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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by 189shamrock

  1. Thanks so much! I will try that:)

    I went thru the same exact thing! I did ok for the first few days, but by day 3 I thought I was going to die. I did a few things that really helped. I went for a few short walks a day. Just about 10 minutes, I'd walk 5 minutes down the road and 5 back. It seemed to help loosen things up and get rid of some pain. I also did arm and leg stretches and stretched my back. Also, I used a massager and held it to my stomach, that by far helped the most. I would just lay down and take a nap with it pressed against my tummy.

    I'm just over 2 weeks post op now and am doing much better.

    Good luck!

  2. I am 4 days post-op and in a lot of discomfort from gas. I have nausea and sharp chest tightness and pain. In the hospital, my labwork, ekg, etc. were fine so the pain was attributed to gas from the procedure. The incision pain is tolerable so I've discontinued tylenol w/ codine and am using extra strength tylenol now. I am taking gas-x, beano, milk of magnesia for 3 days and there is still not much relief. I am wondering when and if this pain will go away or if this is something I will have to learn to live with. I have been in touch with my surgeon and he reassures me what I am experiencing is normal. I am seeing him this Thursday. I am not one to complain about pain much ~~ so for me to feel such discomfort, is saying something. I have monitored what I've eaten and spoken with my nutritionist today. I am not taking in too much and I have measured everything --- need help...

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