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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SageTracey

  1. Sorry for your losses. I hope that you can come through stronger and committed to looking after your own health.
  2. SageTracey

    Really Needing Some Support

    Losing a baby is a major life trauma so it is not surprising that your weight loss stalled. You had so much more to deal with at that time. Best wishes as you resume your journey.
  3. SageTracey

    Having Problems - Is This Normal?

    Good that you called dr. If you are dehydrated you need to concentrate on drinking plenty of water. Just keep sipping
  4. I don't why it happens but it does so relax and enjoy. You are very lucky to feel restriction on your first fill. It may disappear as you lose weight but that is also normal.
  5. SageTracey

    Menstruation After Lap Band Surgery

    This is pretty normal. Weight gain, weight loss and surgery are the ideal recipe for messing up our schedules. Throw in the onset of menopause and I never know when I am getting a period! pre-surgery I had nothing for 9 months, post-surgery it was every two weeks but now I haven't had a period for two months.
  6. Good luck with your surgery. My advice would be that you must not expect too much too soon and you must not expect the band to do all the work for you. You will struggle with the liquids and mushy phases, you may regain a little weight shrinks go back onto solids, you will feel as though you can eat anything and wonder why you even got this band. But you will eventually get restriction after a number of fills and if you are following your Dr advice, you will enjoy success and lose weight.
  7. SageTracey

    Fitbit Or Bodybug?

    I have the Body Media Fit and it's great. I can see how many calories burned, steps walked and even how much sleep I've had.
  8. SageTracey

    A Christmas Nsv

    Congratulations, that's great
  9. Doesn't sound like it's anything you have done ! Hope everything gets sorted for you soon. Merry Christmas.
  10. Wow! I was six weeks before I was allowed "normal" foods. And like others have said, just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Glad to see your portions are smaller but remember to follow your dr guidelines as closely as possible if you want to achieve success.
  11. SageTracey

    Wth, My First Lap Band Fill !!

    You could try celebrating each little success (with non-food rewards) so that you are identifying and acknowledging your great achievements. Feeling like a winner will help keep you on track for the long term. Good luck!
  12. Good move! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as well.
  13. Use it as motivation to prove them wrong! I've lost 51kg in eight months and have exceeded my surgeon's expectations - which he didn't reveal post surgery. You can either let it limit your success or drive your success. The choice is yours so go for it!
  14. SageTracey

    Setting Your Goals......

    My first goal was to get under 100kg - done! My next goal is to wear a size 14. Currently at size 16-18 on the bottom, 16-14 on top but this time last year I was squeezing to get into a 26 so am well on my way! My other goal is to get off my last blood pressure tablet.
  15. My New Year's Resolutions are to keep on doing more of the same! I've lost 51kg since surgery in April. I want to lose at least another 10kg and then figure out where my body is comfortable. I will also look fantastic at my son's wedding in April and I will ride in the Great Victorian Bike Ride.
  16. I am also a desk jockey and took two full weeks off. It wasn't the surgery itself but the effect of the anaesthetic that slowed me right down.
  17. I was banded 8 months ago and have discovered the joys of being able to cross my legs, exercise, buy normal sized clothes and generally feel good about myself. The big thing on my bucket list is to ride in the Great Victorian Bike Ride that takes place each November. I am going to ride in next year's Ride, but the only disappointment is that it is taking place in my home area
  18. Four weeks post-op you are probably only just getting onto solid food. This means that your body has more fuel to burn for you to lose weight. If you are up to it, kick up your exercise a bit. Stalled loss and even slight weight gain is normal at this stage of your journey.
  19. We have a service in Australia called Nurse on Call where you can phone up anytime of day or night and speak with a nurse for advice on whether to go to the hospital or wait to see your doctor next day. Do you have anything like that where you are? A phone call could give you peace of mind.
  20. SageTracey

    Almost Died In Lap Band Surgery

    That must have been so scary for you and your wife! I have no opinion on the whole lawyer thing but if I was in your shoes I would be doing two things - 1. Finding a new dr to work with. Your dr's change of story would cause me to lose confidence in him so I would need to find myself another dr. 2. You are probably already doing this, but any....be a fantastic supporter for your wife. Replicate her new lifestyle with eating and exercise. Not only will it strengthen your relationship, you will also continue to reap the benefits and lose more weight. How do I know this? Because my husband, who doesn't actually need to lose weight, is my greatest supporter. He eats and exercises with me and is getting fitter, healthier and more toned as I am losing weight. Good luck to you both.
  21. I've just passed the eight month mark and would have to agree - it's up to us to work the band and change our lifestyle. I now weigh and measure my food. I track my calories and exercise, also on MFP. Sure, my surgeon called me his poster child for lap band surgery, but it's as much a head game as it is a physical one. I still have to choose to eat the right foods and to exercise. I am still tempted by sweet stuff.. I am still prone to emotional eating and probably always will be. But now I am so much more aware of the consequences and to actually pause and consider whether I really am prepared to pay the price for that piece of cake or that glass of wine. And most times I decide that I am not. I've lost 51kg and am loving life with my band!
  22. SageTracey

    How Soon Can I Go Back To Work

    I took two full weeks off and was not well enough to go back to my desk job any sooner. For me, it's the effect of the anaesthetic more than the actual surgery. Don't rush back too soon.
  23. I quickly learnt that not paying attention to my full signals led to disastrous consequences. I have to pay attention to every mouthful and stop when I have eaten enough and no more!
  24. Congratulations this sounds scary but such a major step in recovery.
  25. SageTracey

    Having A Hard Go Of It

    Getting started is the hard bit, keeping going is even harder. Just remember that you committed to changing your life when you got your surgery and that every step you take is a step closer. the best advice I can offer is to find something you enjoy doing and then mix it up. I started with dancing, added walking, cycling and now swimming. Good luck!

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