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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by donali

  1. I personally don't see how stitching the stomach around the band could have anything to do with lower rates of erosion. It was my understanding that this technique was developed to reduce/eliminate SLIPPAGE, and had nothing to do with erosion....
  2. donali

    Suggestion for New Forum

    I agree that the information availabe should not be used to "brush off" anyone, and this site is MOST valuable because it is "live" and people develop relationships with eachother. But I don't always have time (or energy) to answer common newbie posts in the depth that they should be answered, and if I KNOW there is a post already that addresses their question in depth I am much more likely to post to that person with a link than to ignore them altogether. Which maybe isn't the same as indepth support, but not exactly brushing them off or making them feel as though no one reads their posts, or that they can't get attention because they're not a part of the non-existent "clique". Because I have been around here from almost the beginning, and have obsessively read this board until at least July 04, and have a relatively good memory for things that matter to me, I can often recall having read about something that I think can help, but that I can't give specifics on. Sometimes these are even my OWN posts - and let me tell you - even when you know SPECIFICALLY what you are looking for, and who posted it - it can be EXTREMELY frustrating trying to find it again! The search feature does not seem to be completely reliable - and for newbies who have no idea if there is a post or not... it's very likely they won't be able to find one of the more helpful or detailed posts. That was really my idea behind the newbie section - not to replace the real support here, but to give everyone a "base" of knowledge to work from. Plus, I would link to real threads, too, where people could go and post to with further questions and get answers, expounding on those pre-existing valuable threads. But I do hear your concerns Alexandra, and I think they are valid.
  3. donali

    GROSSEST Pig Out Combo of Food

    Okay, Teresa! 'Fess up!! What DOES a rolypoly bug taste like?!?! And DON'T say "chicken"!!!
  4. donali

    My Mom is in the hospital! SIGH!!!

    Penni - Sending healing thoughts and wishes out to your Mom. She's so lucky to have you there, particularly with your medical knowledge. Hang in there! (((HUGS)))
  5. donali

    Nykee's Food Journal

    Nykee, this sounds EXACTLY like what Penni had, rash-wise. I think it did have something to do with her port??? I just saw that picture the other day... now, where did I put that thread??? Ah - here's the specific post/picture: http://lapbandtalk.com/showpost.php?p=12985&postcount=106
  6. Again, I left out one of the most important parts, assuming of course that everyone has already read the "Tools for Dealing with Emotional Hunger" and are trying to employ those strategies - http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=434 Of course Nicole has the most important next step - after acknowledging your emotions, you will undoubtedly still need to DO something - that's when you have to whip out your emotion/activity chart, and pick something OTHER than eating to try and help you through.
  7. Sweet Girl - I think "dealing with your feelings" is mostly done with acknowledging that they even exist. Most of us don't even realize that we're eating because we feel a certain way - the feelings are so buried. All we know is that we want/NEED to eat. In your case, you certainly know WHY you are being drawn to food. But instead of going for that "numb", explore your feelings. Write down everything you are thinking, every way that you hurt, every angry thought and revengeful hope you have. Explore the hurt, and take it to its resolution in your mind - i.e., you know that in a certain amount of time this will just be a memory and won't have the power over you then that it does now. I don't know of a way to accelerate the healing, but knowing that eventually the hurt will dim and disappear, and reminding yourself of that and what it will feel like helps put things into perspective. THEN... You have to look a little deeper. Almost always the true pain has attached to it an unacknowledged fear, and I think THAT is truly the big enemy. Maybe deep down you fear that you will never find someone else, or that this will happen again, or something along those lines. Once you can find the underlying fear(s), you can play those out to resolution, and the fear dims. As an example, let's say I'm feeling stressed at work because of all of these layoffs. I was very attached to my boss, his boss, and my Mom, and they all got laid off in 3 consecutive days. YES I feel a loss, and I feel hurt and resentful. I'm eating. But underlying all those valid and TRUE feelings lies my fear, which intensifies all of this, that is not as easily acknowledged... I'm afraid I will get laid off, too. I'm afraid if I DO get laid off, I won't be able to make my car/mortgage payments, that I will somehow negatively impact my BF's finances, that I will have to ask for help. So, I explore these fears, and keep asking, "Okay, WHAT IF you DO get laid off? What will happen?" And then I try to walk through EVERYTHING. Not just all the bad things that will happen, but ALL the way through. After waddling in all the immediate negative ramifications, eventually I have to admit, "And then I suppose I will eventually find another job, and if that doesn't pay enough to pay for everything then I could get a second job. And if that doesn't pay for everything, then I can sell the new car. Maybe refinance the house. Withdraw from my 401K and take the penalties." But because I have FELT my feelings, acknowledged and worked through them, I feel a little more powerful, and my desire/NEED to eat is lessened. It is scary and painful, but going through the process does leave you feeling more powerful and in control. Let me know if this helps in any way, and remember, if you STILL end up eating to numb yourself, please be kind and gentle with yourself. You are doing the best you can, and you are using techniques that have worked for you in the past. Give yourself time to learn new techniques to deal with this crap. One day maybe it will be 50%/50%. The more you practice, the less you'll need food to help. Promise. ((((HUGS))))
  8. donali

    My worst fears have come true about him...

