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Short and Chunky

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Short and Chunky

  1. Short and Chunky

    SIZE 14

    Way to go Byrd..size 14 is awsome ! You have worked soooo hard, size 12 here you come ...
  2. Short and Chunky

    3rd Lap Band Fill Today

    jeeptrk, had my 5th fill today and I too and ready for Thanksgiving. I feel great and lost 5 pounds last month but the docotor felt I still needed a "little" fill. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving and keep going strong.
  3. Short and Chunky

    Anyone on here over 60 years old besides me?

    Hey, I'm 60 and was banded 7/7/11 - I feel great and this thing is workin'. I have lost 66 pounds with 52 more to go. I'm so glad to hear there are others that are 60 + out there..Yeah us ! Happy Thanksgiving..
  4. Congratulations on your decision and your upcoming surgery date. I got my band 7/7/11 and I have lost 66 pounds so far - 52 more to go ! I feel great and I never given this a second thought. When I think about how ugly fat and tired I was - yuck. I have gone from an 18/20 to a solid 14. I walk reguarly and do some exercises but mostly walking. Yes, the gas and shoulder pain is no fun (no pain at the surgery site) but if you walk and take it easy for a few days - poof - it is done and you feel good as new. It took me 6 months to go through the process and getting my apporval but if anyone ever asked me if I regret it - the answer is a loud NO..sure I can't eat like I used to, but I don't look like I used to and and I don't feel that way either. You will do great and I wish you much success on your new journey..Happy Thanksgiving to everyone !
  5. Short and Chunky


    Amen and thank you B-52 and Jeeptrk...I was banded 7/7/11 (4 months ago) and it seems like I enjoy my band more with each and every day passing. I too am having a fill on 11/22 and I don't care if it is a day or two before Thanksgiving - so what...I have lost 65 pounds and I don't care if I don't eat - I'll drink my Thanksgiving shake and love every drop. I am very happy with my band and I wouldn't go back for anything. Thanksgiving is at my house this year and there will be 20 people for lunch - I get to cook and serve and clean and talk and enjoy everyone's company and I will not be moaning later about eating too much ! hahaha jokes on them ! I will enjoy my visiting more and I can have some turkey later. Thanks to my band, I think I will be around many more Thanksgivings and that makes it all worthwhile. To the "negitive thinkers" out there - the BOO Birds - well, you didn't enter this thing in the right frame of mind in the first place ! I hope you can find your "happy spot" soon and enjoy the rewards of the band. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone !
  6. Short and Chunky


  7. Short and Chunky

    eating as a form of enjoyment after the surgery

    I have not had any problem with going out or having family at my house for a special event. I dish up my plate in the amounts I can eat and then I eat - and talk and chew. The only hard part for me is not drinking with my meal - wow, what a hard habit to break and I still have issues with it. When I go out, I order a meal that I want, box up most of it and enjoy it for lunch the next day (or two). I would not go back to the old me for anything - even if it meant sitting in a corner while everyone else ate...I did this to make me healthier and to live a long and happy life. Today I am 65 pounds lighter than I was when I had my surgery on 7/7/11 - I look at that date now a new beginning for me - not as the day I gave up eating my favorite foods (which I can still have just in a smaller portion). I would do this again in a heart beat and would even encourage other s to do the same. Sure there are parts that aren't easy and sometimes not much fun, but in the end - it was all worth it. Good Luck and enjoy your self and mealtime !
  8. Short and Chunky

    Onederland and NSV

    Congratulations Shelley..sounds like things are doing just great. Keep you the good work...
  9. Short and Chunky

    A Tiny Thanksgiving Dilemma

    I agree with not going and telling him you don't feel well. It was 7 days before I felt "social". As for telling him. Only you can make that decision but it won't be long before he does know - You are getting skinny, can't go out for pizza night, you eat like a bird...He will know..Good luck with your sugery. I know you will be alone on Thanksgiving but you will probably sleep alot that day anyway..watch the parade and some football..it is only one day and you are making a decision that will change your life. I have lost 65 pounds since my surgery (7/7/11) and look better and feel 10 times better..Next Thanksgiving or even this coming Christmas you will be in a better place with yourself and your weight. Hang in there...
  10. Short and Chunky

    3 months and counting

    On Friday, it will be 3 months since I was banded. I am feeling great but do get upset with myself when I eat something I shouldn't. Very pleased with my weight loss - 54 pounds but sometimes feel like things are going to slow. I am adding the 10,000 steps a day plan to my workout and it is so much fun. I wear a step counter and check it off and on during the day. When I get home from work, I take my 2nd walk for the day and hopefully by bedtime I see that 10,000 #. It is kind of fun and breaks up the just "walking thing". I have been having left shoulder pain again and not sure why and boy do I get an upset stomach every few weeks. I see the Doctor again on the 21st and I plan on dicussing both with him at that time. I have had 3 fills (small ones) and really don't feel any restriction - I can eat just about whatever I want and therefore, I have to make myself not eat it. All and all I would say I am happy with this thing and I would recommend it to friends and family if they asked. I can tell you, I am smaller today than I have been in close to 10 years and that makes this whole journey worthwhile. Have a great day to all July bandsters and post something soon, I'd love to know how you are doing too. Melinda
  11. Short and Chunky

    Why am I so mad at myself?

