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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by Eureka-C

  1. My doctor recommends a really low-carb bar from a company called Quest (you can find them by googling "quest bar"). They're DELICIOUS and they do free samples so you can try them before buying. Yummy and great nutrition. 20g Protein, 4g carbs, no sugar alcohols (which upset my tummy). Worth a shot.

    Alcohol sugars are very very bad for me. Send my bloodsugar plummeting.

    Good luck finding those bars and let us know.

  2. Suddenly, nothing tastes right. In fact, most things taste pretty disgusting. It wasn't this bad just a few days ago, but now, I can hardly drink or eat anything. Saltines are about the only thing that taste normal, and that doesn't help me with Protein, and it certainly hurts me with carbs. Not that I've had very many.

    Is this normal? I can't function like this.

    I have heard about people's tastes changing. I hope it recovers for you.

  3. [/color]I tried to find the medical term in english, but could not.

    Hernia is a lot of things - what I mean is, when the small instestines are twisted, or go through the incistion holes.

    A lot of people have problems after surgert with these kind of hernias/twisted intestines - and its lethal/mortal.

    But as far as I can se, this is more common for bypassers than for sleeve-patiens?

    One of the reasons that my brother in law had to get wls was that he was getting hernias from his stomach muscle being stretched out too much and leaving weak spots. He was told that the surgery was likely to cause another hernia since he had them already. Sure enough, he got two hernias after the surgery. They kept him in the hospital and patched them all up with this mesh stuff after he lost 50 pounds, and they haven't returned. He did have RNY, but I don't think his hernia was due to the type of surgery, rather his weight and they way he put on weight below the muscle with this large round firm belly, like he had an exercize ball under his shirt.

  4. the first thing I noticed was that you are 105 pounds less than your highest weight. 105 pounds! That is amazing. I haven't had the surgery yet, but I sooooo know what you are talking about when you know what you need to do and still can't/won't do it. I plan on following what the doctors tell me, but then I always have good intentions. I wondered if you had been brave enough to track your food intake. Also, I noticed several people joined weight watchers to have the support system and a little more guidance. I also was not sure, but are you still losing, just slowly or have you stopped losing? If you are still losing, even slowly, then maybe you should ease up on yourself a bit. Finally, I find it easier to break one habit at a time. So maybe taper off the coffee to a reasonable level, then work on the grazing or visa versa. Also, maybe a bit of behavioral therapy along with the insight therapy. Like, "When I want to eat, I will wait 5 minutes." then a week later, increase to 6 minutes and so forth until you are down to 5-6 small meals a day. Oh yeah, I just thought of something else. Are you thinking, that if you don't graze, then you only get to eat 3 times a day, maybe if you plan the 6 meals a day and have them ready, then you will have each one to look forward to. Just some thoughts. I hope something works for you. Don't give up the therapy.

  5. Here I am, a big tough guy and ashamed of the fact that today all I wanted to do is cry. I'm 2 1/2 weeks out from my surgery and I'm so sad. I don't really think it's from the loss of food or the change in lifestyle. I'm wondering if it's some kind of nutritional deficiency that's causing my depression. My stomach is queazy most of the day, I know I'm short on Water intake but I'm trying to get in at least 60gm of Protein and take my Vitamins. I'm not sure if anyone can relate to this, but this is also causing anxiety by my wondering if my depression will worsen of if I'll pull through this thing and the constant queeziness doesn't help. How long does it take to feel "normal" again? Has anyone else had these feelings?

    Sorry for such a "downer" post but I know there are many wonderful people here that may have some advice.

    I was reading something online, I don't remember where, that very low calorie diets are associated with depression, and it can be a side-effect of post-wls low calorie intake. If it gets too difficult, you may want to consider an Anti-depressant until your body finishes healing and you can eat a bit more.

  6. For some of these so called professionals, I just want to ask them, "what the he$# is wrong with you? Don't you think we have tried and failed enough? It is a slap in the face." I don't have a problem with the liquid diet pre-op or changing habits, but a pound a day until surgery? Some people don't even do that after surgery. I hope you can find some sane answers from the surgeon, if not maybe you should find another one.

