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Posts posted by Eureka-C

  1. I just wanted to say, I felt great on day 4 & 5, really didn't overdo it. Then on day 6 a new pain started especially in that lower left incision. I had to start taking the pain meds. I figured it was the scar tissue forming. I started gentle stretching, gentle massages, and the heating pad. After a day and a half,I dropped to having the pain med only at night. After about four more days, no more pain med and just used the heating pad for about 30 min before I fell asleep. Hope this helps.

  2. First, I was wondering when you first weighed. I am 6 days post op and haven't weighed yet. I am scared I haven't lost anything because my belly actually looks bigger than before. I am sure it's from swelling and the co2 gas, but it looks pretty bloated. When does this bloated look go away?

    My second question is more personal. When did you have your first bowel movement? I haven't had one yet, so I need to look in my pprwk to see when I need to take something like MOM.

    Any info would be greatly appreciated.


    I took measurements pre-op and have measured every week since. I gained two inches after surgery. I was back to pre-op inches at 2 weeks (but I think it was still swollen as I had lost 15 pounds by then). At three weeks, I am only down 1/2 in from pre-op in my belly, so I think it is still swollen. I am down two inches most everywhere else, hips, chest, legs.

    I had liquid bm's for the first week, then it stopped. I think my body ran out of excess Fluid from the IV. I started taking benefiber, but I don't think it is enough. I think I will add something else today. I am definitely constipated, probably due to too little fluids/fiber. Best of luck. Let us know what works. This is a daily battle for me.

  3. bless your heart. . . i understand your sadness, your probably still pretty puffy from the surgery. . (that surgery is a bugger) but take heart it goes away. . don't stress over those pounds girl, can i make a suggestion? when i first got sleeved I vowed never to become a slave to the scale. . the day i came home from the hospital i put that scale into the garage and only got weighed when i went to the doctor. . . and every time i went i was soooo very happy! the results were amazing! i didn't have that stupid scale making me depressed i loved it. . . then after about 6 months i brought the scale back in, set it according to the doctor scale and only weighed myself 1 time per week. . . i hit a major stall for 3 1/2 MONTHS not weeks MONTHS. . .but i knew that it would eventually move, so i mixed up stuff i did. . . one day i would eat more calories, the next not as many, one day exercise, the next nothing. . .and eventually that stall moved. . . i'm on another stall now again, but its the Christmas season and i'm not going to stop living just because of it. . .I'm going to enjoy my Christmas and then for the new year my resolution is to return to the gym 3 x per week and not to stop with the exercise (I really hate exercise) it's funny how before the surgery our new years resolutions were always to lose weight, now it's to exercise!laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif Don't be sad honey, it'll be ok, this surgery also plays with our hormones abit. . . good luck your doing fabulous and will continue to do great. . . just keep posting and enjoy your life. . . enjoy what you have been given , it's not going away, it's with you always and will work with you. . .

    Thank you so much. I can't let go of the scale yet, but maybe some time. You are so right. I am in for this in the long haul. It's not going away. Thanks again.

  4. How long is it taking you to eat two cups. If it is a long time, it could be that as it is liquid your stomach is emtying before you finish. I too have stayed up and down within the sme three pounds for the last 12 days. My nut agrees that it's a combination of too low calories (body is in starvation mode), and losing so fast right after the surgery, and not enough liquids. I am hoping that mushies, healing and time will fix that.

  5. Your right I don't want to break the bank getting ready for this. I am already self pay. I thin I will go to GNC and get the Vitamins and make sure my body is full of nutrients before surgery. WOW it is crazy how fast you lose the weight. 22 pounds since October. that is AWESOME.

    I bought too much Protein powders, the jugs are huge. If I were to do it again I would search for more samples online. I really like the nectar mixed with a crystal light to go pack. I also found that some I liked before would get too thick after sitting as it took me forever to drink them after. I liked the cytomax tangerine. It tasted like tang. Drank one bottle a day for the first two days as it was 40 g of Protein and It took me all day to drink them. Each person has to find their own niche so experiment before surgery. Good luck.

  6. I am sorry you are going through this! I pulled an internal stitch by doing too much 1 1/2 weeks out. It has bothered me ever since! It is finally feeling much better...thank goodness! (unless I scrub the floor on hands and knees...bad me!)

    Take it easy and I would call your dr. on Monday about the knots. AND No more lifting the little one! I know it is tough...I have a 3 yr old (+5 more) and I have had c-sections.

    Hang in there!

    I have the knots under my incision, so did my hubby after gallbladder surgery. So I think the knots are normal. I would still call the surgeon on Monday. If the pain gets worse or you start running a fever you might want to go to the ER.

  7. Dear Mouse,

    Obviously I have offended you in some way and that absolutely was NOT my intention. I'm not "that" kind of person.

    I come on this board and others to most of all learn, support, share my situation (including my personal medical experiences) and to offer help or advice.

    I hope you will reread my post again in a different light, and realize I was in NO way being critical of you! I have not had my sleeve yet and I don't claim to be an expert. I also intend to use humor to deal with servers after my surgery. I only can imagine that it gets frustrating having to "explain" why you have such a small appetite. My husband are already trying to come up with a game plan on sharing food, and planning what I can order, and how we can handle the situation.

    Please don't stop posting because of me. I would like to be friends with you. You seem like a very nice person. Now I'm afraid of offering any comments to anyone, for fear of offending them. Can anyone tell me what I did wrong. I'm here to share and learn.

    Please don't quit commenting. I read over the posts several times and I didn't see anything offensive.

    Mouse, I hope you are okay. I personally enjoy your point of view and hope you keep coming back to offer your perspective. I take the stance "take what you like and leave the rest" when reading peoples comments.

