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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by highland

  1. Just curious... Why are you doing this diet?
  2. I just got home from the mall and had to share my nsv. It's taken a great deal of nerve for me to shop in the petite section of our local department store. I keep waiting to get kicked out for obviously shoping in the wrong section!!! lol Well today I bravely went into the more exclusive boutique section to see if I could find a deal. I was looking through some clothes and the saleslady approached me saying I was in the women's sizes and that the clothes I was looking at wouldn't fit me! I was humiliated UNTIL I realized she was telling me that I was looking at the one rack they had of plus size. She actually took me by the arm to show me where their regular size boutique clothes were!!!!! Made my day!
  3. highland

    Lapband And Diabetes

    I am diabetic and NO I absolutely did not stop my meds because of surgery! That is so dangerous. I am concerned that your doctor told you to simply stop your meds. Being banded alone will not cure diabetes. A mild diabetic may not need meds after a time of being banded from diet change and weight loss, but it is not automatic. My doctor that takes care of my diabeties guided me through this process. While I have reduced my insulin levels greatly, I still use insulin and take my metformin( horse pills) daily. I am in the "green zone" and have never had trouble taking my "horse pills"! Please see your endocrinologist about how to proceed with your diabetes treatment. Best of luck on your journey and hopefully you will be diabetes free very soon!
  4. Congratulations! Life just KEEPS getting better doesn't it??
  5. Ditto! You need to find a surgeon who has a successful track record with his band surgeries. If his office provided excellent after care and support he would not be removing bands, but would instead be helping them lose ALL their excess weight!!! Good Luck!
  6. It may only be the size of a thumb, I think that's a bit on the small side, but the food moves through rather quickly so you can eat more than that amount. Instead of thinking," How much can I eat?" I always tried to thi k " How little can I eat?" In other words, from the very beginning I ate like I was in the elusive "green zone". I measured out my 3 or4 oz of protein and 1/2 cup veggie and when that was gone I walked away, that was it. And eventually, I was totally satisfied with that amount!
  7. Brighton sells a bracelet similar to the Pandora. The beads are $10-$15 rather than $40-$70! I gave my son's girlfriend a Pandora bracelet with a few beads to start for Christmas. She has been adding the Brighton beads because they are so much cheaper and they look great! Congratulations on your awesome weight loss! What a grand achievement!!!
  8. highland

    What Is With The "gurgles"?

    My throat gurgles. anyone else?
  9. highland

    Nervous About Going Under

    The best thing about "going under" is I wake up not wanting to eat for a week! lol
  10. I LOVE the grape frost! I drink it often and actually consider it a treat!!
  11. highland

    What's Going On!!!!!!?

    Thanks I'll try that. We never had that conversation because up until this weekend nothing ever came up!
  12. So, I had my 6th fill 6 weeks ago. I am now 7.3cc's in a 10cc band. I have been in and out of the green zone for the past 4 months. When I went in for my last fill two weeks ago I told my surgeon I was good to go and did not need a fill. I have loved the restriction I have. I go 6 to 7 hours without getting hungry, no stuck episodes, no PBing, and no vomiting.....UNTIL Friday night!!! I ate a normal meal of chicken and cabbage and it came right up. okay I thought maybe I ate too fast. Saturday lunch I tried to eat brocolli salad, which came right up. That night I was only able to eat 4 peel and eat shrimp before that TRIED to come up!!! Sunday I decided to go back to liquids for the day even though I don't think it I was ever stuck I wondered if maybe the PBing irritated something. Everything went fine Sun and Mon. I was able to get all my liquids in with no problems- had 2 protein shakes and 64 oz. of water each day. Oh I forgot I had tilapia and green beans Monday night-all went down fine. Today I had my protein shake in the AM and ate 2 string cheese sticks for lunch/snack. I just tried to eat greek yogurt and I had to eat that soooo slowly. Any thoughts? I have been terrified since I was banded about a slip. I thi k this is what has kept me on the straight and narrow about my eating habits!! lol Thanks for any thoughts you might have on this change. Is this in the normal range for bandsters?
  13. highland

    What's Going On!!!!!!?

    Thank you for your response and if this continues I will call the dr. I am in the middle of remodeling my kitchen and went cold turkey off my anxiety meds this weekend ( dr. approved) so stress could definately be part of it!!!!! Also I was able to eat shrimp and carrots tonight, slowly but without incident. Hopefully things will return to normal for me. I've never sought the kind of restriction that prevents you from eating healthy. It just seemed weird to me to PB after 8 mos of being banded, 4 of that being in the green zone! It's an adventure!!!!lol
  14. highland

    Getting Discouraged!

