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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LeslieT

  1. Hi. I had a drain in that area when I came out of recovery...I didn't really even know it was there until the nurse came in to check it. I'm not exactly sure what it's for besides to drain Fluid. They look at the "consistency" (for lack of a better word lol) of the Fluid and empty it every once in a while...every time they did it they just said, "looks good". The doc removed it before I left the hospital and actually after he took it out I felt some instant relief from what I thought was gas pain...he said that was fairly common. Not sure this is what you wanted to know but I had no complications with surgery.

    Good luck!!

  2. Hi Heather.I'm Leslie. I had a major slip with my band also and thought I'd tell you a little about my experience in case it might help you with your decision...

    My insurance didn't cover the sleeve surgery when I had my slip and my doc wasn't doing cash payments for it so I talked at length with him about waiting it out (he was pretty sure they'd come around eventually) or replacing the band. Now, I am kind of and instant gratification kind of gal (probably obvious lol) and at first I thought I'd just go ahead and have the band replaced. But, I hadn't been all that happy with it and was plateauing, etc. Long story short I decided to wait for the revision. Even though I had to wait a year from the slip to get this surgery I am so very happy I did it!!! Now, had you asked me about 6 months into the waiting game I would have cried (ok, I did-and a lot lol) and gotten mad (did that a lot too lol) about the whole thing...the "mind game" has always been my biggest struggle and throughout my year waiting for insurance, etc. I gained all but about 15 pounds back of the close 80 I had lost with the band. Talk about depressing...I tell you this not to scare/worry you about gaining it back but to tell you that I do feel that waiting for this surgery was the right thing for me/my body. I feel better not having the band in me and I feel better when I eat/drink. July 7 was my one month surgiversary and I have lost 28 pounds. Of course I wish it was more (another mental struggle for me) but I am super happy that I am on the way back down and am trying to stay off the scale and just enjoy feeling better.

    Btw, my doc does the band removal surgery separate from the sleeve gastrectomy so I had to wait about three months in between removal and sleeve. Getting the band out was a piece of cake. I went back to work the next day for a 1/2 day and then was back to work full time the day after that. I felt like my sleeve surgery was also a piece of cake. I was walking like crazy the day after and the nurses were so encouraging and were even trying to guess how many laps I'd do each day...the whole experience was awesome. My doc had to leave me a little bit bigger at the top because of all the damage and scarring the band had caused but I'm not worrying about that (ok, trying not to lol). I feel great, am working out, and have had no problems so far.

    Whatever you decide...best of luck to you!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  3. Hi. I am a band to sleever aslo. I am a month out. I feel like I can eat quite a bit but my doc said he did have to leave me a bit larger at the top from my band scaring. Anyhoo...I saw that you said you don't like sweet shakes...have you tried Isopure? I hate a few of the flavors and there can be a bit of an aftertaste but I really like the Alpine Punch over ice. It might be worth a try if you're having a hard time with the shakes. :)

    Thanks everyone! I had the removal and revision in one surgery and frankly don't know if I would have had the guts to go back and do two surgeries. I have the MOST amazing doctor in Orange County and it was because they kept me so informed that I was even as comfortable as I was.

    The second time around was for sure much more difficult emotionally and maybe even physically. Although I think the recovered as quickly as the band, I think the emotions of going into a second surgery and the pre-post op diets were very difficult for me. In addition, I am single and dating and it was hard to not date (because I cant eat) or explain that I had surgery to someone without really telling them what it was.

    So today I officially start mushy foods and really tried some small things over the weekend and so far so good. I started my morning with an egg and it was seriously the best egg ever! I have no discomfort but definitely am full after 4 bites. I am finding that I am hungry every 2-3 hours and cannot really eat around traditional meal periods. I am an official grazer! But I dont care. I would rather graze then have another protien shake which I literally have to gag down at this point. I am not a sweet person (totally a salt girl) so the shakes were like personal torture.

  4. That is the plan that I am following, too.I hope to hear from others what their thoughts are. Btw, I was sleeved on June 7 and he already started me on pureed. I have been afraid to start puree because I'm afraid of once I start eating I won't stop...old mentality but it was there a very long time!

  5. How did your surgery go? I hope you are home and well!!

    We are looking for fellow, "Jewels of June" AKA: anyone getting sleeved in June '11. My surgery is scheduled for June 6th in Middletown, NY. I had my last consult with my surgeon this morning and set all of my pre-op appointments. I guess this is really going to happen. Wooo Hooo!!!!

    Everyone who is on "The Losers' Bench", make room. THE JEWELS OF JUNE ARE COMING!!!!!

  6. I, too am a smoker, My surgery is tomorrow and with the nerves I've been smoking a bit too much since I wanted to quit by now. I have used Chantx in the past and had great results for about 6 months. I tried about a year later to try it again but had too many side effects that time. The first time it was totally worth it- my doc said I just didn't take it long enough.

