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Posts posted by Eureka-C

  1. B- lean cuisine (meat and veggies, only one bite of noodles)

    S1- crab stick and 7 cocoa almonds

    L- laughing cow cheese, lettuce, lunchmeat wrap

    D- turkey black bean chili

    S2 ?

    I really like these. I get to see options, keeps me on track since I know others will see, and makes me think instead of just going and getting.

  2. It would be great to hear your story, where you started, where you are now, things you learned along the way.

    As for stretching, from what I understand the part of the stomach left is not stretchy. So what you can eat now will likely be your limit for years to come.

    Of course you can take in too many calories choosing slider foods and making poor choices.

    Can't wait to hear about your experience.

  3. I have to tell myself this is not a diet. It's more like learning to walk after a surgery fixed your club foot. I used to do things because my stomach, and hormones played tricks on me. Now I can eat like a normal person. I still am afraid to listen to my new stomach because it has failed me so much in the past. I try to make choices based on reason and healthy living rather than guilt. I may choose to eat one small cookie, and refuse to feel guilty, because eating one cookie is normal. I used to eat the whole row. I can eat 2 hot wings and a slice of pizza (toppings and 2-3 bites of crust) and this is normal. I am not dieting. Dieting failed me in the past. If I only lose 1 pound a week that's okay. I feel more normal about my eating than ever before. I am not obsessed about food. I go hours without thinking about food. I don't feel as if I am dying of starvation only 30 min after eating a 3000 calorie meal. This has been hard and everything isn't like I expected, but for the fist time in my life I almost feel normal when it comes to food and eating.

  4. I would ask for documentation in those eight months when they informed you that you were making mistakes. I would ask them if their job was meant to be guidance for someone who has already struggled so long or a trick to "catch" you? I would also say "I am not the professional here, if it was as easy as reading a sheet and following it, surgeons would not need you. They would just hand us a sheet and send us on our merry way. The point of a nutritionist is guidance. Show me your guidance. I came to see you "x" number of times and you did not make it clear to me what I was doing wrong."

    This is assuming that they did not tell you. On the other hand, if you were warned about where you were straying, and chose not to listen then maybe they are right and you need to check.

    Personally, I think they set us up for failure pre-surgery. If I could stick to a strict plan, I would have lost weight that way in the first place.

    How very frustrating. Feel free to vent here what you would like to say even if you feel you cannot. Prove them wrong!

  5. Actually globetrotter, I like that test! Show him some pics and don't tell him who.

    My hubby likes girls with a little more curve. He has been supportive of me no matter what weight I am. He is more concerned about my health. Once early in our relationship when I was being self conscious about my body when he was complimenting me, he told me (something like) "I like everything about you. I find you sexy and attractive, when you put yourself down it's like you are rejecting my opinion, saying I'm too dumb to know what I like. It would be like if I said 'this is a great steak' and you said 'nope it tastes like leather' it's really annoying to have your opinion undermined and it's hurtful when Its about someone I love and cherish." he has also made great points about me finding clothes that fit no matter my size. He has done more for my self esteem in 12 years than anyone. I think if we met and I was skinny, he would have been just as sensitive a guy, and I would have seen that clearly.

  6. First, I really don't believe that this eating will "hurt" your sleeve.

    It is a bad habit.

    I too find that my sleeve is tighter in the morning and looser in the evening, and I tend to eat more at night. That being said. I limit myself to 5 "meals" a day. If I also keep a drink to sip to prevent snacking between meals. I find that in the evening, I can really get my missed fluids in since my stomach is looser.

    It also looks like you are grazing. There is a difference between being hungry and feeling the pressure ease allowing a little space to eat more. I find that if I am not careful, it is easy for me to fall into this habit. That's another reason I have started limiting myself to 5 meals a day.

  7. I don't know about you, but I was on liquids for a full three weeks. I thought I would die. At first, liquids were enough. I could barely get them down. sip watch clock, sip, watch clock... all day long. Then I got hungry. I wanted to chew. The liquids just weren't cutting it, not enough energy, not enough of anything. I feel your pain. At almost 8 weeks, life is much better. I thought I would lose faster - only 1-2 pounds most weeks from week 4 on, and a 10 day stall at week three when I finally was allowed to eat. But overall, I am great. I have lost more weight in the last 8 weeks than I lost in 5 months prior to surgery. Hang in there.

  8. I was looking at recommended Protein amounts for everyday people, not just wls people, and I found a lot of the same. This was on About.com "Currently, the recommended amount of Protein for most adults is around 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight per day. One kilogram equals 2.2 pounds, so a person who weighs 165 pounds (75kg) would need about 60 grams of protein per day. "

    I think this chart is good too. It comes from a UCLA brochure about Proteins.


    (Based on activity level and body weight)

    sedentary x 0.4 gm/lb.................110 lbs = 44 gms............175 lbs = 70 gms...................250 lbs = 100 gms

    moderately active x 0.6 gm/lb..110 lbs = 66 gms............175 lbs = 105 gms................250 lbs = 150 gms

    (exercise 1-2 hours daily)

    highly active x 0.8 gm/lb............110 lbs = 88 gms............175 lbs = 140 gms.................250 lbs = 200 gms

    (marathon runners/professional athletes/body builders)

  9. 8 weeks post op. I eat 3-5 times a day. 800-1000 calories. They are specific times, not just grazing a bite here or there. I don't try to limit my time, but it is usually 15 min. I try to pay attention to my body. I don't try and wait so I can eat more. I also don't feel guilty if it's a little more than I expected. I usually eat about what would fit in a 1/2 c to 1 c. I've noticed I eat more than others and maybe I lose slower, but as long as I keep losing, I think I will do it this way.

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