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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by highland

  1. highland

    Tummy Tuck And Port

    Best wishes to you on Tuesday Jachut!
  2. highland

    Banded On March 23Rd!!!!!

    Congratulations! I don't think the gall bladder being removed should extend your recovery. Having my gall badder out was a super simple procedure. Just a tiny bit of soreness for a couple of days from the laproscopic incisions. Just keep moving and you should recover quickly! Good luck!
  3. highland

    Calorie Counting??

    I have been on a very low carb, high protein diet since the beginning. I have an 800 calorie per day limit. With this few calories there really isn't much room for anything BUT protein and veggies!!!! It has been working great for me UNTIL the last month! I haven't lost an oz. this month so its very frustrating. Grr!! Luckily my dietician is not mean or nasty, for that matter, she's not particularly anything!!! Kind of useless. lol
  4. highland

    How I Know When I Need A Band Adjustment

    I have 7.6cc in my 10cc band. I NEVER feel hungry! It's strange really. My blood sugar drops after about 6 or 7 hours so I eat. By the way, I've never been told I'm at the High end.
  5. highland

    Tummy Tuck And Port

    Thanks Jachut! I had so many quesrions for him and didn't think to ask that one! When is your surgery scheduled? Mine just got moved up to May 21st! Yikes! I'll be having a TT and breast reduction done.
  6. highland

    Great Article About Lap Band Fills

    I read this article early on in my journey and it really changed, for the better, the way I view restriction. I highly reccommend it!
  7. It's only been a week! Be patient, it would be amazing if we coukd see the scale move every single day, but that's not how it works unfortunately!!, I have not seen my scale move at all this pazt month!!! UGH! Usually, in the beginning, if the scale didn't move for several days, it would all of sudden show a two pound loss one day. So hang in there it will move eventually.
  8. highland

    TT complete! (Pics)

    Mine is sceduled for June 4th! So excited, can't wait!
  9. highland

    How Long Do U Have To Wait

    I am about 25 pounds out and just scheduled abdominoplasty and Breast Reduction for June 4th! I will hopefully lose about 12 more pounds before that time.
  10. highland

    Lap Band Vs. Sleeve

    80 pounds, been at a stand still for almost a month! Ugh!!!!
  11. highland

    Brand New To The Site

    Welcome and congratulations on your upcoming surgery. You have so much to look forward to. I have not regretted my decision for one single moment! Try not to be nervous, it's all good!
  12. highland

    My Journey

    Congratulations mommykrisite! I am very impressed with you perseverence with your insurance company! I gave up and just paid it!!! B52 I here ya!!! Hubby and I cook our OWN meals each night. I mainly have fish and veggies for dinner each night and he HATES fish so there you go!! It really doesn't bother me as my meals are very simple and take little preparation.
  13. highland

    Happy Birthday To Me...

    You go girl!!!!!! I'm all about that!!
  14. highland

    Lap Band Vs. Sleeve

    I've been banded 9 months with 7.6 cc's in a 10 cc band. I can eat everything pretty much as long as I don't try to drink at the same time. We are all so different so don't think just because one person can't eat certain things that you won't be able to.
  15. Walk, walk, and walk some more!! Did I mention you should walk a LOT!!!!!
  16. highland


    Before I can try to help you, would you mind answering a few questions? When were you banded, What stage are you on in regards to food, and does your band have any fluid in it? Please don't fret, it WILL get better and easier! Honest!!!
  17. Remember that some of your nausea could be from the anesthesia. Alos I would suggest to not force too many liquids down. Only drink what your doctor reccomends and don't force more down than neccessay for right now. Good luck to all of new bansters!!!!!
  18. highland

    Mini Thigh Lift

    http://www.drsterry.com/body-contouring/thigh-lift-faq This web page has a lot of good info about the thigh lift using the groin incision alone and with the veetical incision down the thigh. Sounds rediculously painful and explains why you wouldn't want to do both procedures at once!
  19. highland

    Drinking While Eating?!

    The same thing happens to me. I can eat anything and everything, but if I take a drink of anything while eating...it comes right back up!
  20. highland

    Mini Thigh Lift

    I just had my consult today and was told the same thing! He does nit want to do the TT and Thigh Lift at the same time. His reason was because you would be under too long. Well that wasn't the only let down. He said the only really good results from a thigh lift are to do a groin incision with a vertical incision down the inside of your thigh! What the heck???? I have stupid skinny legs ( 17 1/2 inches at the fattest part), with no dimpling or celulite and I want a 10 " incision running down the inside of my thighs????? I don't think so. He's an excellent surgeon with a huge reputation. He says he will not do a surgery that he does not believe gives the best result possible. I am so disappointed! To think that after losing 80 - 100 pounds and I'll have to wear a skirted swimsuit the rest of my life is more than disPpointing. Trust me I have no visions of looking like a 20 year old! I just wanted to be able to wear. one piece suit at my favorite spot - the beach! The abdominoplasty will cost $7000 - everything included. The breast reduction will be $8000.
  21. highland

    So Unhappy :(

    http://drsimpson.net/newsletter/March-2010-Lap-band-surgery-newsletter/March-2010-Lap-band-surgery-newsletter.html Here's the link to the article if anyone is interested.
  22. highland

    So Unhappy :(

    Red zone is having too much Fluid in your band and being unable to eat comfortably. Green zone is when you can eat, following the banster rules, and you stay satisfied for 4 to 6 hours after. Many people throw the "restriction" word around when talkimg about having the proper amount of fluid in your band. Doctors HATE this term because patients think the goalof the band is to prevent (restrict) them from eating and therefore they will lose. The band is suppose to work by food stimulting a hormone in the upper stomach (where your pouch is) thus tricking your brain into believing you've had a huge meal. You brain then stays satisfied, or hunger free, for longer periods of time. I hope I haven't butchered this medical explanation too much! If you google Dr. Simpson, you'll find the article he wrote explaining what restriction refers to. Good luck to all of you!
  23. highland

    One Word..alcohol?

    I don't have to wait an hour before and after. I just can't drink and eat at the same time or my meal comes right back at me!!! lol
  24. highland

    Update And Need Some Advise

    How can 30 pounds in 11 weeks not be enough? Most of us would fall down in disbelief if we loat weight that quickly. Enjoy it, because you will most likely slow down after this initial honeymoon phase.

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