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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by donali

  1. donali

    Not too proud of myself....

    BABS!!!!! I, too, am SO SO SO proud of you!! You have had an AMAZING journey. You did NOT "fall off the wagon" - there is no "wagon". You indulged for a weekend - so what? Your five pound goal is pushed off for a couple of weeks - SO WHAT!! This is your LIFE, Girl, and you are LIVING it!! Sometimes life is filled with carbs... I can NOT wait to meet you in Vegas, regardless of your weight... That's NOT the important thing about you, to me. (((hugs)))
  2. donali

    Shouldn't I be losing more?

    Projected AVERAGE weightloss with the band is 1-2 pounds A WEEK. You are right on track!! Remember that the band is about changing your habits, while eating less without hunger. Good job, and focus on your LIFE and getting healthy, and your weight will take care of itself...
  3. donali

    FRIDAY is "B" Day!!! YAY!!!

    Yay! Welcome back!! Whoo hoo!
  4. Why are you trying to live on tablespoons of food? I say, take in more. This time frame is not about losing weight, it's about healing. If you don't lose weight taking in more puree, or even gain, it's going to come off when you hit solids and your first fill. It is more important to stick with the prescribed consistency now than to try and lose weight.
  5. donali

    having pain need advice

    Hi Mary - Stress is indeed a huge culprit in the matter of tightening restriction. If you cannot manage your restriction by relaxation techniques (i.e. stress management) and/or warm liquids, then it is indeed time to get an unfill until your stress is over and you can maintain a more acceptable level of restriction. As you know, reflux is nothing to mess around with, and needs to be addressed immediately! Good luck -
  6. donali

    Blessed Energy! Time to go to work!

    Lisa, of course you can come! Everyone is invited. Let Penni know your contact info, and when you arrive and where you're going to stay. I think most of us are going to be at the HoJo's on Paradise Rd. Friday night we're having a family style dinner at Buca di Beppo's, Saturday is a BBQ/all day party at DeLarla's, and Sunday some of us are going to Cerbat to look for rocks, minerals and gold, and the others are having a farewell brunch somewhere. Doesn't that sound like a blast?! Oh, I think some are going out Friday night to terrorize the Bingo players, as well.
  7. donali

    Blessed Energy! Time to go to work!

    ROTFLMAO!! Sorry, Ryan. I don't know how to help. My suggestion would be to feel extremely flattered, but let the guys know you're taken. They'll understand. We can never get too much admiration....
  8. donali

    Surgery date may be postponed

    Ryan - With the clear inner mind that you have, I feel like I WAS on that ride with you, and feel refreshed. Hopefully your imaginings are as powerful for you... ((hugs))
  9. donali

    Will have surgery soon

    Hi Hormann - Congrats on your banding date! 1. Be sure that you have stocked up on liquids for your first two weeks, just in case you're not up to going to the store. a) broth (bouillon, canned, or strained from chicken noodle soup) Jello (you can also drink this hot if you're hungry and want a hot treat) c) Protein drink of your choice. I really liked the pre-mixed EAS carb solutions, chocolate. They're pricey, but taste okay and are very smooth and creamy. d) popsicles e) soothing teas 2. Plan on having lots of pillows, or camping out in a recliner just in case you find it very difficult to get up and down. I lived on my couch for two weeks - it was just easier for me to leverage with my arms to get up and down, for some reason. 3. DeLarla highly recommends a heating pad. 4. Pack very lightly for your hospital trip. 5. Take lip balm. 6. SLIP ON SHOES!!! You are SO not going to feel like bending over... 7. Be prepared to feel like crap at first. You will feel better everyday. 8. Don't do too much once you get home, particularly if you're feeling very good. It's easy to overdo and regret it later. 9. Do NOT freak out if you are hungry right away!!! And do NOT do NOT progress through your food restrictions faster than your doc outlines. It is important to let your band heal securely into place, and eating real food can jepordize that process - so psyche yourself up for liquids, no matter how hungry you might feel. Good luck!!! Keep us posted!!
  10. donali

