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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by MassMom01527

  1. Hey bb3586, I'm so glad you posted this! I felt exactly like that for the longest time. My surgery was in March and it wasn't until June that the nausea went away entirely. Although unpleasant, I think what you're going through is pretty normal. Give it some more time. Don't forget your body is still recovering from a major alteration. Hang in there!!

  2. I've been reading the main sleeve forums and they all seem to be losing very quickly (i.e. 40 pounds the first 3 months). But when I read the band to sleeve forums it seems like we are all losing a lot more slowly (i.e. 20 pounds in 3 months). Do you all find that too? I'm just curious what kind of weight loss to expect right off. My surgery is August 3rd.

    Hi Tazwella,

    I see that your starting weight was about the same as mine so I thought I'd chime in. At 248lbs, I had my band to sleeve revision in March. I am down 51 lbs since then. I lost the most in the first 6 weeks, since then its been a steady 1.5 lb loss each week. It might sound slow, but I couldn't be happier with my results. I started out at a size 20 and yesterday I bought a size 14 dress. It's snug, but it fits!! Even if i only lose 1 pound a week, that's still another 50lbs in the next year. Which sounds amazing to me!

    So my advise is stay off the scale and let the clothes do the talking. Try not to weight yourself more than once a week or every other week. As long as you stick to the plan, your body will do what its supposed to. It might take a bit longer than other surgeries, but you will still get there!

    My revision was the best decision I ever made. No regrets whatsoever! I think you'll love it too!

  3. Hi Amyc007, I am from central mass and just had my lap band removed and converted to a sleeve on 3/12. I had it done by Dr. Perugini at Umass. So good to hear there are other folks from around here on this BP! I highly recommend the Umass program and Dr. Perugini for anyone that is interested! Feel free to ask me lots of questions, that's how we all get through right? I've had great support, I'm happy to be here you all as well :)

    HW 248, SW 240, CW 234

    Hi I had Dr. Perugini at Umass also. Great experience and no problems with anything. I was sleeved in Dec. 30 '14. I feel great! I live in Central MA also . How are you feeling? Nice to see someone from this area!


    Hi Bellabill,

    You're the first person I've come across on here that has had Dr. Perugini. Isn't he great!? I live 10 mins from Umass, I'm in central mass too. I am glad to hear how good you're feeling! I am exactly one week post op and feel good as well. I have a lot of pain where the deep muscle stitch is on the upper left side. Did you have that? How long did it last? If you don't mind telling me, how has your weight loss been going? I am down 10.2 lbs since surgery, which I assume that pace will not last that long lol. You're right its so great to find someone from the area!

  4. Hi Amyc007, I am from central mass and just had my lap band removed and converted to a sleeve on 3/12. I had it done by Dr. Perugini at Umass. So good to hear there are other folks from around here on this BP! I highly recommend the Umass program and Dr. Perugini for anyone that is interested! Feel free to ask me lots of questions, that's how we all get through right? I've had great support, I'm happy to be here you all as well :)

    HW 248, SW 240, CW 234

  5. Hi Everybody,

    Sounds like everyone is doing great. It's a steep learning curve here for sure. Thursday I will be a week post-op. I've not got any restriction on liquids but I am doing my due diligence with Protein and fluids. I discovered unflavored Soy Isolate Protein powder, $15 for a big oatmeal sized container at Whole Foods and have been boosting the protein content of smooth Soups just to have something hot and more substantial. I am sooooooo looking forward to mushies, especially a little hummus. Not sure how much I'll have lost with no real exercise in more than a week but they'll weigh me Thurs at my recheck appt. So we shall see. I am desperate to start real exercise again, I was doing so well in the gym when surgery and recovery broke my rhythm! Still taking a percocet at night to sleep comfortably on my side, anyone think that's an issue almost a week out? We are having a heat wave the next few days too, and I hate the heat. Give me strength!

