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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by donali

  1. donali

    Game: This or That

    Brown eyes. English or Western?
  2. donali

    Really stupid things people have shared with you

    Some of those stories are doozies!! The most common stuff I get: Are you going to eat that? Are you going to wear that? I did work with a girl who claimed that eggshells were man-made packages for eggs. She appeared to be serious... ???
  3. donali

    Game: This or That

    Farmer's Market DOG Salty Deaf or Blind?
  4. donali

    Game: 5 Letters

    REPLN Restrict everything, people learn nothing. SWWIT
  5. donali

    Band Erosion?

    Many times there are no symptoms. Being asymptomatic does not guarantee there is no erosion. When there are symptoms, these are the most common ones: 1. loss of restriction 2. reflux 3. stomach pain 4. port infection Unfortunately, the above are also common symptoms of lesser problems. Probably the most telling for erosion would be #4 - but as a result of erosion, that would happen only after the bladder of the band had been eaten through with stomach acid, and the bacteria traveled up the tube to the port where it causes infection. Sometimes the person just feels "different." I had what felt like an intense gallbladder attack one day - I still don't know if my erosion had anything to do with that. But other than that one episode (my erosion was diagnosed the next week, and the band was removed a couple weeks after that) I had no symptoms. I still had good restriction and felt good.
  6. donali

    Game: This or That

    tennis shoes Great personality or beautiful body???
  7. donali

    Game: 5 Letters

    GPLWT Grand pianos lilt weighty tones... Great packages leave women talking... Generous partners like wonderful times... Girls play - little women tease... Guys provide lucious, warm, tongues... Glamorous people love white towels. Gorgeous plants - lovely! Weeds - terrible. MIPBM
  8. donali

    Giving Up Our Rights and Freedom

    I laugh everytime I red that, Wheetsin! LOL I agree with all the sentiments expressed here, which is actually nice for a change, as it seems I am ever disagreeable lately... lol
  9. donali

    Giving Up Our Rights and Freedom

    LOL - Carlene, my point exactly... I hadn't flown in a while last year, and totally spaced on some of the new security measures. I had one piece of luggage, and was carrying it on. I had a small nail care set in my bag, which they pulled out after the xray machine. The nail clippers got to stay, but the little nail scissors weren't allowed. OOOOOH!!! I was so mad! Frankly, anyone who could be intimidated by a pair of nail scissors deserves to be frightened. Anyway, on the way back home I carried on board an empty wine-type bottle. NOT A PEEP. Now, really - if you were given a choice of weapons, would you choose a little nail scissors, or a big heavy wine bottle that not only could be used to hit someone over the head with, but could be broken and used as a much longer, much sharper, much more damaging knife??? These are the kind of discrepancies that drive me crazy...
  10. donali

    Game: This or That

    BUFF - otherwise there is no sleeping! Love or comfort?
  11. donali

    Giving Up Our Rights and Freedom

    It's great to see that for once, everyone agrees... LOL
  12. donali

    Game: This or That

    Ingrown toenail. Love or comfort?
  13. donali

    Game: This or That

    Curly. Freedom or Safety?
  14. donali

    Game: 5 Letters

    I loved this game, and was sorry to see it trail off. Resurrected!! DYMMM Does your mother mind madness? GPLWT
  15. donali

    Giving Up Our Rights and Freedom

    Amen, brother. As I've heard said, "ALL POWER CORRUPTS AND ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY." The US today is a shining example of how this becomes true. Don't question authority (or you're unAmerican), don't criticize the government (or you don't support our troops), if you're not with us you're against us, privacy invasions, efforts to remove the checks and balances of our government (fillibusters are a GOOD thing), acting without the blessings of the U.N... Even the changing of the constitution has been seriously debated. I am constantly amazed by how many people do not see anything wrong with this picture. And everytime I get on my soapbox about how stupid current airline security process is, people look at me like I've lost my mind. I don't feel safer now that liquids and gels are not allowed on airlines. Do people REALLY think that a terrorist would be so easily foibled??? If I really needed some gel or liquid to do my dirty deed I can think of lots of easy ways to get that stuff on the plane. Heck, I don't need to get it on the plane, I'll just wait until they serve it to me or get it from the airplane's bathroom sink. And if it needed to be a "special" liquid I can seal that up in a baggie and slip it in my bra, or sock, or mouth, or even just my pocket. If I, as an unmotivated person, can just casually think of so many ways around the system... And if someone thinks that ALL the airline workers are above a hefty bribe to over look a few things (when our wealthiest and supposedly most "trustworthy" politicians are not), then they are really in denial. We need to take reasonable steps for safety - I'm not saying we don't. But there comes a point where we have lost more than we have gained. And safety can NEVER be guaranteed.
  16. donali

    My Strategy

    I don't remember if it was called a master cleanse or not, I'm sorry to say. My juicing book has been long buried under who knows how many other books on the topic of weightloss, increasing your memory, visualizing your future, tapping into your psychic abilities, etc., etc.... lol I haven't juice fasted in a while now, but have toyed with the idea of juicing one day a week. I toy with lots of ideas. Implementation, however, is something I SUCK at... lol
  17. donali