    I will not smoke after...my friend who is an exsmoker for two months and a nurse is begging me not to and told me that if I smoke after the surgery it could cause my stomach to not get enough oxygen to heal and I could end up with a feeding tube for the rest of my life...that's motivating!

    Whatever you decide...good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks. I smoke WAY TOO MUCH- over a pack a day. I've wanted to want to quit, but I haven't wanted to quit. Does that make sense? My husband, who dips tobacco and smokes a cigarette every now and then, is very supportive of me quitting since I've been told that it will help me heal. I know people who've had bypass surgery and never stopped. But I don't want to go through all of this for health reasons and have my body fail to heal properly because I haven't stopped smoking.

    I know I'm gonna have to stop and I know that I need to stop- surgery or not. I guess it would be a good idea to go ahead and try to cut down so that when the time comes for me to stop, I will already be on my way. And since people usually gain weight when they stop smoking, I guess it's better to do that now before surgery, than to have problems losing weight after surgery.

    Thanks. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one who has gone through this.

  7. SOOOOOO sorry to hear that! I am supposed to have surgery Tuesday and I've had this weird feeling that something will prevent me from having it. I can only imagine how that would feel. Hopefully you'll be feeling great in the morning or the doc will squeeze you in soon or something will go your way!!! Best of luck to you!!!

  8. Hi. I'm in the same boat as you...having surgery the 7th and would love to have support from and with others. I like the idea of June Jewels and would love to know if there's a place to post/chat with each other as I'm getting to know the site to. Thanks for posting and gooooooood luck!!!!!

    [quote name='wannabskinee' timestamp='1306433064' post='155633'

    Cool. I really don't know how to navigate this site too well. Is there a place that the June Jewels chat or post info?

  9. You are amazing and a true inspiration!!! Keep up the great work!!!!

    Tomorrow will be my 4 month anniversary as of about 10 days ago I hit the 100 lbs lost mark! I will say as far as eating I have made some Huge Mistakes along the way. By Huge mistakes I mean eating a candy bar here and there, or two chicken wings, or slice of pizza, I try very hard to limit these mistakes, but its not easy. I have stuck to my workouts religiously, I was working out every single day, walking, starting to ad in some running for 1/4 mile at a time, then I joined this thing called Corssfit. Crossfit is really crazy, I have never had a workout like this in my life! Crossfit is expensive, 120 bucks a month, but it is so worth it! The classes are small, so its like having a personal trainer pushing you the entire time, its all about core strength, and proper movement, and every time I leave there my legs shake so bad I'm afraid I'm going to fall down. Problem is I have hit a bit of a stall since starting crossfit, and I think this is because I dont have the energy on off days to go to the gym and do my normal workout. I will admit I have not been paying as much attention to what I have been eating as I should be in the past couple weeks either, In fact I actually gained 2 lbs over this holiday weekend. This week I'm going back at it hard, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Crossfit, Wednesday Friday, Saturday, Sunday the gym and lots of dog walking each day, no more little cheats, or as I call them "accidents" with food. I am at 226 lbs right now, I so badly want to get under 200, actually the goal is 175 lbs The real deal goal would be 155 then stack on 20 lbs of muscle to get back to 175. For right now I'm shooting for Under 200 by my next follow up with the surgeon in August. I can be very hard on myself at times, but when I look back and think, last December I was 326 lbs, I guess I realize I have come a long way.... Then I think, Gheez I still have over 50lbs to lose in the worst case scenario! Ughh My head is spinning trying to grasp all that has been done, and then all that still needs to be accomplished.

  10. Hi! I am having surgery the same day as you...too cool. I am getting a litle anxious, too. Best of luck to you! Hope to keep in touch!

    My surgery is scheduled for June 7th. That's one week from today. This time next week I will be out of surgery and probably will have walked by now. I'm getting a bit anxious. I begin my pre-op diet on Sat (3 days on full liquids) but am trying to eat better this week. It seems like each morning I wonder if this is really necessary and then by the end of the day I realize that it's the best thing for me. From what I've read I'm not the only one who feels like this. Best of luck to all the June Sleevers!

  11. Hi! I'm having surgery on the 7th. Woo hoo! I like the Protein powder from Max Muscle...it tastses pretty good mixed with Water. Good luck!!!!!


  12. Thanks for sharing that, Robin. I haven't had my surgery yet but I know I would be devastated if I didn't know that you gain weight first from all the fluids. My mind is my worst enemy!! I am still scared about not being able to eat but it helps to know that other people are doing it...good for you for getting through it! I saw some posts on you tube that some people feel much better about "missing" the food after about 2 weeks. I sure hope that is true! Keep up the great work!

  13. Hi. I get my sleeve done in a week here in Iowa. I'd love to keep in comtact with someone else going through the same thing! Let me know. Best of luck to you!

    Heading down to San Antonio, then over the border on June 30th to see Dr Alvarez for VSG on July 1st. Is anyone else getting sleeved close to that date?

    Is anyone else going to Dr Alvarez soon?

    Everybody on this board is helpful and supportive but it would be nice to have some buddies in the same boat to compare notes with. Any takers?

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