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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by donali

  1. Welcome, Suzy!! Congrats on your success!
  2. donali

    Info on Erosion

    Thanks, Guamtab. I will definitely keep this info in mind if I choose to be rebanded.
  3. donali

    Need NSAID info

    Lisa, some NSAIDs are more irritating than others. I would not worry about this short course of NSAIDs at the beginning of your journey.
  4. donali

    Pouch stretching??

    Thanks, Sultana. I appreciate it!
  5. donali

    New Baby Coming Tomorrow

    Congrats, Janie!! Will miss you! Enjoy!!
  6. donali

    Thinking about having it done..

    RIGHT now. TODAY. "Diets" in the traditional sense DO NOT WORK. "Diets" in the traditional sense create feelings of deprivation, which lead to bingeing, guilt, and low self-esteem. "Diets" in the traditional sense are temporary fixes for a permanent problem. You need a permanent solution. You either need to find a way to make better choices so you can consume the volume you need to feel full, or you need to eat less of the less nutritious choices and go hungry. Being banded allows you to feel full on a smaller amount of food, so it is easier to eat less. At first, that is probably all you need to do - eat less. As you lose weight, and get closer to your goal, you will have to start making more nutritious choices to keep losing weight. The band helps with that too, as certain less nutritious foods are usually more difficult to eat with good restriction, like breads, rice, potatoes and Pasta. Banded or not, you will have to change your eating behaviours to lose weight. Banding makes it much easier, once that constant hunger is under control. Best of luck with your decision.
  7. donali

    Seeking peace of mind...

    Thanks for the book title, Bright. I will definitely have to look it up. And thanks for working your Irish magic for me and Indiana... I know you didn't forget, you wonderful thing you. ***hugs***
  8. donali

    update on my slippage

    Francesca - Elizabeth has the best advice. I think you really do need to see your doc. I know it is hard to make enough time to have a meal, but you are worth it, and you HAVE to make enough time. You HAVE to find a way not to be rushed. You may be one of those who needs to be on liquids even longer. If you cannot tolerate solids, can you stay full and satisfied on thick liquids? You're probably not getting in enough calories at the moment. Try doing Protein shakes for a few days. Good luck!
  9. donali

    Dropping stuff

    That doesn't surprise me at all... I've seen your toes!!! ROTFLMAO!!!
  10. donali

    Dropping stuff

    I don't think it goes away - I just think we stop noticing how much we bend over when it doesn't feel like it's going to kill us... lol
  11. donali

    Dropping stuff

    OH NO!!!!!!!!!!! :) You have DROPSY?!?! Anyone else want to tell her what this means? I don't have the heart... :dead
  12. donali

    Blaming the Patient

    I think she was overeating. That seems to be what causes that kind of thing.... lol
  13. donali

    Dr. Lopez website message boards

  14. donali

    Snorting Drugs

    lol.... I think I'm in love....
  15. donali

    Info on Erosion

    Actually, memories are coming back to me. I know that bruises can get infected, and the skin does not have to be breached, so there must be some possibility that bacteria that lives in the body can cause infections when an injury presents itself. What do you think, Penni? Am I having false memories? Maybe I made that up.... I'm on a conference call (snore....) lol, so I'm a little distracted. Hopefully this post is actually written in English with verbs, subjects, and stuff like that...
  16. donali

    Blaming the Patient

    Megan - lol I shouldn't let him get to me, I know what he's like. I'm more concerned that the more impressionable people will be formed into "blame the patient" "support" type people because of reading all of his posts, and possibly taking his opinions as gospel. I'm going to try and let it lie now, even though I doubt that my latest response will be allowed to be the last word on that subject. If I absolutely cannot resist responding to his next back pedaling post, I will try to limit my comment to "Whatever." Wish me luck!!! :)
  17. donali

    Blaming the Patient

    Alexandra - ROTFLMAO!!!!!
  18. donali

    Snorting Drugs

    That would be absolute heaven!! One day you're going to wake up and say "WTF?!?!?! Who's that huge naked woman in my pool?!?!?!"" lol
  19. donali

    Help !

    Hi Janie - What Alexandra says!!! You are doing GREAT. Can you find a bandster meeting to attend instead?
  20. donali

    Pouch stretching??

    Excellent, Penni - I add just one clarification - "stoma" is the passage way between the pouch and the rest of the stomach - that's why the stoma size changes with the amount of fill.
  21. donali

    acid reflux

    Moana - Unfortunately, reflux is the bain of many long time bandsters. If you are already following the guidelines for reducing reflux then you need to see your doc for prescription antacid medication. It is critical that you do NOT leave this untreated, as stomach acid in the wrong places can cause severe damage, and create pre-cancerous conditions. Guidelines for reducing/avoiding reflux: 1. Do not lie down for three hours after eating. 2. Avoid acid producing foods like coffee, caffeine, chocolate, orange juice and spicy foods. 3. Raise the head of your bed. If these things do not help you, you must seek the care of your physician for additional help.
  22. Congrats, Carmen!!! This is a phase of intense relearning of habits - go gently, and realize that now your band has been kicked into high gear and you may at times resent what a good job it's doing for you, but it's for your own good!! lol
  23. donali

    Just got banded 6-21-04

    Congrats, Cmore!! I thought the surgery hurt too, but the worst of it will be over by two weeks out. Take it easy, and try not to do too much. It's time to baby yourself!
  24. donali

    two weeks banded

    Guamtab - I would not get a fill if you are having problems with solid food - it sounds like you have enough restriction as it is. Maybe that will change by 7/17. As far as the mid-band is concerned, I did ask Dr. Carmen if being rebanded with the mid-band would be a better option. The few stats I've been able to find seem to support that the incidence of erosion with the mid-band is less. Dr. Carmen said it wouldn't matter, that it is a possible complcation with all band types. I still think the mid-band probably does have a lower erosion rate, but 1%-3% is pretty low, too. After 6 months I should be healed enough to be rebanded, but at this point I'm pretty sure that I will not be rebanded as a self-pay. So that would pretty much leave the mid-band out of the running. I would also be concerned about finding a fill doc - I've heard many people having problems find a doc who could/would fill their mid-band. Then there's the re-erosion stats, which I have no scientific studies for, but so far the consensus seems to be that the possibility of erosion increases for a patient who has already experienced erosion. At this time I'm keeping my options open, but planning on trying to maintain my weight by employing my recently learned tools and acquired knowledge. I've been talking the talk - it is now time for me to walk the walk, and see how it goes...

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