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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by highland

  1. highland

    Not eating much

    How is everything going roziecakes? I had my surgery Monday and have modeled my recovery after you And have done great. Walk, walk, and walk some more. Attitude is 90% of the battle. =) Best wishes sent your way.
  2. highland

    The June Bug Challenge

    Count me in. I was just banded on 6/27 and ready to go!!!!!!!
  3. highland

    Not eating much

    I had surgery on Monday. My surgeon wants me to focus on getting my 64 oz of Fluid down each day. As he says...we can live off our fat stores for 6 - 12 months so we're not going to starve! lol I've just had a couple bites of jello and a few swallows of broth each day and I feel like I'm doing great! I start full liquids tomorrow so I'm looking forward to Protein shakes and creamed soups! Best of luck to you in the coming days. Walk, walk, walk, and walk some more to keep the gas pain at bay!
  4. highland

    Self Pay Jitters

    I am also a self pay and this is my understanding -if complications arise they will step in.
  5. highland

    Big decision -- please help.

    For what it's worrh......DO IT NOW!!!!!! I went the insurance route 5 years ago. I spent my entire summer doing a laundry list of pre op tests. My BMI was 38, highcholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetic. After 5 long months I was denied because weight loss surgery was not a covered item on my policy. No matter what your isssues were! So 5 years latter, 53 years old - I paid my 14,100.00 and was scheduled within the month of my consultation! I had my surgery two days ago and I am thrilled its done and my journey has finally begun. I only wish I had done this 5 years ago!
  6. highland

    1 Week Out...

    I've had anesthesia 3 times before and have completely lost my appetite for at least a week each time.
  7. highland

    Day after surgery

    Yes. I was also banded yesterday. My sister was with me, whose an RN , and she said its from the anesthesia. It has been better today. I've been wLking the neighborhood Nd fine this helps. Hope you continue to do well! Congratulations!
  8. Just a litttle post surgery after note.....I weighed last night after surgery for grins....I had gained a whoping 7 punds from surgery. lol = ). This morning I was only up 2. 5 Thank goodness!
  9. highland

    My first Post-Op posting

    I am so excited for you! I had my surgery today and things could not have gone better. I felt good right after surgery and am feeling really good ! I know you'll do great! Just remember walk, walk, walk, and follow all your doctors orders! =). Let us know how it goes.
  10. highland

    My first Post-Op posting

    I am so excited for you! I had my surgery today and things could not have gone better. I felt good right after surgery and am feeling really good ! I know you'll do great! Just remember walk, walk, walk, and follow all your doctors orders! =). Let us know how it goes.
  11. Hello Everyone! Well I had my surgery this morning and all is well. I arrived at 5:30am and was taken to a room to "get ready". The nurses did all the usual questioning, I put on a gown, they put the compression stockings on my legs, and gave me the blood thinner shot in my thigh. I was taken ito the surgical holding room at 6:30 - no family allowed in there. =(. The surgical nurse, anesthesiologist, and surgeon all visited with me. I was taken back to the surgical suite at 7:30 - FINALLY!!! They did several things to get me ready before telling me goodnight. I woke up in the recovery room at 8:40 I felt fine except for a horizontal line of pain under my breasts that reached side to side. I suppose that's the gas doing it's work! lol I was then taken to my room where I was reunited with my sister and hubby. =). I feel fine really. I begged the nurses to let me walk awhile before they finally agreed. My sister is an RN so they let her walk with me. I've been drinking Water and eating Jello. Everything seems to be going down well. I guess the plumbing is in tact! lol I am anxious to go home and settle in. I've been out of bed now since 11:30. it seems like it's easier to breathe sitting up. Well thanks to all for your undying support. I'll write more once I get home. Best wishes to everyone else who is having surgery this week. I hope you'll have as good of an experience as I have thus far. Lisa<B
  12. I had my consult visit May 24th and surgery is tomorrow - June 27th! I am a self pay. My employer has WLS excluded from our policy. =(
  13. Tomorrow is the big day for me! Yea!!!!!! I have to be at the hospital at 5:30 for surgery at 7:30. Ugh!!!!! Glad to be the first surgery though. Wish me luck!!!!
  14. Thank you for sharing your story. It sounds like you're following doctor's orders and doing great! Congratulations! My surgery is at 7:30 in the morning.....I am really excited and not nervous at all.
  15. highland

    Banded 6-20-2011

    I am also having surgery on Monday the 27th. Very excited! Best of luck to you!
  16. highland

    My first Post-Op posting

    Shirley, I'm always the last to know! Where or how do you get the cute little annimated smiley faces?
  17. More2Love, Do you realize you have lost one pound everyday since surgery! Wow, that is unreal! Don't worry....be HAPPY!
  18. Do you realize you have lost a pound a day!!!!! Oh my gosh that is unreal. Don't worry...be happy! = )
  19. Ahab, Glad to hear you had a good experience. My surgery is Monday....I am soooo ready. My sister, who's an RN, flies in tomorrow so she'll take care of my dressings as my hubby is a little squimish! As for what to tell your co-workers...I would just say you had your doctor put you on a very low calorie, low carb, high protein diet so you could see REAL RESULTS QUICKLY. No lies involved- just a little detail left out! ha
  20. 5 days Tina! Are you excited? I noticed your username IDteacher03..Do you teach 3rd grade? The reason I ask is because I teach 3rd grade! What a coincidence that would be!
  21. highland

    Muscle Milk light

    What's the carb count?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
