So, I havent been around in quite some time. Been so busy with the mandatory OT at work, taking care of my now ONE year old son, and going to the gym. Life has been pretty hectic. I'm down 50lbs and people have noticed. It feels good, but now that I have 30 to go- goal is 145 but its seems like its taking forever. I've lost 5lbs in 2 months. wtf. This seems soooo unexceptable to me. But I guess since going to the gym an rebuilding muscle its expected. I guess everyone has their own time frame and goal and some just achive it alot faster than others. I'll be 7 months out on the 27th of this month.. I feel like a slacker lately. I think im gonna kick start my diet again and go back to maybe a liquid diet/puree stage for a few weeks and shock my body back into the ketosis stage. Doing that as long as i get all my protien in and working out, I think will help boost that 30lb goal in a month or two. Just in time for SUMMER! Anyone else go though this or been at this "rut"? I hope im not the only one.
Gonna keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.