    Under Construction

    Well, it's been a heck of a last two days. I am trembling with fear, but bit by bit I have actually started working on the construction of enclosing my porch. Big accomplishment today was completing the first of four window panels. The porch is 8'x28'. I bought four windows that are basically 4'x6', a regular front door, and french doors for the back. Still not sure how to rig up the doggie door, as the french doors will pretty much take up most of the 8 feet available, but I'm sure I'll think of something... lol So, before and pre-during pics, for you pic-hungry masses!! From top left to right: 1. Porch from street with all the construction stuff moved on there. 2. On the porch, looking towards the back yard 3. Looking at the porch from the back yard - very first framing standing there on the right-hand side behind the little tree... lol 4. On the porch, looking towards the street. 5. The first of four window frames. French door visible behind. 6. Speciman bookcase I'm building inside. Notice how the few shelves I've installed have already accumulated clutter... tsk, tsk 7. The new security screen door I installed last weekend - the new door behind it was installed the weekend before. Note the nasty original mobile home door on the right - that little nasty splash of yellow. I gotta get the dumpster and get rid of the cast off stuff. P.S. - You're all doing so well - congrats to everyone! Watch out for that reflux! And all the good advice that everyone else has already dished out!! **hugs**
  11. Congrats Rose!!! Whoo hooo!!! :banana
  12. donali

    Gotta make a run to Kentucky

    Glad your Mom is well enough that you can come home. Safe travels!!
  13. donali

    I finally did it.... :)

    Whoo hooo!!!!! Congrats!!! I am SOOOOO jealous.... BUT... I think this weekend is going to be my weekend to join you in ONEDERLAND! Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!
  14. donali

    NSV anyone?

    Whoo hooo!!! Congrats!! :banana!
  15. donali

    Blessed Energy! Time to go to work!

    Non-scale victory means something we have accomplished because of our weightloss that does NOT revolve around the numbers of the D*$!@M scale! Like... fastening the seatbelt without an extender, having to had rings resized, needing a new wardrobe, getting that first wolf-whistle... That kind of stuff. Much more meaningful than the scale numbers, anyway, IMHO.
  16. donali

    Under Construction

    Lisa - my guy has blood sugar issues, so he will probably need to do some sort of real breakfast before we go. We'll just play it by ear. Babs - Cerbat is a ghost town/mining town where Lisa and hubby go with their metal detectors and look for gold. I got a metal detector for Christmas two years ago, and have never used it, so I'm taking that with. Of course you must come! The more the merrier!! Neicy - (blush) - you're too kind! Well, did nothing on the siding tonight, but did stop at Home Depot and drop another $150 dollars, getting blinds, some more 2x4s, and some insulation. I wasn't up to getting the paneling, since I have to tie it on top of my Chevy Metro. Last time nothing untoward happened, but I don't like to tempt fate tooooo often... lol So, I tried to plumb the doors. The front door is much better. The french doors are workable, but just barely. Both now lock, so once I finish the siding tomorrow, the room will be secure enough to start moving my stuff into there. And then the games truly begin! Break's over - I think I'll try to put together my new desk...
  17. donali

    Surgery date may be postponed

    Hey Ryan - Like the others, I'm glad you found out about this prior to banding, and that everything will be thoroughly checked to make sure all is okay and healed before being banded. I know it feels like a set-back, but you have already started your journey - you just haven't gotten out of your neighborhood yet... Wishing you peace and renewal on your trip to Lake Michigan. Heal swiftly, and gather strength for the exciting changes to come. **hugs**
  18. donali

    Weekly Challenge

    Yeah, what Darcy said!!
  19. donali

    Under Construction

    If we DON'T go to Cerbot, my guy is going to feel super gipped... This was my carrot for getting him to go. So, whether or not anyone else makes it, he and I are going. Probably first thing Sunday morning, after b'fast.
  20. donali

    In Case of the Unthinkable...

    I think most of us were going through withdrawals from LBT yesterday. It went down while I was online about 3:30am PST. I just set up a Yahoo! mail account that I thought we could all use in case something did happen to this board - we could go and check the mail at lbtboard@yahoo.com password: weightloss to meet up again. Just a thought, don't know if it will work or not. Otherwise I would imagine we would regroup through www.spotlighthealth.com or one of the Yahoo! bandster groups. I missed you guys!!
  21. donali

    Under Construction

    No, you can't see the ponds from the porch - they're behind the house, and can be seen from the back window in the master bedroom. The yard is a total disaster at the moment - imagine all the stereotypes of "white trailer trash", multiply by two, and that's my yard. Heck... That's the inside of the house, too, who am I trying to kid?!?! In my mind, though, I can see it as I fantasize it could be, so the stuff that doesn't fit into that fantasy kind-of disappears from my view (if that makes any sense). I'm hoping to have some time to clean up the yard and pond area a bit, but I've really made myself promise that I'll do the inside of the house FIRST. If I ever get things into acceptable shape, I will (OF COURSE!! ) post pics... lol
  22. donali

    Surgery, again.

