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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SageTracey

  1. SageTracey

    period right after band?!?!

    Three periods in the first six weeks after my surgery! Now back to normal. It's a major trauma we put our bodies through so it's not surprising.
  2. SageTracey

    14 CC Bandsters

    Hi Molly, my surgeon and people on this board say the sweet spot comes at a different point for everyone so that's a really difficult question to answer. I have a 14cc band and feel as though I have hit my sweet spot at 5.5cc (three fills, 2.5, 2 and 1cc.) It feels great to be satisfied with small amounts of healthy foods. Plus I have discovered that I was not actually "hungry" most of the time when I was eating before. I still feel that "head hunger" but have found that I don't actually want or need to eat food, which makes me think about why I am feeling as I do. Good luck! Tracey
  3. SageTracey

    Just got approved, NEED answers..

    Welcome aboard! I took two weeks off work on the advice of my surgeon and am glad that I did. The anasthetic always knocks me out for a week anyway. I had left shoulder pain for 10 days. The nurse said it was gas pain, but my surgeon said it was referred pain from my diaphragm. My husband of 30 years is really proud of my success (25kg so far) and says I dance much better already because I am lighter on my feet - I could be flying by the time I reach my first goal of 99kg. From what I have read here, and from what my surgeon says, reaching restriction is different for everyone. I was banded 13 April and have had three fills, totl 5.5cc and feel that I have reached a really good point where I feel satisfied after a very small meal, don't feel hungry for about four hours, and am still losing weight. Some days (like today) I want to eat more but not because I am hungry, more to do with overtiredness and letting my danger foods get into the house - they will be gone tomorrow! Would I do it again? Definitely! I feel so much better already and am really looking forward to my son's wedding next year when I won't be embarrassed to be in his photos. Good luck with whatever you decide.
  4. SageTracey

    kinda sad/kinda happy

    Sorry to hear about your pain. Did they tell you what is causing it and why they have to remove your band? Good luck!
  5. Thanks for sharing, Rachel. I've had an "I want to eat" day, triggered by a big social weekend, overtiredness and leftovers begging me to eat like I used to! I knew the battle was in my head so compromised with a small sandwich and a half brownie and actually realised that was all I needed to feel satisfied. Plus I know I danced enough last night and moved enough furniture today to burn off a few extra calories. (The rest of the leftovers go to work tomorrow for my workmates to eat for morning tea!)
  6. SageTracey

    Pain with first fill?

    Congratulations Jessie. I have had two fills (banded 13 April) and both have been a very minor needle prick. Surgeon said it could be worse if he had to poke around for my port but so far so good - third fill on Friday morning.
  7. SageTracey

    Big decision -- please help.

    It's tough to wait when you have made the mental decision but it really comes down to your personal situation and only you know those details. Good luck with whatever decision you make.
  8. SageTracey

    Exercise advise please

    Find an exercise that you enjoy. I love dancing and am fortunate that my husband also loves dancing. Even better is that the majority of the people in our group prefer not to drink alcohol when they are dancing because they say they can't dance as well when drinking. This means that my water is perfectly normal!
  9. SageTracey

    iPhone app for banders

    Every now and then I just open it up for the inspirational messages to give me a mental boost. I am looking forward to six to eight months down the track when I have some real data in there and can see some downward movement on my graphs etc.
  10. SageTracey

    What if your hubby LIKES you fat?

    Good luck to Master Harper. Love is more than skin deep (or is that skin depth!) I thought my husband was a fat admirer too until he encouraged me to get my band because he doesn't want me to die or end up in a wheelchair.
  11. I haven't told my workmates that I was banded but twice in the last two days, two colleagues have reached for the chocolate box on top of the fridge, paused, looked at me and said, "Tell me I don't need it Tracey, you're doing such a great job losing weight!" Love their encouragement and am really riding the buzz of them noticing my success.
  12. SageTracey

    Down 9 pounds in a week!

