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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by highland

  1. It concerns me that you can't comfortably eat solids. I've had three fills and am at 7cc's in a 10 cc band. I can eat anything comfortably. I have never thrown up, slimed, or PBed! I do have to work at making smart choices everyday, but I would hate to think that I couldn't eat a normal meal. By this I mean Protein bar or Protein shake in the morning, tuna salad or chicken at lunch, and grilled chicken or fish, salad, and veggie for dinner.Sometimes I wonder why I don't have any problems with the throwing up everyone talks about. I might be the weird one!!lol I would let your doctor know exactly what you're eating and how hard it is to eat healthy solid Proteins. Good Luck! Also - I don't think the number of fills is as significant as the amount of fill you have. Some doctors can be very aggressive with their fills and also might give a fill at the time of surgery.
  2. highland

    Ugh! I have plateaued!

    Exercise yes, but food intake is crucial! Lower your calorie intake and write down every bite of food that goes in your mouth instead of "trying to watch what you eat". No fun, however it usually works. Best of luck. I wish I was that close to my goal!! Congratulations on your amazing weight loss thus far! :Dancing_sorry:
  3. highland

    7 days post op

    My surgeon had me on a 2 week liquid diet pre-op, and 1 week liquid post-op. At my 1 week post op appointment he told me to go on to soft proteins! I had things like eggs, fish, and rotisserie chicken. I am 3 1/2 months out now and I'm only allowed milk, veggies and a bit of fruit for my carbs. He is very strict about low carb. No bread, rice, potato, pasta, or cereal for me! Not even whole grain. I do think this has helped me tremendously with cravings. The carb hunger cycle has been broken! lol
  4. highland

    Soo Excited! Almost there!

    Very exciting!! Best of luck to you as you continue your journey!
  5. highland

    I finally hit 150 lbs lost

    You Look Marvelous Darling!!!! Way to go!!:Dancing_furious: Go Tigers!!
  6. I had very little pain. Not losing very much in the beginning was my biggest PAIN! lol
  7. highland

    Lost 70 pounds since April

    How wonderful for you! Congratulations!!:party::party:
  8. highland

    4cc filled to 5cc

    I apologize. I mis read your post. I have a 10cc band. Sorry!
  9. I was a self pay. I had my first meeting with him May 30th and was banded June 27th.
  10. highland

    Do you drink anything while you eat?

    It was also a huge challenge for me. I have always drank a big glass of ice water with my meals, but not now. My surgeon said it's a huge no no, so I don't.
  11. highland

    Insulin dependant bandsters

    This is absolutely true Stacy! I'm glad you brought this up. As type 2 diabetics we over produce insulin because our bodies have become resistant to it. We then inject even more insulin in so our bodies are able to transfer what we eat into our cells. In layman's terms - when we produce or inject insulin our bodies are in a storing mode rather than a burning mode. This is part of why most type 2 diabetics gain even more weight when put on insulin. I gained 65 lbs after being put on insulin! My doctor desperately wanted me to be banded. He felt i would never lose the weight because I had very tight control of my diabetes by injecting over 300 units a day!!! My weight just kept on going higher and higher. Here's the good news. My surgeon, nutritionist, and internist put me on an extremely low carb diet following surgery. I have stuck to that program and cut my insulin in half! With this diet I am suddenly dropping the weight like crazy. It's the first time in twenty years I've been able to get on the scale every week and see a weight loss!! Good luck to you and I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about my daily food choices.
  12. highland

    Getting ready

    I wish you all the best on the journey you are about to begin, but I do have some concerns after reading your post. Ideally you would want to have your surgery done by a surgeon who has a nutrtionist on staff and who does his/her own fills. In this ideal situation the nutrionist would have already met with you to begin a pre op diet to get you ready for surgery and gone over all your post op nutritional needs and what to eat to achieve this. I'm. oncerned about your situation because I believe the most successful bandsters are those who have easy access to their surgeon and nutritionist and who make all 11 of their post op appointments in the first year. I am also a self pay. My 14,000 fee includes the first year of post op appointments and fills. Have you looked into a surgeon who is in the town 2 hours away that you mentioned? With that being said....protein is easy to get in. I have a protein shake in the morning, Tuna for lunch, and fish or chicken for dinner. That covers my protein needs while being low calorie. I eat between 700 - 800 calories a day. The reason people gain post op is when they start mushies after havi g been on total liquids for 2 - 4 weeks. Again, best of luck on your journey. We are all rooting foe you!!
  13. highland

    small NSV

    Great job everyone!! I threw away two lawn bags of clothes that were too big! I bought a new pair of jeans in a size 16 and I bought a new pair of shoes in a size 71/2. My other shoes, that are now sloppy big, are a size 9! Isn't that weird?
  14. highland