    I was happy to see you on here because I remember how you got sick before your surgery and had to have it delayed. I felt so bad for you. It's great to see you're doing so well! Congrats!
  15. highland

    Getting Discouraged!

    Everyone loses at a different rate. 10 pounds a month is over the "normal" rate. I certainly have not lost 10 per month!!!! I wish!!! lol I know I also didn't gIn 30 lbs in 3 months. It will all come off in due time and you will feel wonderful! Keep making the right choices and don't focus on the people who are losing faster than you. Best of luck to you!!!!!!
  16. Thanks Vanilla Sky for your response. Will I be able to go on vacation 6 weeks post op? I'll be going to the beach.
  17. highland

    Second Fill No Weight Loss

    I've been told to stay away from slider foods and to eat dense protein. By this they mean meat, chicken and fish, baked or broiled. Casseroles, soups, and enchilada type foods will have a great deal more calories and less protein, vut will go down almost too easily. In essence you are working against your band by eating these foods. I am in the green zone and do not get stuck and rarely vomit. I am however able to go 6 to 7 hours without being hungry after eating a high proten meal. Hope something in this helps. Oh yes, definately journal your food! Good luck!
  18. Thank you soooo much for this post!!!!! I am going in for my first plastic surgery consult March 20. 8 am looking at aTT and Thigh lift with a breast lift latter on. So if the tt can help the little wrinkles at the top of my thighs ( i have small thighs), wow that would be great. Thanks for the info.
  19. How long is the recovery from a tummy tuck?
  20. highland

    Second Fill No Weight Loss

    My first thought would be to ask does "great restriction" to you mean too tight? Some people get too tight and conciously, or subconciously begin eating sliders. If that's the case you need to make certain you're getting in lots of dense protein. This will keep you full longer and help with the urge to snack. I can't think of any other reason you would not be losing weight with great restriction. Remember restriction is not the inability to eat, but the ability to eat most healthy foods and be satisfied on less of it for long periods of time. Best luck to you as you continue on this GREAT Journey!!!!
  21. highland

    How Long Did "bandster Hell" Last For You??

    Lasted about 4 months for me. I tried to eat like I had restriction from the veey beginning though. I drank, or I shoulf say gulped, water everytime I felt hungry! Eats lots of dense protein to help the hunger pains from coming! I'm at 7.3 cc's and in the elusive Green Zone. I did not have a fill at my last fill appointment for the first time. Hang in there! Before you know it you'll go 6 or 7 hours without being hungry!
  22. So......I HAD to go shopping last night because I literally had nothing to wear. I gingerly approached the regular petite department in a major department store with a great deal of anxiety. I was sure to be humiliated by a clerk turning me around and heading me to the plus size department! Well that didn't happen so I began pulling 16p pants off the sale racks. I took about 6 pairs back to the dressing room and they were ALL too big!!!!! Long story short I ended up buying 4 pairs of size 14p pants and to jackets that were 16p- all 60% off!!!!! I was on such a high-realizing I truly was out of the plus size department for REAL and that I was not going to be glared at by sales clerks wondering what I was thinking trying to shop in their area. Where's the low? Well I arrived home with my purchases and immediately started trying the clothes on... Caught a glimpse of myself in the full size mirror in between outfits and went from a hundred to zero in one second. You see my legs have always been good. I'm an apple shape. I've always worn short shorts and love to swim. OMG!!!! My upper thighs have soooo much excess skin. Yuck! I expected the sagging in my stomach, but never in my perfect non dimpled, non celulite thighs!!!! So onto the computer I went looking at prices for a body lift as opposed to a TT!! Oh my, I better start saving my money!! lol Just wanted to share. Really not complaining.... I FEEL wonderful!
  23. Wow! I've read people saying they can feel their port, but I had no idea it could be this noticeable. I can't feel or especially see mine at all!!!!! Weird.....I wonder if I really have a band? lol
  24. highland


    Woo Hoo!!! Congrats!
  25. highland

    No Loss For Week 4 Post-Op

    Keep doing exactly what you are! The weight you didn't lose this week will show up next week. Promise! Consistency over time wins the race!!!

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