    Congratulatons. Enjoy that fantastic feeling and use it to motivate you through the tougher moments on this journey. I LOVE seeing those numbers drop!
  13. SageTracey

    iPhone app for banders

    Hi Jess, It's $9.99 here in Australia! But I looked at it as a long term tool (a bit like my band!) which will let me look back over my journey to remind me just how far I have come....when I get there, or get discouraged on the way. I really like that it offers inspirational little quotes whenever I open the app. Plus I can enter my own messages that remind me of why I am doing this - like: "To dance all night" "To look fantastic in my son's wedding photos" and "To live long and well enough to enjoy grandkids - one day!"
  14. SageTracey

    Discouraged with the band.

    "Fake it til you make it" - what awesome advice. By the time you start making it, the faking it will be a normal part of your daily life and you'll achieve all that you are hoping to achieve. Good luck.
  15. SageTracey

    NO PRE-OP Say whaaat?!

    My appointment for my second fill today was postponed several hours because, as my surgeon later explained, he had been called into surgery to assist in another lap band op. But the patient hadn't followed pre-op instructions and had a massive liver so my surgeon advised the other surgeon to cancel and not install the band. Sure am glad I followed his pre-op advice (three weeks of protein shakes....)
  16. I went to a concert four days after my surgery, fortunately only a 15 minute drive from home. Concert was great but I was wrecked by the end of it, especially with shoulder pain. Good luck!
  17. SageTracey

    Looking for a buddy or 2 in the UK

    Good luck! I'm an Aussie but have found this forum to be really helpful in answering so many questions that I never even thought to ask my surgeon. Hope you find a UK buddy.
  18. SageTracey

    How long until you were back at work?

    The anaesthetic left me feeling wiped out for a week plus I had the shoulder pain (which my surgeon said was referred pain from moving my diaphragm and not gas pain) for 10 days. I took two weeks off and didn't feel well enough to go back any earlier.
  19. I only told immediate family and one very close friend i.e. only the people that I need/want/expect support from and they have been great. I don't need people monitoring what I eat and how much exercise I do - that's my responsibility. To people who comment on my weight loss, I say that I am eating less and exercising more - which is the truth, it's just that the band prevents me from eating as much as I used to eat. By fortunate coincidence, my older son announced his engagement about the same time as my surgery, so I often add that I want to look good in his wedding photographs next year.
  20. SageTracey

    The "What you can't eat anymore" thread

    Pepsi and all soft drinks are gone and I'm not missing them one bit!
  21. SageTracey

    Do you prefer biking, or walking/hiking?

    Cycling for me - exercise bike when it's dark outside but I love to hit the country roads on my hybrid whenever possible. Unfortunately the magpie-swooping season coincides with longer days so that makes it harder to get out. DH and dogs prefer walking so I do that with them, too. But my all time fave exercise is dancing and losing weight with my band is making it even easier for me on the dance floor. DH has commented that I am eaiser to lead (rock and roll) now that I have started losing weight, so he is enjoying it even more too.
  22. SageTracey

    i dont understand

    I'm still new (banded 13 April 2011) and due for my second fill next week. I keep coming here to read and check that I am normal - emotions, bodily movements, lack of restriction 9so far!) etc. Good luck
  23. SageTracey

    Anybody's PMS get worse after banding?

    Me too! Hadn't had a period for nine months pre-surgery, actually thought I was menopausal then got one a week after surgery and now every three weeks since. Hubby and son have learnt the signs and learnt to duck (metaphorically.) I am trying to pick up the signs early in myself so that I can not take it out on them.
  24. SageTracey


    I totally relate to the clothes NSV but the biggie for me has been able to get through a rock and roll dance class with my husband and not moan about how much my knees hurt. Soon I'll be able to keep up with him al night long at dances.
  25. SageTracey

    Called medicare...

    Seems as though there is something to be said for the Australian health care system after all! Our medicare (govt) system has a simplified billing which doesn't require any pre-approval or even risk of rejection, so with my private health insurance, I was operated on within three weeks of seeing my surgeon for the first time, and only $1,000 out of pocket - total. Fills are bulk-billed i.e. fully covered by Medicare.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