    4cc filled to 5cc

    I went from 4cc to 6cc without any issues. This past Thursday he gave me another fill of 1cc, so I'm now at 7cc's. Everyone is different I suppose.
  15. Rachel, I know how you feel about losing medical personal you feel so comfortable with. I lost my Internal medicine doctor, my orthepedic surgeon, and my nutritionist all in the same month! I am so happy that my surgeon does all my follow up visits AND fills! Is that unusual? Today he walked in and said," Stand up and give me a hug! I'm so happy for you!!" I just love him! I really hope you get things sorted out and get back to where you were with trust and support. And yes - you've always been very up beat on this forum. You're allowed to vent!!
  16. My list: I want my third grade students to be able to get their arms ALL THE WAY around my waist when they hug me! I want to go white Water rafting! Get certified in scuba diving from my Master Diver son! I want to go flying with my son in his very small plane without fearing we'll crash because I lied about MY weight! Enjoying hiking again! Sit down without pulling at my top to cover my rolls! Go snow skiing without the fear of falling and can't get up! Stop avoiding social situations because of how I look! Meet my husband's clients without shame over my body! Lower the ridiculous amount of insulin I'm taking for my very serious diabetes! Live a long and happy life!!
  17. Don't feel bad - trust me! I followed the drs orders 100% and lost only 4 lbs, the first month post op and 4 lbs the second month post op!!! I was sooo depressed. I was certain the lap band would be yet another diet that just wouldn't work for me. Then -at about 21/2 months the weight started falling off!!! I didn' do anything differently. My body just decided it was time to purge! LOL I will tell you that I feel almost no restriction and COULD eat anything. I can chomp on celery, salads, dried out chicken breasts etc. with no problems. Sometimes I wonder why everything seems to slide right down. I have a 6 cc fill. Hang in there the weight will come off! Good luck!!
  18. highland

    So close...yet so far

    After looking at your profile I see you've lost 45 pounds already! Way to go!! Stop beating yourself up and get busy getting those lab tests in the right numbers. You know what to do....so get started on your NEW life of taking care of yourself! FYI-I'm a serious diabetic myself and although I've always been compliant with my meds...eating right has always been a struggle, so I really do understand. Best of luck to you.
  19. highland

    For 40 , 50, 60 plus bandsters

    I think you look fabulous!! I wouldn't change a thing!!! Congratulations!
  20. highland

    Post-0p Weight Gain

    Judy, I've been exactly where you are! I was so frustrated with the back and forth that first month. I couldn't believe I wasn't losing on 600 calories a day! I only lost 4 pounds the month after surgery and four the second month after!! It's so hard seeing everyone's tickers that seem to be losing so fast and you're doing everything right and not losing!!! Well here's the good news - After that second month post op the weight literally started falling off! I believe my body decided it wasn't starving and decided to let go of the calories. I know a lot of people on this forum do things differently than me, however this is what is working for me: I average 700 calories a day, 60 - 70g Protein, 30 -40g carb. 70 - 80oz. plain water. If I get hungry between meals I drink 16 - 24oz water all at once. My fills have helped, but I've been doing this from the beginning The fills have definatly helped curb my hunger, but I have to work very hard at it. It is so worth it though to see the scale go down every time I weigh now! Many have lost faster than me, but with my record for weight loss _ I'm thrilled. Just be patient and it will happen for you. You seem to have a good idea about what it takes to be successful so keep up the hard work and your body WILL respond!! Best wishes to you! .
  21. highland

    Depressed and confused

    Again- I simply don't know why you would sabotage your weight loss that way. Maybe a couple of bites to get it out of your system. If you can't change your diet from pre-band then post-band won't work. No need to respond. I'm truly just trying to help.
  22. Hi Rhondalou! I see we have the same surgeon. Please chat with me if I can help. Have you been to see Dr. Davenport recently. I absolutely love him and his team. They have been so helpful and best of all nonJUDGEMENTAL!!

  23. highland

    Depressed and confused

    Jayrees, I'm sorry you feel the need to make a nasty comment to me. Super Powers - yea right, that's how I got to this weight!! Many of you who are banded are much younger than I. I have been on some sort of diet since the age of 8, I am now 54. This is my last chance girl! I have extreme diabetes taking over 300 units of insulin a day! I almost lost a foot this summer due to a terrible bone infection. I have heart disease in both sides of my family, and yes I have all the indicators; high blood pressure, high trriglycerides, and high cholesterol. I paid for this surgery on my own as my blue cross insurance does not cover WLS. I have had to MAKE myself stick to the guidelines everyday because I do not want my life to end as early as my parents and grandparents. Yes, it upsets me to see people not understanding why they can't get a burger down. I wish everyone had the medical team that I have to help them through this. And NO,I wouldn't wish my personal experiences on anyone to help them with their own will power. I have no super powers, only desperation, feeling this is my last chance. I am scared to death every single day that this will not work for me.
  24. highland

    Depressed and confused

    Thank you.

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