    Tellie, I wish I had some fabulous secret to pass on! To be honest, the past two weeks I have not been eating "normally" - I have been so obsessed with my enclosure project, and under such a time constraint, that I have been missing dinner. Not on purpose - but by the time my daylight is gone, it's too late and I'm too tired to make anything for dinner, and I don't have any "snacky" stuff to eat easily, except for 94% fat free popcorn, which I have made a couple of times with real melted butter on it... It has also been pretty hot, and I have been sweating profusely. I am trying to get in at least a gallon of Water a day, and that's been accomplished most days, so water loss shouldn't be TOO much of the numbers. I also have been pretty busy at work, and have missed my Breakfast a couple of times. So several days all I've had to eat all day has been a big salad with walnuts and lots of fatty dressing, and maybe 4-6 ounces of meat. I have been feeling a little hungry, but I am addressing the hunger as my schedule allows, and then when I am so distracted and consumed by my project, the hunger is forgotten. This way of eating lately is in no way a life-style change - I am NOT trying NOT to eat - it's just happening that way, so I am not suffering and do not feel deprived. But I can see how this could be "normal" for me IF I were able to keep engaged in activities that consume me so completely, that do not revolve around food. I think all of us have gotten so busy or caught up in something that we honestly and truely forgot to eat, and didn't even realize it. I think it would be swell if I could maximize that kind of lifestyle! Not so much because I'm not eating, but because it means I'm eating to live, NOT living to eat! Earlier this month the weight was creeping up - I was eating "normally", but my ratio of nutritious choices was slipping into the 50/50% range... The things that are helping me the most: 1. NO dieting mentality. 2. PLANNING, PLANNING, PLANNING!! I bring lunch to work everyday - I know what I have planned. I don't have to follow the plan, but if I choose to do so, the work is already done, so I have less reason to talk myself out of doing my "plan." 3. Indulging in less nutritious choices as they are available and as I want/"need", but NOT buying snacky stuff to keep around. If I want it, I can have it, but I have to go get it. I'm usually too lazy to do that... 4. Water, water, water, and lots of hot tea with half-n-half. I know it sounds crazy, but I honestly think my half-n-half habit is really helping me. I go through a quart every two weeks at work. I feel indulged, and treated, and how on earth can someone going through a quart of half-n-half every two weeks feel deprived?!?! 5. An all consuming interest seperate from food. This has been the porch project for me the last 2-3 weeks. In addition to not having time/energy to eat at night, it is also somewhat physical, so I'm getting in a little sneaky exercise. 6. YOU GUYS. Truly, having a place to come where I can get (and sometimes more importantly, GIVE!) support is a huge help. It keeps all of my goals to the forefront of my mind. Everytime I compose a detailed response to someone's cry for help, I reinforce all of the good therapy I went through. It's like a little refresher course each time. If I ever sound a little preachy, that tone is ALWAYS directed to myself. The preachier I sound, the more I need to hear that particular message. I am sure there are many more reasons why I'm hanging in there - sub-conscious/conscious that are not coming to mind, but I think the above have been the most instrumental. **hugs**
  23. donali

    Acid Reflux/stomach Infection

    http://www.cdc.gov/ulcer/md.htm How do people get infected with H. pylori? It is not known how H. pylori is transmitted or why some patients become symptomatic while others do not. The bacteria are most likely spread from person to person through fecal-oral or oral-oral routes. Possible environmental reservoirs include contaminated water sources. Iatrogenic spread through contaminated endoscopes has been documented but can be prevented by proper cleaning of equipment. What can people do to prevent H. pylori infection? Since the source of H. pylori is not yet known, recommendations for avoiding infection have not been made. In general, it is always wise for persons to wash hands thoroughly, to eat food that has been properly prepared, and to drink water from a safe, clean source.
  24. donali

    Under Construction

    My paleontologist (scientist who studies fossils) is forever on field trips, looking for new ones. I love going with, and will do so as often as possible, but I have a church choir job which pretty much kills my weekends, when he will undoubtedly be doing most of his field trips. I'll be missing a Sunday a month or so, probably, so I can go with at least occasionally, but I'm not ready to give up the job yet, so.... Of course, it's almost impossible to have more "alone time" once he's here than I've had for the past 10 years, when I was seeing him only1-2 weeks each year. Period.
  25. donali

    Acid Reflux/stomach Infection

    Becky - So glad everything is being taken care of. I hope this is resolved quickly, and that you're finally feeling better soon. Congrats on the 75lbs!!! Whoo hooo!

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