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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by highland

  1. Wow! Congratulations to you too! What will u be having done if u don't mind me asking?
  2. Congratulations to you both!!!
  3. highland

    How Did You Decide On A Goal Weight?

    To answer your question of how I came up with a goal weight......I played with a BMI calculator and found what I had to weigh to hit the normal weight category and that's where I put it. I just saw my bariatric surgeon last week and he said if i didn't lose another pound I would be at a good weight for my frame. I just met with my plastic surgeon today, who will be doing BR and TT on me, and he also said I was at a pretty good weight for my frame and age. He also said I would probably lose between 6 and 8 pounds from the BR and TT. Woohoo!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!
  4. highland

    When Did You Start To Feel Restriction?

    Good restriction began at 6.5 cc's - 5months. I now have 7.6cc's. Good luck!
  5. highland

    Banded Monday!!

  6. Walking is the best way to relieve the horrible gas pains. Appetite is usually suppressed because of the anesthesia. It will probably return in about a week. Congratulations on getting your band!!!
  7. Very common. It drove me crazy for months! Now I'm in a better frame of mind and I continue to measure out my dinner portion and I don't eat ANYTHING after. When I use to snack after dinner it just seemed like a never ending "what can I eat now?" issue!!!
  8. highland

    Eating Out

    My family ordered out Chinese food my first week post op. I ordered the hot and sour soup and had just the broth. it was delicious!
  9. Great job!!! Very excited for you!!
  10. I agree with EVERYTHING elcee said. A too tight band equals no weight loss or a gain. You need to eat dense proteins in order to enjoy the full benefits of the band - satiety for 4-6 hours after eating. Good luck!
  11. Most newly banded CAN eat anything and everything! There is a BIG misconception that you can ONLY eat what the pouch will hold-SO not true. Food travels quite rapidly through your pouch in the beginning. You will be operating on your own will power for the next three or four months, until you reach the green zone. My best advice is to ALWAYS eat like you ARE in the green zone even before you are.
  12. highland

    Lapband And Diabetes

    I have cut my insulin dramatically. I believe it has mainly been from my extremely low carb diet. Unfortunately, if I eat carbs, even after a 90 lb weight loss, my blood sugar spikes and I have to up my short term insulin. Now bear in mind I am a very severe diabetic taking upwards of 300 units of insulin per day before the surgery. I now take between 20 and 30 units per day total!!! Yea!!! I do know many posters on here have gone off their meds all together. Not sure how many were on insulin. Good luck to you!!
  13. I have seen multiple people on this forum who have started out at 400 plus pounds and done amazingly well. Good luck to you and don't feel your BMI is too high or out of the ordinary. I don't think it is. The surgery is amazing and has changed my life!!
  14. I am precisely 10 months out and I've lost 87 pounds. Yea me!! Lots of people on here have lost at a much faster rate than me, but I am very happy with my results. The most I've lost in a month is 11 lbs, usually around 8lbs though. In March I only lost 5 and April looks like just 2! Arrgh!!! I, unlike many, meticulously count every bite I put in my mouth. Every bite is logged. From the beginning, I've stayed under 800 calories a day. No exceptions! In the first 3 or 4 months I was hungry a lot. I stuck with my drs calorie allotment and gulped down a lot of water to hold off the hunger pains!! Now I NEVER have a hunger pain- EVER!!!! It really is quite amazing! I eat to make cerain I get my daily 65 g of protein in. I still have to fight my cravings for sweets on a daily basis though. That is the hardest part for me. Hooe this gives you some insight. I do know that many people on here say they never counted calories or any thing, just ate less and the weight melted off. Wow how nice that woukd be. I am 54 and have literally dieted since I was 8 years old!! Great way to screw up your metabolism for life!!!! Good luck to you!!
  15. I would be over the moon to lose 13 lbs in 2 1/2 weeks!!! Be patient the weight will come off if you follow drs orders.
  16. No hair loss here. Eat your protein and you shouldn't have any problems.
  17. Those sound like very good choices to me. They all are good sources of protein e which is a good thing!
  18. congratulations! You probably need to just concentrate on fluids right now.
  19. NO HAIR LOSS, PROTEIN is a must. You will have some hair loss if you don't get your protein in. Good luck!
  20. Congratulations!!! You have a beautiful new baby, yeah you!!!! I am very surprised your surgeo. did not order a pregnancy test. I'm 54 and they did a pregnancy test on me a few days before surgery. said it was mandatory before an elective surgery! lol Needless to say, I was not pregnant!!!!
  21. highland

    Unfill For Plastics??

    I've been put under for several surgeries and NEVER had Ny probldms with vomiting or nausea so I am not going to be unfilled. I'll be having a tt and br.
  22. highland


    I average 750/day.
  23. highland

    No Insurance

    I was a self pay $14,000.
  24. highland

    My Visit With My Pcp...ugh!

    I've never heard of metformin being used for weight loss. hmmm

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
