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Everything posted by MsNewBooty

  1. Hi Everyone! I had my surgery on June 8th! Tomorrow will be my 1 month surgiversary. I'm doing ok strength wise. I feel pretty much back to normal besides not being able to eat very much of course. I'm still on my soft food/puree stage. My biggest problem is that when something tastes good, I eat a little bit over the course of an hour or two until I'm sick of the taste or until it's done. It sounds bad, but its usually only about a cup of food. Not sure if that's wrong or right to do. But my surgeon's office was adamant about not relying on protien shakes to get my protien in. They encourage you to prgress through the food stages until you are able to get all protien through natural eating. Anyway, I went off topic a little there. The purpose of this post is that I'VE HIT A PLATEAU!!!!!! I lost 10 lbs. pre-surgery and 14/15 lbs. post surgery! My scale has been tinking and toddering between 200 and 201 for the last two weeks! I was so excited to be a 190's girl fir the first time in yeaaarssss and my body just doesn't seem to want me to get there! Its so frustrating!! I haven't started exercising yet b/c I'm not yet taking in enough calories. If I work out I will have a negative calorie value for the day and I feel like that will only hinder my weight loss even further. What the heezy should I do??
  2. Well...I just started my soft food diet. It's only day 3 and already I think I am doing things very wrong. My diet (given by my NUT) explains very little. It doesn't say how I should eat, when I should eat. And that's what I'm having trouble with. I still don't feel hunger so I don't know when to stop eating once I start! Because I'm deathly afraid of getting sick or throwing up, I take only 3 or 4 bites at a time. Then I'll take a nother few bites 10 or 20 mins. later. This is bad b/c it takes me hours to eat a meal (I still don't finish many of them although they are small portions). I feel like that's bad b/c 1, I need to get my nutrients and protien. and 2, it's like I'm grazing which I know I shouldn't do b/c it can cause weight gain. In addition, its hard for me to get all my fluids in b/c it takes me so long to finish eating and I we're not supposed to drink w/in 30 mins. of eating. I'm so bass ackwards right now I really feel like I don't know what I"m doing or what I should be doing to correct it. Someone, anyone please chime in and give your thoughts and suggestions!
  3. MsNewBooty

    How are the jewels of June doing

    Hey Everyone. My surgery was June 8th at OCC in Tijuana. Gas was the most annoying thing out of it all. Well that and taking the nasty medications everyday. Everyday I felt better and better. Especially after the 5th day when they took my drainage tube out. Having that out of me made me feel so much better. It reduced the bloated feeling immediately and reduced the gassy feeling as well. For those who are only a couple days post-op- WALK! It truly makes a difference. Try to walk after every time you drink and never drink and then lay down. You'll regret it big time. I really didn't have any pain. Just the gas was uncomfortable. Day 10 was my breakthrough day where I felt almost normal besides my lack of hunger. Now at 15 days post op, the only thing I'm sick of is those daggon protien shakes! I'm so sick of the chalky, fake sweet milky taste! So now I'm done drinking them and have been getting my protien through yogurts and Skim Plus milk which has added protien. I can't wait to start exercising again next week at my 3 week post op date. So far, I'm down 21lbs (10 lbs pre-op). I think that's slow, but I don't mind. I'm just happy to be losing. Good luck everyone!
  4. MsNewBooty

    Up Do

    From the album: Transformation

  5. MsNewBooty


    Following me on my journey of weight loss
  6. Hey Tamz, we had surgery on the same day. Interestingly, it was about day 3/4 that I also had the same feelings of regret. Why did I do this? Could I really not just have made it on my own? What if I'm feeling awful and I still don't lose the weight? Will I ever be able to drink like a regular person again? If its this hard to drink, how am I EVER going to eat?? But...I got out of my hotel room and started walking. The walking not only helped to relieve a little bit of that awful gassy, bloated feeling but it helped to get me out of my own head. What's done is done and I really believe I made the righ decision and I think you did too. Its brand new! our body is an amazing thing. And instead of putting it down for not jumping right back into action, I think we should be applauding it for what we've put it through for so many years in overeating, and then shocking the crap out of it by cutting out some of our anatomy! Your body will heal and we will get better. Feel free to inbox me any time to compare notes since we got it done on the same day. your story doesn't sound too different from mine. I still have the diahrreah but I'm not letting it bother me. I'm just accepting it as part of the process. I know it will pass. Good luck to you girl. Glad you're spirits are looking up. Just stay on track, things will get better and better.
  7. MsNewBooty

    Down and out

    Hi. Don't be down on yourself. Fifty pounds is an awesome feat! 14 lbs. in six weeks is a little more than two lbs. a week. That is actually excellent weight loss! I haven't gotten my sleeve yet but from what I hear weight loss does gradually slow down as you lose more and more weight. Don't be discouraged. You are doing well. Especially from the standpoint of someone without a sleeve. And as far as losing muscle- if you aren't eating the proper protien and strength training then you most feasibly are losing muscle mass. That happens when anyone loses weight without training- sleeve or no sleeve. Stay focused, stay encouraged, and try to do some strength training exercises at least 20 mins. two times a week to preserve your muscle mass. Good luck!
  8. MsNewBooty

    "Jewels of June"

    Yay! We'll have twin sleeves! My date is June 8th as well!
  9. MsNewBooty


    June 8th baby! I'm getting it done with Dr. Ortiz in Tijuana. In all honesty I'm more concerned with him seeing me naked bc that Dr. is HOT!!! (j/k...not really lol). Started my pre-op liquid diet on Monday. If I had started earlier I would have been allowed one small meal a day as well but I just couldn't get it together. But the nutritionist scolded me and told me to make it happen so that's what I'm doing. Can't wait! I'm a June Jewel baby! (sorry....can't think of anything befitting for the men lol)
  10. MsNewBooty

    new forum

    Hello Everyone! This isn't really in response to anything but I didn't know how to add a post without responding to a post. Anyhoo.....Today is my first day of the pre-op diet. I am scheduled for sugery on June 8th and I will be having the surgery at OBCC in Tijuana. I am both excited and a little shaken. Not about the surgery, not about going to Mexico, and not even about recovery. My only concern is whether or not this will work! I'm even a little shaken about how well I'll do on this pre-op diet. Its only for two weeks, but I'm afraid I may cheat here or there or not lose enough weight (my bmi is 38 and they require you to lose 5% before surgery). But if I cheat now, won't that be a very bad indicator of how well I'll do with the plication surgery? My mother actually had the same surgery in April. So far she has lost close to 40 lbs. including the pre-op diet. She says that the first couple of months after surgery its hard to "mess up" b/c eating over what your body can handle will make you very uncomfortable. After that period, she warns that you will have to be careful not to graze. She also said that the "full" feeling isn't the same type of feeling that we're used to and it can be easy to overeat. You only know that you overate afterward when you start to feel sick. All of this information has me a little worried. I agree with the sentiment, if this doesn't work WHAT WILL?? *sigh*

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