  7. I haven't been here in a while. I was three weeks out one day before I could start mushies, and I started getting sick. I couldn't even drink Water. Turns out I have a leak. I spent one week in the hospital with nothing by mouth. I now have a feeding tube with nothing by mouth. I am at home now which is a big plus. I went in 2 days ago for another EGD, and a leak repair. They feel that everything went well, but said now we just have to wait and see how it heals. My throat is killing me now. They scratched it up during the EGD.

    I'm feeling really down, and scared. Please let me know if you have experienced any of these things, and how they turned out.

    Thank you for coming back and sharing with us. I know it can be hard when it seems everyone is talking about how good they are doing. I hope that things are smooth sailing for you from now on.

  8. One month ago (yesterday) I was sleeved by Dr. Aceves in Mexicali, MX.

    I cannot tell you how AWESOME I feel right now. Here's why:

    I was wearing a size 22W!!!!

    Today I'm fitting a lot of my 16's and some are Misses.

    I bought a Suede leather jacket today from Goodwill. It was so nice, and it was size M. OMG... it fit, except it was a tad bit tight at the very bottom where the buttons are. It's ok, I KNOW I'll fit into it really soon. I count the moments! :D In the mean time I took it to my Green Cleaners who are going to do some minor repairs and restorations. It's actually in very good condition.

    I am able to do over two miles now in walking and on my treadmill, and I feel so much lighter already. It feels so wonderful! I'm going to start adding in more of my cardio exercises as I'm feeling good and up to it again. I'll just do minor 20-25 minute sessions to start, but I'm at it again!

    Way to go! I am so happy for you.

    I'm already almost down 20 Lbs since surgery and almost 30 since my pre-op diet. I really couldn't have DREAMED of having better results. My status right now is RIGHT ON!!

    I'm actually able to eat soft solids pretty well now. I can get my Protein naturally, and eat my fiber bars good. Things are running quite smoothly for me now! I'm soooo ecstatic, it seems so unreal.


    Here's my best NSV so far though... Hubby's already calling me "skinny". Hahaa! Ok now I know I'm not skinny by any measure of the imagination, but it sure feeellssss good!! :-)

  9. 1. I want to be healthy. Especially no diabetes like everyone else in my family.

    2. I want to ride a roller coaster without fear of being asked to get off because the bar won't lock.

    3. I want to sit in a booth without my fat belly hanging over the table.

    4. I want to buy those adorable outfits on the mannequins.

    5. I want to sit on a lawn chair without worrying about the weight limit.

    6. I want to be able to ride piggyback without breaking the piggy's back.

    7. I want to go scuba diving.

    8. I want to be comfortable in a swim suit.

    9. I want to play outside with my children without getting out of breath.

    10. I hate the words "morbid" and "obese"

  10. I believe every person has to make a personal decision. That being said, I know that decision can be a difficult one, and hearing from others helps. I chose the sleeve over RNY, because of several reasons.

    1. I am a person who likes to eat large amounts. I think the restriction will be the most important tool for me.

    2. I am concerned about the malabsorption of the RNY. I have a brother in law who has done very well so far on the RNY, but I am still concerned. It is important to me to eat as close to a varied normal diet as possible once I have healed and reach maintenance levels. I know I will still have to take Vitamins and B12 due to the limited intake and the need for b12 to be processed by the acids and enzymes of the stomach.

    As for the sweets issue, people can sabotage their surgery by eating high calorie slider foods. Is this something you are willing to take ownership of and combat? The sleeve is a tool, and you have to work the tool by following the post surgery guidelines. That is true for all weight loss surgeries. You have to decide if you are ready for this.

  11. I agree with the above statement. When looking at all the different options, you really have to look at the pros and cons of each. With the band, it's not recommended for people that have that much weight to lose. With RNY, you have to consider that after 2 years, the malabsorption of calories/fat is no longer working (the little villi grow back, and you'll start absorbing calories/carbs/fats again) but the Vitamin and nutrient malabsorption lasts a lifetime. Plus, long term the sleeve has the least amount of complications vs. the band and RNY. You're left with a normal functioning stomach. Identifying your food issues really helps, and working on making better habits makes this journey much easier.

    The sleeve is a great stand-alone procedure, and if you need malabsorption, you can revise to the full DS.

    Tiffykins, I hadn't heard about the microvilli growing back. That I fascinating. Do you remember where you read this?