  8. I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry about it. Right now, the most important thing for you to do is push fluids. Get in as much Protein as you can, but being just under 3 weeks from surgery, you really need to focus on your Fluid intake - dehydration is no fun.

    Is your surgeon local? if so, you might want to call & see if they can give you IV fluids. Or, they may have other suggestions for you.

    Keep your chin up!

    Mini-me. I am trying to not worry. I took my bottle that I drink my Protein drinks from to the nurse visit today. I have been drinking two of those. She said I need to aim for three of them a day. It takes me all day to drink two. I will just have to drink more. I am definitely not enjoying drinking. I try not to go more than 15 minutes without a drink. I think I will change it to 10 minutes. She said that I am low on fluids, but not dehydrated.

  9. I think your calorie intake is too low somedays, I've been looking at yuor diet journal in myfatsecret.com. Also I wouldn't recommend weighing everyday, are you peeing all right? I had Constipation (and still do), that will settle with time, plus if your not eating anything yet there's not too much to get rid of! Try and cheer up, you'll see that everything will start making sense and settling down :P


    I saw the nurse and the nutritionist today. I was told to up my calories (good thing that I can start eating on Monday) and aim for at least 600-800 calories. Also, no I am not peeing enough. I only go twice a day and thats because of habit, not really a need to go. I added benefiber three times a day and that is helping with the other problems, but arghhhh. I am looking forward to the settling with time. Thanks for your encouragement.

  10. I am curious. For those of you still on clear liquids are you frequenting the bathroom. I am asking because, I seem to be retaining a lot of fluids without having to go to the restroom. I just want to know is this normal when you are taking in so many liquids. I go. I'm just not going often.

    At first after surgery, I was going normal. I think that my body was ridding itself of the fluids from the IV. At about 10 days out, it dropped to once a day, and so I upped my liquids - at least tried too. I am now going twice a day. I think I am still too low on liquids and that my body is retaining Fluid. I am also constipated - so I added benefiber. My body is not liking what I have done to it at all.

  11. The 41 lbs is since October 13th... started with the 2 week pre-op liquid diet. I had just started doing purees the day before Thanksgiving. so Thanksgiving dinner for me was mashed potatoes and gravy with a little bit of turkey mixed in. I am now in my last of 2 weeks of soft foods. I'm thinking of going back to the psychologist. I have noticed that even though I'm not hungry, I am still eating more out of habit, and I need to stop! I am defeating myself again as always. Just need to work on the head game!

    I'm sure it's a combination of PMS, my body catching up, and eating again... I'll get there.

    Have you scheduled your sleeve? Good luck!

    Do you track your food?

  12. I took my measurements pre surgery and every Sunday post surgery. I gained an inch in my stomach, lost half an inch first week and back to pre surgery size after 14 days. I am hoping this Sunday it has shrunk to less than pre surgery. I had to wear pants with elastic because of pressing on lower left incision until about day 11. I am wearing jeans for the first time today - day 18.

  13. Hi. My name is Rebecca. I'm having my VSG surgery next week on Dec 15th. I have 2 kids: an almost-3 year old daughter and a 16 year old step-son. My husband and I don't have any other family close by and don't socialize too much (work & kids take up all of our time). I'm very scared and nervous of the surgery and of having complications develop and would love some support from a veteran. My husband has done his best to read up on my surgery and post-surgery diet/possible complications/etc. but he does not understand what I am going through. My extended family is against me having the surgery. I'm reaching out....hope someone is there. Thanks.

    Glad you are joining us. There are quite a few supportive people on here. I started the whole process in June and finally had surgery on 11/22. I am not a veteran, but will keep an eye out for your posts. Best of luck and congrats.

  14. I was sleeved 11/22. I lost 15 pounds between then and 12/1. I have been fluctuating the same three pounds up and down for the last ten days. I am still on liquids. In addition I have been constipated, I have added benefiber 3 times a day and I think it is helping. I also think I need more fluids as my fingers feel puffy and stiff in the morning like I am retaining Water, so I tried to push the fluids yesterday and got in less than 300 calories. When I try to take in more substance my calories are around 600, but then i don't get enough fluids. You can see my foods on fatsecret.com. I am just feeling sad today and could use some cheering up.

  15. Texas T is right, I have the Premier nutrition Protein bars and the shakes. costco sell the shakes and bars. Sams sell the bars only. The Protein is: protein blend soy protein isolate, whey concentrate, and whey protein hydrolysate. 60 grams of protein total with the 1 bar + 1 shake.

    I thought to try these before surgery and had a bad reaction to the alcohol sugars which I am fairly sure caused a rapid drop in my blood sugar. I would feel lightheaded, then flushed, confused, shaky, and nauseous. They tasted great, but I am scared to try it now post surgery.

  16. I'm just curious if anyone's Psych Eval consisted of taking the long MMPI test only? I called a psych's office on my surgeon's list and told them I need a psych eval for bariatric surgery. They said no problem, I was scheduled, I was told it would be about 2.5 hours. I arrived, filled out a form and took the MMPI test. After I turned in my bubble answer sheet I was told that I was done and would receive a call only if there was a problem. I heard from my surgeon's office later that day that they received the results and everything was fine. It seems a little strange that I didn't actually meet with the doctor. We have submitted all of my paper work the UHC and they stated they didn't receive my psych eval... could it be that I was supposed to see the Psychiatrist? I'm thinking yes... but the Psychiatrist's office said that they do a lot of evals for bariatric surgery and they only do the MMPI. Just wondering if I was the only one... Thanks!

    As someone in the field, I find that abhorrent. No evaluation of a person should be done without an interview, and a paper filled out questionnaire is not a substitute. The only time a test like mmpi should be given alone or without an interview is for research purposes, never to evaluate a person. As for the report, it could take up to two weeks to write a report. Longer than that on a report that simple is unusual.

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