    Also, great suggestion on the extra protein powder and adding it to your soups. I have been falling a tad short on the protein intake and this sounds like a GREAT way to add it in! :D

  6. Hi Everybody,

    Sounds like everyone is doing great. It's a steep learning curve here for sure. Thursday I will be a week post-op. I've not got any restriction on liquids but I am doing my due diligence with Protein and fluids. I discovered unflavored Soy Isolate Protein Powder, $15 for a big oatmeal sized container at Whole Foods and have been boosting the Protein content of smooth Soups just to have something hot and more substantial. I am sooooooo looking forward to mushies, especially a little hummus. Not sure how much I'll have lost with no real exercise in more than a week but they'll weigh me Thurs at my recheck appt. So we shall see. I am desperate to start real exercise again, I was doing so well in the gym when surgery and recovery broke my rhythm! Still taking a percocet at night to sleep comfortably on my side, anyone think that's an issue almost a week out? We are having a heat wave the next few days too, and I hate the heat. Give me strength!

    Hey there my fellow Mass friend!! :D

    You sound exactly like me a week ago! I was taking a percocet to sleep comfortably on my side at night as well. Now I am 2 weeks post op and actually slept on my stomach last night...woohoo!!!! sleeping has been my roughest issue thus far. I am a side and tummy sleeper so sleeping on my back for a week was torture. You sound like you're right on target as far as healing and comfort goes. Give it another week and you'll feel like a completely different person! :)

  7. Hey Everyone!!

    I haven't posted in a few days and I feel so detached lol. I can't believe how good I feel! I NEVER expected to heal this fast. I have to say though, I am sooo hungry! I am down 14lbs which is great, but I can't wait to start mushies. I feel absolutely no restriction and my surgeon doesn't fill until 6 weeks post-op. Maybe once I start to eat real food again I'll feel different, but I have cheated a few times (shame on me) and still felt no restriction.

    Do you think I can request an earlier fill at four weeks?

  8. wow, I'm impressed july 5th and 6th banders are kicking butt! YEAH! I will be on my way to the hospital at 10:30 for my noon surgery. Never thought I would be soooooo anxious and nervous. I'm in freak out mode, but trying not to show it.

    So nesportsfan, today is your day huh? Don't be nervous, you're going to be just fine! I was so anxious the few days leading up to surgery and now I giggle at myself about it. For me, coming out of the anestesia was the worst part because I was so sleepy and the nurses kept waking me up for blood pressure and to take my temp. You'll be uncomfortable at first, but they give really strong pain meds so that really helps!

    Try not to freak out, it'll be over before you know it! I'll keep you in my prayers for a smooth and uneventful recovery (I mean that, I prayed my butt off and I did wonderful). Are you coming home tonight or are you staying overnight?

  9. So I woke up this morning with some pretty uncomfortable pains in my stomach. I took some gas x...didn't help! So I decided to try and have some carnation instant breakfast...turns out I was just hungry! I didn't feel hungry, but my body was telling me to eat. Such a new concept for me LOL. All it took was 2 oz to feel full and content. And what do you know, the pains are gone! And I lost 2 lbs overnight!

    So far I'm LOVING my new band! My husband keeps calling me the "bionic woman"...hahaha!

    How is everyone today?


  10. Hey there!

    Just wanted to let you know that surgery went GREAT! No nausea, no port pain and NO gas pains! I was a tad sore yesterday but I feel amazing today. I even got up this morning and went for a walk with my daughter. The meds make me a bit sleepy but I'm not complaining, cause its nice to rest after not sleeping in anticipation of surgery.

    Anyhoo, there you have it! I feel like my prayers were answered for a smooth and easy recovery. Thanks for asking how I was doing!

    Talk to you soon,


  11. Hi Everyone!

    Still feeling great in band land. I was pretty sore yesterday but I feel like a whole new person today. :D I did not expect to feel this good on day 2. No pain or nausea at all, not even gas pains! I got right out of bed and went for a walk with my daughter this morning. I think reading this thread has helped prepare me so much.

    Still praying for everyone thats getting banded this month. I hope for a fast and smooth recovery like mine.


  12. Greetings from bandland!!!

    Surgery went very well! No complications or suprises. I was very sore all day yesterday. No gas pains whatsoever though! The incisions are the worst part for me. Praise God for pain killers. I went in a little late, sometime around noon, and was home in bed by 6pm. So far it just feels like I did a million crunches and situps. I am a belly sleeper and I'm having a hard time staying asleep on my back.