    Thanks Jenn for your comments - I know how you feel. I get so angry with myself with I eat something I know I should not eat. I know this is a lifestyle change but for some reason, my lifestyle isn't changing enough for me. Yes, I am loosing weight and yes, it is at the 1-2 pounds a week level and I know I didn't wake up one morning and find myself 118 pounds overweight - but I am not a strong person and I have very little self-control/will power. That is why I have the band. Comments like you made make me feel "normal" and that is was ok when I made my goof - I am not alone...thank you Jenn. Good luck with the rest of November and December and hang in there we will get through this together ! Melinda (63 pounds thinner since I began the lapband thing - 55 more to go !)
  12. Short and Chunky

    Body Lift Tomorrow ! Nov 1 and my B'Day

    Rosstheboss: hope all went well with your surgery. You have so much to be proud of and although this was a big step, so was getting the band in the first place. Hopefully, I will be in your shoes next year..Congratulations ! Short and Chunky (down 62 pounds and counting)
  13. Thanks Xavier for that advice. I will get some "just in case". I really will be very careful from now on - that really scared me. I was walking around holding my cell phone and the Doctor's phone number just in case - I was too embarrased to call him and I didn't want to be unfilled so I did tough it out, but I am still not 100%.

  14. Short and Chunky

    The Turkey Challenge

    Name, real or screen~ Melinda (Short and Chunky) Age~ 60 Weight on November 1st~ 195 Goal Weight for November 29th~ 190 Exercise Goal for November~ walk 3 miles or more 5 x per week add some type of workout Dietary Goal for November~ Don't get anything stuck and follow the real rules - not my "adjusted rules" Personal Goal for November~ Be true to myself - I'm the only one who suffers when things go bad - stop snacking on the bad stuff Date Banded~ 7/7/2011 Total Weight Loss Since Banding~ 62 pounds (total loss pre and post banding/plication) Thank you for this great challenge. I can't wait to see how everyone does (including me)...Good luck everyone...
  15. Had my 3rd fill a couple of weeks ago and got a piece of chicken stuck last night. Felt like I was going to die. Took almost two hours to move. Won't do that again. Lost 62 pounds and feel great but when stuff gets stuck ugh !!! Nasty..

  16. Short and Chunky

    Senior in Dallas with high BMI just beginning

    Kati good luck with your decision and congratulations on your current weight loss. I am 60 with 1 co-morbity (high BP). I had the lapband with Plication. I am down 60 pounds and just reached my halfway point. My surgery was 7-7-11. It took me 3-4 months to decide what was best for me. Do your research and give it a great deal of thought before you decide and good luck. No matter what you decide, WLS is only a tool, you still have work to do on your own...Best wishes from Florida..Melinda
  17. Short and Chunky

    Still trying to decide

    I had lapband with plication (at the same time) 7-7-11 and I am doing great 60 pounds down and loosing at a good pace 1-2 pounds per week. I feel fine and do not regret having had both. My plan is to lose 118 pounds so I knew lapband alone was not going to do it. Talk to as many people as you can so you can make an informed decision. Had my 3rd fill today and having some issues with water but it will pass tomorrow, I am at 4cc (I think). Good luck with your decision and your weight loss journey. Melinda
  18. Short and Chunky

    Tricare Changing Requirements?

    I have Tricare and I had my surgery 7-7-11. I was not required to wait 3 months for any dietary counciling. I did have steps to go through but they were standard medical tests. Check with Tricare in you area and inquire yourself. When you do that, you will get the straight info,. Good Luck
  19. Short and Chunky

    When to have it

    Jump on in and start the process. So what if it is getting close to the holidays. Either you want to loose the weight or you don't. It will always be something - 4 th of July, Labor Day, Birthday's, Anniversary - If you want to loose, get it done and don't care what the calendar says.
  20. Short and Chunky


    Corrigan, good luck with your proceedure. I had lapband with Plication on 7/7/11. They did fold my stomach in and stitch it up (making it more like a banana rather than a football in size). I am doing fantastic - down 481/2 pounds since surgery. I was told this has not been FDA approved yet and is still in the trial stage - many doctors cannot perform this yet so if you have a doc that does - go for it. I was hesitant at first but knew at my age (60) that I was only going under the knife once so make it count...I understand both the lapband and the plication are reversable but you can keep it forever. I have had 2 fills and my band has 3.5 ccs in it (10 cc band). Good luck on whatever you decide is best for you and happy weight loss....
  21. Short and Chunky

    Questions about Tricare South

    I have Tricare Prime South and my only out of pocket was about $300. I had to pay for the dietician visit, a co-pay (paperwork charges) to the surgeon and $50 toward the mental health eval. I went to my primary first and she recommened I have the sugery (I asked her about it) - I had slightly elevated BP and a BMI of 42, no other issues. I went through all the "steps" and was approved on the first go-round (about 2 weeks after papers were submitted. I am doing great loosing a ton of weight and all my follow-up visits are totally covered (no co-pay). Good luck Melinda (48 punds skinner and counting !!!!)
  22. Check the Protein count in the foods you are eating....some meats/seafood is high than others - that helps, also Beans (I know about the gas) but they too are high in protein and so is eggs (6 gms for 1 egg). I eat about 2-3 ozs of meat and a 1/2 cup of vegies per meal - sometimes for a "snack" I eat a Low Fat Mozz. cheese stick (high in protein again). I have the band plus plication so I am even more restricted but doing well. My surgery was 7/7/11 and I am down 48 pounds. I still get gas but no longer have pain the shoulder. I hope your doctor can give you some relief. I know loosing weight is the plan but not if you are miserable. Take care and keep us posted. Melinda

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