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Posts posted by Eureka-C

  1. I was told that I can't take ibuprofen post surgery. Does anyone know what pain meds are OK to take? Aspirin? Acetaminaphin? I'm confused on this one.... Thanks!!

    My book from the surgeon says no NSAID's, it lists about 35 meds including ibuprofen and aspirin. My book says to never take these meds. It includes Tylenol (acetaminophen) as safe along with some others. I was also told to take only liquid Tylenol or chewable Tylenol for at least the first 8 weeks post-surgery, no pills or capsules.

  2. I have UHC- empire plan. After visiting a number of surgeons, attending a plethora of wls support groups, I thought I finally found a wls surgeon that I wanted to proceed with. I went to my 1st mtg prepared with 6 month notes of weigh ins and diet attempts from my primary care dr. To my dismay and shock, the patient coordinator told me that the notes would not get me approved for the sleeve. This was perplexing as the notes indicate my health problems. I have done 1 year of weigh ins. the pc stated that I needed to detail food logs and nutrician plans and more information. this patient coordinator explained that I would have to do 6 month vistis with the nutritionist- basically weigh ins all over again! I dont mind seeing the nut; in fact, i welcome this. However, it would be the same price if i go to see the nut once or 10 times, so why make me go through this process again? then to add insult to injury, the pc will not provide me with a real sample template.

    I feel defeated.

    anyone with some suggestions? maybe pointers on the letters they submitted?

    first I would contact my insurance and make sure that the info from the PC doctor is acceptable. Get that in writing and take it with you to the surgeon or find a new surgeon who is wiling to try to file. Give them the argument that the worst that could happen, is the insurance denies and says you have to do it through the nutritionist. If they accept, then you are all set to go on. Good luck.

  3. My concerns with VSG is; how do you keep your Protein up after the surgery,

    Currently I am drinking two Protein shakes a day, but then I was only sleeved on 11/22 and I am still on liquids. Many people farther out are able to get in their protein through food, or just one supplemental shake.

    is there dehydration concerns with this surgery,

    I have heard of some people dehydrating when they refuse to drink. You have to drink 1 ounce every 10 to 15 min all day after surgery until you can drink more in a sitting.

    how big is the subject eating in general,

    I am not sure I understand this question?

    do you get enough Vitamins from the amount of food you now can eat.

    It is recommended that you always take Vitamins, but there is not the malabsorption problem that there is with the RNY.

    Is it possible to put on some muscle after/during weightloss.

    I think this question is better answered by people further down the track, but I would guess yes. You are restricted, but again there is not the malabsorption. You should be able to take in enough calories and protein to build muscle after you have fully healed.

    Do the cravings go away after a while.....

    Well, at only 2 days out, I have yet to be hungry. I have wanted to eat a couple of times. One night my husband was eating chips, and I imagined attacking him like a pouncing tiger for some, but I don't think it was hunger, just my love of potato chips. Right now I have to make myself eat (drink) because it would be so easy to go all day without. I count calories on fatsecret.com and can't believe how little I can get in each day.

    I think that you need to hear from some people further down the road though.

    Good luck

  4. My concerns with VSG is; how do you keep your Protein up after the surgery,

    Currently I am drinking two Protein shakes a day, but then I was only sleeved on 11/22 and I am still on liquids. Many people farther out are able to get in their Protein through food, or just one supplemental shake.

    is there dehydration concerns with this surgery,

    I have heard of some people dehydrating when they refuse to drink. You have to drink 1 ounce every 10 to 15 min all day after surgery until you can drink more in a sitting.

    how big is the subject eating in general,

    I am not sure I understand this question?

    do you get enough Vitamins from the amount of food you now can eat.

    It is recommended that you always take Vitamins, but there is not the malabsorption problem that there is with the RNY.

    Is it possible to put on some muscle after/during weightloss.

    I think this question is better answered by people further down the track, but I would guess yes. You are restricted, but again there is not the malabsorption. You should be able to take in enough calories and protein to build muscle after you have fully healed.

    Do the cravings go away after a while.....

    Well, at only 2 days out, I have yet to be hungry. I have wanted to eat a couple of times. One night my husband was eating chips, and I imagined attacking him like a pouncing tiger for some, but I don't think it was hunger, just my love of potato chips. Right now I have to make myself eat (drink) because it would be so easy to go all day without. I count calories on fatsecret.com and can't believe how little I can get in each day.

    I think that you need to hear from some people further down the road though.

    Good luck

  5. Hey Everyone, I am two weeks post-op and I still experience extreme pain in my left side when I go from sitting to standing and laying down to an upright position. Is this normal? The pain is horrible but only lasts a minute.