    My Strategy

    Since I am facing losing my band next week, I have to find a way to do it on my own. I would MUCH MUCH MUCH rather do it with the band, but that's just too bad. So, I'm going to have to suck it up, and be brutally honest with myself and my pre-band eating habits. 1. Being constantly hungry is NOT a license to eat a whole large deep dish pizza. Or a whole bucket of fried chicken. Or a whole casserole of lasagna. 2. Occasionally having a piece of pizza, or fried chicken, or lasagna is NOT the problem. However, if that doesn't satisfy my hunger, I will have to fill up on less calorically dense foods, like fruits, vegetables and lean Proteins if I want to maintain my weight loss. 3. I will NOT drink WITH my meals. 4. I will eat regularly, and not wait until I am STARVING and in a panic about food. 5. I will PLAN. I will PLAN. I will PLAN.. That means I will have nutritious food available for every meal. I will not fall into my prior bad habits of hitting fast food places and super-sizing because I never got around to making a lunch to take to work. 6. I will CHEW my food. 7. I will eat SLOWLY. 8. I will stop eating after 20 minutes. 9. I will find ways to distract myself from thoughts of food when I am not physically hungry. 10. I will NEVER DIET. 11. I will make nutritious choices 70% of the time. 12. When I have a bout of unstoppable hunger/cravings, I will satisfy my craving for any kind of food with ONE normal person serving. If I am still hungry I have permission from myself to eat as much vegetables, fruit and lean proteins as I can cram in there. 13. I will Water load before meals. 14. I will drink my gallon of water a day. 15. I will do a minimum of 20 minutes walking each day. 16. I will faithfully and frequently check-in with my beloved bandster buddies to receive the support, love and understanding that I will need, particularly when things are not going as well as planned. 17. I will practice using my emotional hunger tools, and revisit my eating addiction therapy tools often. 18. I will concentrate on HEALTH, not weight. 19. I will open myself to inspiration. 20. I will be gentle and loving with myself every step of the way. Feel free to add things I may have missed!!
  18. donali

    Whippledaddy Has Passed Away

    Heartbreaking... Patty, my heart goes out to you. I couldn't imagine a love greater than the love Ryan had for you. Ryan was a man who touched lives, and the beauty of his thoughts, writing, and very soul are rarely found on this earth. I count myself blessed to have had my life touched by such a wonderful person. Ryan, you are much loved and will be sorely missed by all who knew you.
  19. donali

    How much does water weigh?

    Okay, this is easier to understand if you think of the air as something thick with mass, like Jello. If a fly is suspended in jello (which fills the elevator) it will move up and down with the elevator without changing position, because it is too light to move through the jello on its own. Suspend something heavier in the jello, like a marble, and if there is enough speed in the elevator going down, and enough of a sudden stop, the marble will move through the jello and end up on the bottom at that sudden stop. So to a fly, air is more like the consistency of jello than it is to us. Just like we would be hard put to make our way through thick mucky mud, but to an elephant it's nothing. And glass is a liquid... Seriously...
  20. donali

    How much does water weigh?

    A fly doesn't hit the back of the windshield because it does not have enough mass to carry momentum through the surrounding air, which is traveling at the same speed as the car - so it quickly adjusts to the speed of the air around it. Just like if a feather blew in the window it would not fly all the way back to the back window. Plus the fly can adjust its own speed in addition to having the advantage of small mass. Similar to how far can you throw a light object vs a heavy object?? Momentum can be thought of as mass times velocity. People being heavy will have lots of momentum whilst the fly and the air will have little. The fly or an air particle will therefore have insufficient momentum to force themselves through the surrounding air particles. A person having lots of momentum would easily punch through the surrounding air and carry on to the back window and SPLAT!
  21. Total commoner here - it would never occur to me to take off my shoes before entering someone's house unless they asked me to - in 45 years, I think I have been to MAYBE one or two homes where they didn't wear shoes indoors. I thought it was a very strange novelty - never asked why, just did it. But I thought it was weird. I run around the house barefoot most of the time, but it's a comfort thing, not a cleanliness thing. Sad to say, the bottom of my shoes are probably cleaner than my floors... lol As far as preserving carpet, I've been told to NEVER walk around barefoot on carpet if you want to preserve it, because the oils from your skin gets onto the carpet fibers and then attracts and holds dirt. So, if you really really want to protect your carpet, I guess the best thing would be to have outdoor shoes and indoor shoes.
  22. donali

    Outraged! This man mooed at me!

    My favorite response I've ever heard to the mooing, and hope I remember this the next time it happens to me: "Excuse me - did you just moo like a cow?" "Yep." "I thought so. You don't look like you have the balls to be a bull." lol
  23. donali

    So...I'm okay, how are you?

    Holy Crap! Sue, you're wearing LEOPARD print! Does it get any better than that??? lol And you're looking great - what I can see of you, anyway... hehe xxoo
  24. donali

    So...I'm okay, how are you?

    So glad you're doing well! Great to hear from you! xxoo
  25. donali

    Art work and their artists

    Hi Tricia! I was in all Northwest too! 1978ish... I believe...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
