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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by highland

  1. BTW I did not reach the green zone until 5 months after surgery. Best advice I can give: Always eat like you ARE in the green zone!!!!
  2. 2muchfun-I was NEVER a volume eater, just loved carbs like sweets, pasta, rice, and breads. I was always on a DIET---since thrid grade!!!! I am now 55, and had so many doubts that the band would "work" for me! Well it has, but for a little over a year I dieted like there was no tomorrow!!!! I logged every si gle bite that I put i. my mouth on fatsecret.com. I was sooooo jealous of people like B52 and others who said they never dieted per say and it was so easy for them. It was NOT for me! I recently stopped logging my food because I decided I needed to live normally and stop obsessing over every bite of food!!!! I'm happy to say that I have not gained with this new outlook, but it is still a struggle. While I still do not want to overeat, I crave sweets ALL the time. I've followed your posts and I think you have a really good, and realistic, attitude so you WILLL reach your goal!!!! I believe in you!!
  3. For me, the green zone has been amazing in that I NEVER feel physical hunger anymore! I don't know why this has happened to me with the band, but it has. Unfortunately I still have "head hunger"! I crave sweets as much now as I ever did!!! Today I drank water all day until about six tnen I made a piece of fresh fish my husband caught, salad, and brocolli. I had some sugar free fat free pudding at 8:00. Btw I usually have a 38 gram protein shake around 2:00, just didn't have time today. I shoot for 60 grams of protein everyday. I'm not advocating this style of eating for anyone, but it has worked for me. We are all so very DIFFERENT!!!!!
  4. highland

    Why Am I Stuck?

    Wow Mis73!!!!! How long does it take you to eat 3oz of protein? I am definately in the green zone ( NO HUNGER, can go all day without eating if I want to), and My small bites are at least 15 times what your pictire showed. I NEVER get stuck either. Just goes to show just how different we all are!! Btw I hVe 7.6cc in my 10cc band. Absolutely not critisizing......just WOW!!!! lol
  5. highland

    Surgery Schedulef

    Congratulations! You're going to love this journey!
  6. highland

    Weight Loss At A Hault

    If you're expecting to lose 13 pounds a week you will be very disappointed. The 13lb difference in your scale from one week was most likely water weight which can change daily. Don't be discouraged about the 3-4lb change on the scale. If you follow your dr's diet plan you WILL lose weight, just not as quickly as you would like. Hang in there and remember that band patients are expected to lose 1-2lbs per week IF they follow their diet plans. Good luck!!!
  7. highland

    The Elusive Green Zone?

    7.6 in a 10. Comfortably in the green zone!
  8. 7.66 cc's I am able to comfortably eat ALL foods. I get satisfied very quickly and NEVER experience physical hunger.
  9. highland

    Questions Questions

    FYI- 90% of new banders CAN eat anything they want, however successful bansters make smart choices and DON'T eat anything they want. Also-I have been in the green zone for several months now and I also CAN eat all foods, I just choose not to because I want my weight to stay off!!! Good luck and don't depend on the band to do ALL the work. Unfortunately that's not how it works for most of us.
  10. I'm a year out and I couldn't find my incision sites if I tried! I really wouldn't worry about it. I always figured it was better than my big ole stomach anyay!!! If you scar easiy the above mentioned vit. E oil is what my plastic surgeon reccommened after my BR and TT.
  11. highland

    So Discouraged!!!

    It makes me sad to realize how misinformed band patients are! I'm sorry that your doctor did not explain to you how the band actually works, by helping you to be satisfied on smaller amounts of food AND keeping you from being hungry for longer periods of time. Good luck!
  12. All of your pre op testing will work with a new surgeon. You would just need your current surgeon's office to give you all the results to take with you. They do this all the time; no biggie!
  13. I'm one of the very lucky ones that the band has COMP!ETELY stopped my physical hunger. I NEVER feel hungry anymore, EVER. I sill have head hunger though. Good luck!
  14. highland


    Good luck and happy healing!!!!!
  15. highland

    Post-Op Support

    Good deal!
  16. highland

    Two Weeks

    45 pounds is a tremendous amount of weight to have lost!!! Allow your body some time to recover! Before you know it you'll be losing again! Trust me, because I like many others have been in your shoes.
  17. highland

    Post-Op Support

    I hope you understand that your success with the band will DEPEND on your after care. If you cannot get fills the band will be almost useless. I hate to see people on here who are banded in Mexico and get so frustrated with the band "not working" for them. Please make certain you CAN find a doctor for aftercare BEFORE putting so much on the line.
  18. highland

    Annoyed !

    This is why i only told my family!
  19. highland


    Any change in bowel habits should be addressed with your doctor.
  20. highland

    Smaller Shoe Size?

    I went from a 9 to a 71/2!!!!
  21. highland

    Uh..... Ohh

    The scars are the least of your concerns. I'm just over a year out and you couldn't find my i cision areas wiyh a fine tooth comb! They are completely invisible at this point. As for your mental state right now...... I would really be SURE this is tne right time and that you are ready to make the changes neccessary to be successful. Good luck to you!
  22. highland

    Poinky Stitch

    It's called a spitting stitch, defined correctly by Mis73. Gently pull it out with tweezers. My brother had a spitting stick TWO YEARS after his back surgery!!! Freaky!
  23. highland

    12 Hours Banded

    I'm concerned that you are not even able to get 1oz of water down. Please call your surgeon in the morning if you still can't get fluids down.
  24. highland

    Fills Day Of Surgery

    My band was empty after surgery. People who have a fill at the time of surgery have to be very diligent with their diets. The last thing you want to do in the first days after being banded is throw up!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