    I am at day 10 and still in pain too. especially on my left side, if i bend over, sit wrong or stretch. I am still taking pain meds at night and occasionally during the day. :( I know how you feel

    Another person at work had this same surgery and she was told that the scar tissue can cause intense pain, so to roll a rolling pin (not too hard) over her sore areas to break up the scar tissue. She swears it works, but I am afraid to do it. Has anyone else heard of this?

  6. I also think that tracking how much you eat is important to seeing what you are really taking in. I use fatsecret.com, but I know other people use different sites. I like this one because it has an app for my iphone. put in what you are eating to one of these sites and let us know if that was it.

    Also did you do your measurements. Sometimes when we can't see weight loss because of building up muscle, then you can see inches lost.

    Hormones can also play a part. I know that pre-surgery I gain 5-7 pounds every time the week before my period. I am waiting to see if this still happens post-surgery.

    Hope you figure it out, and keep us informed.

  7. While at the hospital, they gave me a glycerin swab for my dry mouth. It was a sponge on a stick. It saved me when my mouth was so dry my cheeks were sticking to my gums.

    I really didn't use any time occupying materials, as When I wasn't sleeping, I was trying to walk and once allowed, sip some Protein.

    Best to have is a loved one to help and encourage gently.

  8. Hello, I am new to the group, it is nice to see a group going through some of the same things I am. I was sleeved on Nov 22, 2010 and gosh have I felt horrible. I couldn't keep pains meds down crushed or liquid so I have been so uncomfortable. Anyway I have been better the past three days I started on some mash potatoes and peaches things like that. Are there any other food ideas you guys have? Also I have this stretching pain that is right next to my belly button I am assuming it is my stomach but is it normal? It's not a sharp pain but it is very uncomfortable just thought I someone would know something on it. Thank you guys so much!!

    I was also sleeved on the 22nd and I am still on liquid only. Mostly I sip on Protein drinks all day with a break of a 1/2 c of broth, or a frozen juice bar.

    Do a search on the Internet for vsg post surgery diet, and take it easy on your new tummy.

  9. Eureka,

    I will definitely try this! Miso Soup and tortilla Soup sounds wonderful right now. Anybody know if I'm allowed to eat vegetable broth? Cuz I can just make some soup and make my own broth and it will be yummy. Thanks for the idea. I am feeling alot calmer today.

    I am sure veggie broth is fine, you might try to Protein it up with tofu, or powdered milk, or unflavored Protein powder. A good time to experiment.

    If you find something you like, you might want to freeze some for after surgery. I have heard ice trays make nice 2oz portions, and I think tupperware has an ice tray with a lid.

    I am cheering for you.

  10. Mouse,

    I know that you and some others have posted in the past about stalls and too low calories. I read some similar info about very-low-calorie diets. I was wondering how far out were you when you could increase your calories? I am only 5 days out and very concerned as I believe I am consuming around 400 calories right now. No matter how much I heard it. I couldn't imagine this pre-surgery. I can't imagine it is healthy. I would rather lose slower and eat healthy, so how far out were you when you could consume 1000 calories?

  11. I only had to do liquid the three days before surgery. I did 2 Protein Shakes, all the other liquids you want, and one high Protein dinner the rest of the time pre- op. I added other Soups like miso Soup from the Japanese restaurant and tortilla soup from the Mexican place. They brought the tortilla soup with the chips, chicken and avocado in a bowl and the soup in a pitcher. I gave the stuff in the bowl to my family and just ate the soup. It was a wonderful change from broth and Protein Drinks.< /p>

  12. I've been loving my unjury Protein. I found the best price at Amazon.com

    I like the chocolate mixed with skim milk or plain yogurt. I also am adding the unflavored to most everything. Try it, it's good.

    We (preop meeting by RN) were told that if you absolutely can't stand the Protein then to buy some nonfat powdered milk and mix a scoop with your broth or skim milk. 1/4 c is 80 cal. 8 g protein and 13 carbs. It is not as good in numbers as the protein powders, but better than skipping.

  13. Ok, I just got my sleeve one week ago. I have been feeling anxious about the hole food restriction thing and feeling like I will never be able to enjoy a good meal again because I can only eat two bites of my food for life. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE HELPPPPP!

    Only one week- your stomach tube is still swollen small as a straw. I had surgery on Monday and will be on liquids three weeks. I can't imagine what you are eating.

