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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Magnettaj

  1. Magnettaj

    How long does the pain last?

    Hi! I just joined this forum today wanting to ask this same question regarding post-op pain. I also had a band to bypass revision this Thursday afternoon and came home yesterday, Friday afternoon. (I didn't even stay in the hospital more than 24 hours.) I had the morphine pump and was up walking around the hospital the following morning, getting dressed myself, holding down jellow and broth, and I really thought I was doing well. Flash forward to last night after the morphine wears off and I am crying in pain. I can't get comfortable laying down, sitting up, and walking feels like my cuts are being torn open. They gave my Tylenol with Codene, but all it does is make me groggy. No pain relief whatsoever. I've had WLS before and a Csection so I'm no stranger to recovery, but this pain is BAD. I can barely breathe in without my back tensing up in pain. I called the advice nurse this morning but still haven't gotten a call back. I just don't know how much pain is considered normal or expected. Since it's been a couple months since your sugery, can you give us an update as to how your healing process was? Thanks!
  2. I've had my band for almost 3 months and have since had one fill of 4.5cc. I't started out just fine for the 1st two weeks as long as I chewed well and didn't drink while eating. However, I am no longer to keep down any kind of meat. Even the little chicken chunks in soup bother me. I tried plain hamburger yesterday and threw it all back up 30 mins later. I eat very small portions, but I'm growing tired of soup and shakes. I made an appointment to get a little fluid taken out, but I don't want to upset my weight loss as I am right on track. Has anyone else had this issue or have any ideas of different ways I can cook the meat to make it more digestable? I do just fine with crab and hot dogs, but thats it. What do ya say?
  3. Magnettaj

    Frustrated with food!!

    Well, I tried tuna, but that was a fail. I'm gonna try some salmon tonight. I just hate wasting food. My husband has become my human garbage disposal, causing him to gain weight. I don't want that either obviously. I can't get in for an unfill until the 24th, which is quite a while. I haven't been able to take any of my medications for a week either which isn't good. However I live in a town surrounded by cornfield so there aren't any other options as far as a different doctor anywhere close. My surgeon only does fills/unfills on Thursdays and since he is the only one around, there is always a long wait to get in. You'd think they would make an exception since I can't take my medications, but oh well. Thanks for the advice!
  4. I was banded on March 22, 2011 and much to my dismay, found out my port had flipped during my first fill appointment. The nurse attempted to access the port, continuously scraping the needle against it making a horrible sound. The surgeon was called in to give it a try, fished around for about 5 minutes, during which I turned white and nearly passed out from the pain. He decided to put me under his live x-ray machine and attempt one more time even though it was quite clear from the picture that the port had flipped 180 degrees. I left with a black and blue stomach, 3 bleeding puncture holes, and in complete tears from pain and disappointment. I couldn't find many posts by people with a similar experience, but after 2 weeks I received my approval from the insurance and was scheduled for a second surgery. This took place just two days ago on May 24, 2011. I was told at weigh in that I'd lost 34 lbs since I first stepped into the office and that I would be getting my first fill while in surgery. It felt good to know that I was doing well even without a fill. Long story short, the surgery took about an hour, longer than the original surgery. He said that he needed to cut out a large portion of flesh, sew mesh into the muscle wall, then sew the port back down and tie me up. He put in 6cc of Fluid to make up for missing out on my first fill, which ended up being too much. They gave me some Water but it wouldn't go down. I headed back to the live x-ray, drank so barium, and watched it slide down my throat and get stuck right at the band entrance. Out came the 4 inch needle again which he stuck right through my bandage into my fresh wound and sucked out about 1.5cc until the barium rushed down into my stomach. It was a relief to actually see the port on the screen and that he was able to access it this time. The constant poking was pretty much torture, and I have a high pain tolerance. All I can say to those wondering what it will be like is that the recovery time seems to be longer as I am in much more pain the second time around. I'm taking 4000mg of acetaminophen over a 24 hour span but still find it hard to sit up, lie down, and go to the bathroom alone. (Thank God for my hubby!) I never knew how much I actually used my stomach muscles until I could feel the pain from being cut into. Although, it’s only been 2 days so I will need to give it time. All in all, I know this little bump in the road will be worth it in the end. I'm only 21 so I will have plenty of time to recover, lose weight, and enjoy my new life. Best wished to everyone out there getting started or experiencing their own difficulties along the way. With determination and the support of others, we will get through this and have a good time!
  5. Magnettaj

    5 months post op and first fill

    May I ask why you were made to wait 5 months before a fill? I'm 2 months out and already have 4.5cc in my band. Just curious.
  6. WOW!!! You go girl! Us newbies really look up to you and others with inspiring stories! Go ahead and flaunt it!
  7. Magnettaj

    Port Revision Surgery

    I was banded on March 22, 2011 and just had my port revision sx done yesterday. They also did my first fill of 6cc. I had to get a live x-ray done before leaving since the Water they gave me to drink wouldn't go down. He ended up taking out 1.5cc. (He stuck the needle right through my bandage but was actually able to access the port this time. That hurt...) Anyway, i felt a rush of cold hit the bottom of my stomach and watched the barium run through the port. So now I have 4.5cc in my band. But I will have to agree with you. I am in sooo much more pain now than I was after the original sx. They gave me liquid pain meds but they don't seem to be helping. I can barely get up from sitting or lying down, and forget about going to the bathroom by myself. Thank goodness for great husbands! I am getting very little sleep as I can't lie on my usual side. I'm wondering how I will survive work tomorrow as I am a pharmacy tech standing and running around for 9 hours. Good luck to you, don't worry, you aren't alone. I'm only 21 so I thought I would have it easy and heal faster/see better results. But I too am one of the lucky 2% that needed a little extra help. I've already lost 34 lbs before my first fill, believe me, we CAN do this!!
  8. Magnettaj

    Magnettaj's Before and After Pics

    My Before & After Photos!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