  12. Congratulations - that is such great news!

    I'm curious - do you have Blue Shield of CA, or Blue Cross of CA? (They are two different companies in CA.) I got denied by Blue Shield of CA and my appeal was denied... but I did just a verbal/phone appeal. The letter said I can now do an IMR appeal, but I'm wondering if I may be able to write a better appeal letter and send directly to my insurance company for a "second try".

    Best of luck, I have my fingers crossed to win an appeal - otherwise I will be looking at loan options.

    I have blue shield CA, and I wrote my own letter. I think that was an important part of my appeal. I posted my letter on my blog, if you want to read it. others have posted their appeal letters or will email you a copy if you ask. I would go straight to the IMR appeal, but include a letter from you and from your surgeon. Don't give up.


  13. My Pre-op visit sounds much the same. Its scheduled for Nov 10. I am sooo excited for you!

    Hello future SLEEVERS,

    I had all of my blood work, x-rays, and EKG done yesterday. I currently weigh 299.5. 10/19 right around the corner. I can't believe I'm not trying to have 20+ last meals this week. I am really looking forwarding to losing the weigt and enjoying life.

    Best success to all!!!

    Pics coming soon. :rolleyes:

  14. If you made this choice change last minute, what are your reasons? I find that it is helpful to me to have to write down why I made this choice over band or RNY. If you cannot do that, maybe you need to postpone the surgery and do the research so you are sure that this is what you want. Most people struggle during those first few weeks after surgery. I can imagine that it would be doubly difficult if you are not absolutely sure this is what you want, and you have those reasons clear in your mind to help you through the difficult times.

  15. I had a BMI of 47 (now I am at 44, with the preop diet) and relatively no comorbidities. My BCBS of CA did turn me down, but they turn down all sleeve requests initially due to it being "experimental". I applied for an appeal and was approved. I was very clear about why I wanted the sleeve over RNY and the lap band. It may take longer, and believe me, I know that wait is torture, but be firm in your choice if this is what you want. Make some phone calls to your insurance, read your policy, and don't give in if the sleeve is what you want. I cannot emphasize enough to do the research and be informed. Good luck. Keep us informed.

  16. Are you being treated for the ulcer - acid reducer medicine? if so, is it strong enough?

    As for me, one of the reasons that I want the sleeve is my insatiable hunger. I am not sleeved yet either. I often eat and then am hungry again an hour later. This occurs expecially after I have been having heartburn, eating too much carbs, two to three days before my period starts, etc. It also gets worse when I diet. It is not normal. I didn't know this until I took fen/phen and was able to go hours without thinking about food, then a little gurgle, and I was like. Oh I must be hungry. It is one of the most frustrating things to feel hunger constantly.

    Good luck. Stick with the plan as best as you can. Try to increase Protein, eat healthy Snacks, and track your food on one of the food tracking systems. I like fatsecret.com. Hopefully it won't be too much longer and we can both find a new life without this burden.

  17. I am working with dr. Davidson's office out of the bariatric surgery center in Dallas. He does surgeries at forest park medical center and Presbyterian. The staff has all been friendly and helpful. They never make me feel dumb about any question and they seem truly excited about each step with me. Many of the staff have had some type of wls. The first consult is pay/not free, but I felt it was well worth it as I got to talk to and meet the surgeon, RN, the insurance coordinator, and another person who presented a seminar and answered all our questions. I haven't had surgery yet, but I feel that I am in competent hands so far.

  18. Yes, I am. I get more Protein than he recommended, I'm taking my Vitamins, I usually get my Water in. It's just a mystery to me. I believe I heard someone say something about being tired around the 6 weeks time frame but I don't remember who or where I read that.

    I kind of remember that as well. It seems most people pep up at the 3 month mark. But it never hurts to check. No reason to suffer if you don't have to. Another thought is thyroid hormone levels.

    I hope you find the answer.

  19. I am trying to figure out why I am so exhausted and tired. I know at the moment with the move cross country and 2 kids under the age of 6 at the same time it's a bit harder than what some people are used to. I am always knodding off, falling on myself and just plain tired. My surgery was on Aug. 26th. Is exhaustion common at this time?

    Are you keeping up with nut guidelines, Protein, Water Vitamins etc?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