    1. What are your typical days meals and how much of it can you eat? (PICTURES WOULD BE FABULOUS IF POSSIBLE)

    Today I had two ounces of Water with my Vitamin, prevacid, and B12. That took me an hour. I spent the next two hours sipping an11 ounce Protein shake with 20 g Protein. From then until noon I sipped on an 8 ounce glass of caffeine free iced tea. At noon I had ham broth that my hubby made me from the thanksgiving ham, 8 ounces, 2 g Protein and almost 2 hours. I got distracted and only had 2 sips over the next hour. I drank 4 ounces of special k pink lemonade protein Water, 1-2g protein over the next 2 hours, and had a 2 ounce frozen juice bar. For dinner I am having 4 ounces pinto bean juice with 2 ounces broth, 1 g protein. I am almost finished an hour later. Later tonight I will have another Protein Shake with milk to get the rest of my protein.

    I know the next few weeks will be me sipping constantly and getting protein to maintain my energy and fluids.

    2. Do you every wish you could eat more than what you are eatting and get depressed over it?

    I do wish I could eat more, but I also researched thoroughly and knew my doctors expectations going in. I know I will want to eat, but I can survive this for the final result.

    3. Do you regret the surgery or are you happy you did it?

    I am happy. The pain is less than I expected. The hunger is gone (not the craving to chew and eat especially when I smelled the Thanksgiving pies cooking.) I am so looking forward to Christmas dinner.

    4. How many months/years post sleeve are you?

    Only 3 days.

  14. HAHAHAHA...So if any of you have ever been to O2BKids, you will have seen the netted climbing structures of connected tubes, tunnels, slides, (and so on) that extend about 40 feet into the air. Well...I took my grandchildren yesterday to visit their other grandparents and they wanted to take the kids to O2BKids. Of course the first thing the 2 year old and the 4 year old wanted to do was to scramble straight to the top of the nets. A few minutes later, when the two year old started wailing and claimed to be stuck, the other grandparents were wringing their hands and talking about looking for an employee. Not necessary...'cause SpiderNana just climbed up to the rescue. 8 months ago I could barely walk--climbing anything with my feet would have been an impossibility--and I wouldn't have fit through the tubes anyway...It feels like this surgery has taken about 20 years off my age. I just love it!!

    Crossed into ONEDERLAND this morning!!

    That's so awesome! Way to go spiderNana.

  15. Thank you so much for your post... I am up tonight, unable to sleep, and TERRIFIED of my surgery date on Thursday. I was talking myself into cancelling.... I am SOOO TERRIFIED... and largely afraid of being deathly ill and throwing up for DAYS ON END afterwards. You ahve eased my mind. I think I may not back out now... happy UNthanksgiving!

    One of my biggest fears was throwing up and tearing something. I told my surgeon, my anesthesiologist, my nurses, everyone. They gave me plenty of anti- nausea meds. I only had one incidence of nausea while waking up in recovery and they had the med ready and in my IV quicker than I could say I felt sick. Usually morphine and the other narcotic pain meds make me violently I'll and the world spins so bad I can barely sit up, but this time The nausea was only mild and the spinning mild. They have excellent anti- nausea meds now so there is no reason to suffer.

  16. Chili can usually be made healthy, add some black Beans , lowest fat meat/or turkey if you can take it. Its one of the few healthy dishes that my husband says doesn't taste like diet food.

    there are also some great kid friendly ramen noodle recipes that are good for picky eaters.

    When hunting for recipes on the internet, look for healthy kid friendly recipes as they often work for picky eaters. (my mom is the picky eater in my family. I remember many firsts on trying new foods at friends houses as we didn't eat them at my house - pees, broccoli, cauliflower, liver, cesar salad, taco sauce, brussel sprouts, cheese other than american, grilled onions and bell pepper... my mom swears that I could not be her child).

    I am not the type that can happily make two or three different dinners for each picky taste in the house and I have been in a quandary trying to figure out how to feed someone whose four food groups are potato chips, donuts, Cookies, and sometimes what the wife cooks. He does not do veggies unless you count potatoes and corn with an occasional rice dish thrown in. And ramen noodles. He does not take kindly to the sneaking veggies in every day dishes thing. He can taste a molecule of cauliflower in mashed taters. I no longer make my usual lasagna, shepherd's pie, hamburger helper and nice fattening goodies. Especially since only one person would be eating it and I only have so much room in my freezer.

    I want to make the lovely dishes in my WLS recipe books but they call for things neither of us like. I am getting tired of tuna fish and canned chicken and turkey. I can take out some hamburger for me when I make his dinner but that gets old too. He has already gone through all the frozen pizza and hungry man dinners I bought for after my surgery and is now expectantly waiting for me to cook something. I feel like driving him 20 miles to the nearest fast food and saying take your pick!


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