WLS 5 weeks later! While I will always have charcot foot, I cN hopefully hold off the degenerative part so that my entire foot will not be affected and I cN co tinue my new wonderful life!!!
  18. highland

    Struggle To Get In Enough Calories

    We are all different, however I have logged every bite of food I've eaten for a year now. I averaged around 850 calories in the beginning, but now my intake averages 600 a day. People on here are co stantly saying you need to eat atnleast 1200 to lose weight, but I do what works for me and my doctor agrees! I am 54 and have been on a perpetual diet since I was eight years old. What I am doing now, over time, works for me. I have tried to up my cLories from time to time and it just doesn't work for me. Talk to your surgeon and see what he/she says. They many times feel a little differently about calories than the nutritionists. I eat less than 30g of carb a day and that contributes to my low calorie intake.
  19. highland

    Hooray!!!!!!!! 100Lbs Down!!!!!!

    I have also been inspired by so many on this forum. When I questioned which WLS to have I almost did not choose the band because most of the literature said you would only lose 40% of your excess weight. However it was Lapband Talk that convinced me that losing 100% of your excess weight was possible and for that I will forever be grateful!
  20. highland

    Hooray!!!!!!!! 100Lbs Down!!!!!!

    Yes it did! My surgeon reminded me on my last visit how I cried like a baby having only lost 4lbs the FIRST momth!!!! My average was around 7 or 8lbs per month.
  21. Wow! I can't believe my surgery date is here. I am super excited and nervous all at the same time! My band has been super tight today. I guess my nerves have really tightened it. Wish me luck!
  22. highland

    Hooray!!!!!!!! 100Lbs Down!!!!!!

    Ha! I've been there.....convinced the scale is broken!!!!! lol I'm 54 and have dieted since I was in third grade! I've finally learned that consistency over time is the key to reaching your goal. it seems like simple advice, but just like what your experiencing now with your stubborn scale, don't give in to temptation, just keep plugging along doing the right thing and you WILL reach your goal!!
  23. highland

    Lap Band Removed

    So, so sorry. Heal well and keep the faith.
  24. I lost 4lbs the first month doing everything right! I was sooo depressed! Now here I am today, 2 1/2 weeks shy of my one year bandiversary, and I hit 101lbs lost! I'm so happy! I truely believe consistency over time wins the race! You're doing great, keep up the good work!

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