    Right now its 3am where I am, I can't sleep because I'm still just so shocked that the big day has come and gone. I'm am very blessed that I feel so good (with the help of meds) :D

    How are my fellow 5th banders? Prays and thoughts for the 6th banders!! Hope your experience is as uneventful as mine has been.

  13. Good Morning Everyone!

    With less than 24 hours to, I feel surprisingly ready. Not looking forward to waking up in pain, but that's nothing compared to the emotional pain I've suffered for the past 29 years! I lost 5lbs this week!!! I was able to button a pair of pants yesterday that I haven't been able to wear comfortably since I bought them. That felt amazing! It was the perfect reminder of why I have chosen to do this. Avoiding the sweets and all the other delicious cook-out foods this weekend wasn't easy, but my perseverence paid off!

    Its been so nice to hear from everyone that has just been banded. You all have inspired me so much! I plan on updating you guys as soon as possible tomorrow. :)

    So my plan for today is to STAY BUSY! I'm on a clear liquid diet and I'm soo hungry lol. My 13 year old has been out of the country since last monday, so planning her homecoming will keep me busy! I hope the anticipation doesn't get the better of me :P

    How are all of the other "5th bandits" doing today?

  14. Manseaud...welcome to LBT!! You're going to love this site...but be careful, its way to easy to get addicted! LOL.

    Chitchatchew, again, you're amazing! Everytime I read one of your replies I feel a whole new wave of ease and inspiration. Everything has been going great! Don't feel like your rambling, I'm like a dry sponge soaking in every word. :)

    I had my pre-testing and pre-op today. All the my testing has come back normal thus far and we have the official "green light" for Tuesday...woohoo!! I had lots and lots of questions answered today, I feel like I have earned a degree in WLS by this point in my journey. I could probably start leading the pre-surgical skills classes too lol.

    I think I've officially gotten over the nervous/anxious phase, I'm just eager to get this over with at this once and for all. :) After seeing a picture of myself taken on monday, I am POSITIVE I have made the right decision. My husband will have to adjust I guess, its been all about him and the kids long enough, its my time now hahaha.

    I'll keep you updated on how I make out on Tuesday, I'm prepared for the worst and praying for the best!


  15. I am Metro West, in Medway :) Getting banded in Natick- we'll have to keep up with one another. Where are you from?

    I am on the Millbury/Worcester line. So I'm only about 30 minutes from you, so cool! Its good to see a local on the forum. You're going to love this group, everyone is sooo supportive!

    We'll definitely have to keep up with one another. When is your surgery date? I'm going in a week from Tuesday...yikes! (in a good yet scared way lol)


  16. BaileyRose,

    Glad to hear that someone else was in the same boat with the pre-op diet. At first I felt lucky, but hen after I thought about it some more I decided to put myself on a pre-op diet for the week before surgery. I've only lost about 5lbs so far, and I'm terrified of complications. So to make surgery as safe as possible, I'm going to have Protein Shakes for Breakfast and lunch, and low carb or no carb dinners and Snacks. I think that ought to do the trick. :D

    I see my surgeon on Wednesday for my pre-op appointment. I'll let ya know what he says. When is your surgery date?

  17. Congratulations on your weight loss!! I can't wait to begin losing weight at a steady pace like that. I want to correct myself, I called the test the other day an endoscopy, but it was actually an esophageal manometry like yours. I didn't realize they weren't the same thing.

    Thanks again for all the information! It has helped me so much! You can probably tell by all of my questions, but I have a pretty intense fear of the unknown. It makes me feel so much better to get as much info possible before hand. I appreciate you taking the time to answer all of my questions.

    I am 10 days away from surgery and I'm feeling really good about my decision. My husband has been so supportive so far, but he's starting to get nervous, which of course makes me nervous in return. Are you married? If so how has your spouse or partner been with everything? My husbands biggest problem is that he thinks our lifestyle is going to change afterwards. I'm sure it will to a point but he thinks he'll have to change his eating habits as well. He's an athlete and has the luxury of being able to eat whatever he likes as often as he likes. (He make me sick lol) What has your experience been?

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