I had my surgery yesterday, May 31, 2011.
I got to the hospital at 9:30 and, after a short wait, they took me in to take my vital signs. They made my husband stay outside until they got the IV hooked up. Poor guy--he was more nervous than I was.
Everything looked good. Was prepped by the same nurse who was there when I had my ankle surgery last year. Good to see a friendly face. Hubby was back and came with me into the "holding" area. Had to do a breathing treatment due to my minor COPD and was given a shot of something to calm me (think my husband needed it more!). Kissed him goodbye and was rolled into the OR about 11am. I remember seeing a few people and they adjusted the ceiling lights. The anesthetist keep up a stream of chatter while putting on the oxygen mask and the next thing I knew I was in the recovery room and it was 2:00! My oxygen levels weren't high enough to allow me to go to have the x-ray, so I had to doing some breathing into some breathing thing that really helped. When my O2 level was up to 95, I was taken down to x-ray for the barium swallow. Felt like I had to pee and they put me on a bedpan, but couldn't do it. After the x-ray, went up to SDS unit and asked to walk to the bathroom. Relief!!
Back to the room and I asked to sit in the recliner. Felt better than laying down. My sugar was a bit high, 217, so there was some discussion about keeping me if it didn't go down. I did mention to the nurse that I was receiving IV glucose, right? That would increases my sugar (duh!)
After talking to the doctor, he said I could have some apple juice (3 oz.!) and that I should try to make that last 15 minutes. What a concept! I actually made it last 20!
The nurse came back to take my vital signs. BP was high (170/??). She didn't seem too concerned. Then she checked my sugar again. It was 245. I (again) pointed out that I had just had apple juice (which is loaded with sugar).
Anyway, home now. Have a bit of pain, mostly at the point where the lapband went in. Tossed and turned last night, even with the Vicodin. Woke up this morning to find blood spot on my shirt. Blood is coming from that lapband incision. Stomach also seems a bit more swollen in that area. Changed the bandage and am keeping an eye on the bleeding. Doctor is supposed to call today. I'll talk to him about it.
Looking forward to this journey and the new me at the end!