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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by AlyGurl

  1. AlyGurl


    ONLY 35lbs?!?!?! ONLY!!??!!??lol
  2. AlyGurl

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    I had it after eating some ice cream (I have problems with dairy sometimes...) It was AWFUL!!! (But I did lose some extra water weight from it!)
  3. AlyGurl

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    I have restriction even when drinking. PBing is the worst!!! I can definately eat more now the swelling has gone down but if I eat more than 1/2 a cup *bleh!* I NEVER realised how much I boredom ate until I couldn't boredom eat!!!
  4. AlyGurl

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    I was like that the night after my surgery, I was bawling my eyes out and is agony and it was horrible. I didn't start to feel better for several days. Oh god, every food ad that came on tv was (and still is) KILLING ME! No matter what it is!
  5. AlyGurl

    Weighing Yourself

    I was banded on July 5th and had the EXACT same thing happen yesterday!!! When I weighed today I was back to where I was the day before last. I'm only weighing daily for the first two weeks to get me through this liquid diet! Then it's back to weeklies!
  6. AlyGurl

    Let's Talk Exercise!

    Keep weights as a small portion of your exercise regime while you're trying to lose weight. Focus more on interval based cardio to burn fat and increase endurance! =)
  7. AlyGurl

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Is anyone else having trouble telling if they're hungry or not??? And/or with getting their heads around the new idea or portion sizes???
  8. AlyGurl

    Let's Talk Exercise!

    I ADORE ZUMBA!!! Before my op I was doing it 2 or 3 times a week AND I have the game version for Xbox 360. I can't wait to heal enough to go back!!!
  9. Because you know... we're ALL SO LAZY!
  10. AlyGurl

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    I maintained my weight today... first time since my op that I haven't had a loss. A bit of a downer but it had to happen! So long as I lose the next 2.5kg by Monday I'll be fine! =)
  11. AlyGurl

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    I got it really bad a few days ago... I have a slight dairy intolerance and it hit me like it NEVER has! It was awful (apart from the part where I lost 2lbs... =P) but thankfully it only lasted the day!
  12. Sound exactly like me! Mine went away after 4 or 5 days, walk around as much as you can and burp a lot. When it got really bad I just took pain killers and went to bed!
  13. AlyGurl

    Pre-Op Liquid Diet problems!

    I cheated FAR too much on my one week pre-op diet. My surgery went perfectly! =)
  14. I'm almost missing pre-op! lol. I'm still a week of liquids away from mushies and I would KILL for the two cups of veggies I was allowed one pre-op. =/ lol.
  15. I hope you are all going wonderfully! Bandland is tough but worth it! Any issues with pre-op?
  16. HERE HERE!!! lol. Sounds great... After 6 days of liquids I would probably enjoy that FAR too much.
  17. AlyGurl


    Are you tummy hungry or head hungry? I'm 5 days post-op and am dying on the restrictive liquid diet... but not because I NEED to eat... I just miss eating!!!
  18. AlyGurl

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    Ice cream is SAVING me on liquids! lol. Plus one scoop is enough to fill me up!
  19. AlyGurl

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    5 DAYS POST OP: - Gas pain is basically gone! FINALLY! IT WAS KILLING ME! - Liquid diet is boring me to tears... I dream about carrot cake now! - Have officially lost 5kg (11lb) since starting pre-op, 12 days ago! - Getting some really bad sholder pain but panadol and sleep helps. - Swelling is going down at last. Not too bad. =)
  20. AlyGurl

    July 2011 Bandsters!

    I was burping up water this morning. =/ Drank too fast.
  21. Ice creams or sorbet! I splurged on some gormet stuff and its AMAZING!
  22. I'm 5 days post op and it just really got to me because there is NOTHING easy about this. =/
  23. OH! WHY AM I CRYING MUM??? WHY!?! You don’t think it’s because you invited everyone over to eat my FAVORITE food four days after an operation which means I can only have liquids for two weeks!? You don’t think that MIGHT have something to do with it? I mean I can see how you’d be confused… I MIGHT have been upset because you yelled at me across the dinner table for eating some dip off the back of a spoon because I COULDN’T GET IT UP A STRAW! Here I was thinking you just MIGHT remember what this is like… What with you having TWO lap bands but I guess that was too much to ask…. Then when I excuse myself so I don’t break down at the dinner table, you follow me out and YELL at me so EVERYONE knows I’m crying; before DRAGGING me back into the room and exiling me to the couch… So I can just LISTEN TO and SMELL you eating the ‘delicious’ paella rather than having to SEE it. Oh and now you come over and bring me some CANNED pumpkin Soup and ask if I NEED anything… You know what I need… FOR YOU TO NOT HAVE DINNER PARTIES WHEN I CANT EAT!!!! Do I remember christmas dinner? YES, I do. You’d just had surgery to fix your slipped band (and cancelled our holiday to pay for it) and YES you did eat soup while we had roast… BUT I DID EVERYTHING I PHYSICALLY COULD TO MAKE IT LOVELY FOR YOU!!! I decorated the entire table, I put on your favorite Christmas record, I got dad to make you soup from the lamb, I made a dessert you could eat, did your hair and make up so you felt nice, picked out a outfit that made you look good and made sure it was comfortable for you AND made sure that we included you in conversation and crackers and you sobbed and thanked me for making it so special! THIS IS NOT LIKE THAT. This is you giving me CANNED SOUP in the corner while you enjoy you meal. But like you said, I’m probably just trying to make it all about ME again….
  24. AlyGurl


    Most definately fine. Apart from getting fills and stuff... but I'm sure you could find a doctor there to do it!
  25. AlyGurl

    Rant: Dinner Party

    I know it wasn't malicious... Just thoughtless. I do love her very much... I just wish she remembered how hard this is. Especially when I'm still in physical pain.

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