    Megan.... SO sorry, and what a !!$@$#$. I would love to be able to think up a little harmless revenge, but I have to admit that the higher road (and possibly the more effective) is the "you didn't mean anything to me" tact daiseydoodle suggests. He may be one of those jerks who feels better when the wronged party treats him bad, so we DON'T want him to feel better!!! ((((HUGS)))) There are good ones out there, and you will find your prince - I just know it!!! Because you are beautiful, smart, sexy, and REAL. xxoo
  9. donali

    autoimmune issues

    No AI for me, as far as I know. Only disease I've ever had that I am aware of was my diseased gallbladder which was taken out in 1992, loooong before I had even heard of a lapband.
  10. donali

    FLYLadies, step forward!

    Flybaby here <frantically waving> I have been a subscriber of the FlyLady reminders for a couple of years now. I am NOT NOT NOT flywashed yet. I do think about decluttering everyday, and mostly don't do it, but in spite of my lack of commitment I have gotten rid of a lot of stuff I don't need and have changed my attitude a little about housework. I have no routines, and if FlyLady were reading this she would tell me to unsubscribe already, if I'm NOT going to do it! But I like getting the testimonials, and I just tell myself that my babysteps are so microscopic that most people just can't see them... :cool: www.flylady.net
  11. donali

    Standing Ovation Please!

    Really hard to choose from some of the answers, but with my best guess TODAY... lol: Summary of Idealists Make sense of the world using inner values Focus on personal growth and the growth of others Think of themselves as bright, forgiving and curious May sometimes appear stubborn My family would say SOMETIMES?!?! lol
  12. donali

    GROSSEST Pig Out Combo of Food

    No - it's supposed to be CoffeeMate!!! lol That stuff was SOOOOO good... I'd forgotten all about that...
  13. donali

    Suggestion for New Forum

    I think this actually ties into my suggestion for a newbie section, listed first under the lapband forum... I'm still working on the newbie reference post - haven't spent a lot of concentrated effort on it yet, but if no Newbie section gets created I may just post it on my website and request a sticky thread with the link there for newbies to read. I think it would be better and more dynamic as a part of this forum, though...
  14. donali

    Chocolate for dinner? Yep.

    It's donut day here. Yep, the first Friday of every month. I love donuts. I NEVER buy them - hate paying money for stuff that I really don't want to be eating anyway. But... when they're free... 1 filled donut 1 poppyseed muffin 1 cinnamon roll 1 cherry danish 1 cheese danish It's been a very stressful week. My boss was laid off on Tuesday. His boss was laid off on Monday. My Mom was laid off on Wednesday. I think I'm doing just a bit of emotional eating. BUT - on top that - there were FREE DONUTS at work today... :straight Feel better, Alex?!?! lol
  15. donali

    Your Wu name

    Oh dear.... With first/last names I'm "Crazy Mastermind". They got the crazy part right, anyway... lol Even scarier... When I use JUST my first name... "Amazing Leader" Not quite sure what to make of that... lol JUST my last name... "Respected Swami" Oh, Oh, Oh!!! I just figured it out - you HAVE to use your FULL name!!! With first middle last I am: "Thunderous Demon" AHAHAHAHAHHHHAAAHH
  16. Picture Thread Link: http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=4642 Love all the new photos!!! Everyone is doing great!!!
  17. donali

    Such Exciting News!!!

    Whoo hooo!!! A thousand congrats!!!
  18. Whoo hoo, Zoe!! Congrats!! I have a small fortune invested in bras from Lane Bryant...
  19. donali

    Nykee's Food Journal

    Hi Nykee - Just an observation - 1137 of those calories were from LIQUIDS!!! Almost your whole day's calorie allotment! The cookies/cookie dough/jelly beans/fritos/kit kats need no comment... But I think if you keep an eye on those liquid calories your counts will be much better... Those liquid calories are sneaky!!
  20. donali

    Thinking about an East Coast Bash

    I'm with HarleyNana - the only walking I'm interested in doing on that short weekend is possibly shopping... So there will be a group for the more "couch potato" people! Bright - are you going on the walk, or shopping???
  21. donali

    Just my Luck, Back to Mexico

    What a disaster, kid - I'm so sorry!!! Just one thought, though - if there's nothing wrong with the band itself, perhaps just replacing the tubing would be the way to go, since you're not having probs with the actual band? I am just so wary of messing with the stomach if not absolutely necessary, but certainly understand your wanting to put these problems behind you. Hoping you get the best resolution that puts an end to these probs! xxoo
  22. donali

    Car accident

    (((hugs))) I am so sorry, and hope you're feeling better soon. (((hugs)))
  23. donali

    Delarla & LBT Calendar Girls!!!!!!!

    If Crystal wants in on February she's welcome to join me.
  24. donali

    Belgium Banding experience

    Many thanks for the info... If I ever get the money up, Brussels sounds like a good place for a second banding...
  25. donali

    I think he likes me....

    "my little friend"...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
