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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SageTracey

  1. SageTracey

    Frustrated With The Lapband And Myself

    I seriously doubt that getting multiple fills in that period of time is preventing you from feeling restriction. Please have patience (sorry, I really am not joking) and follow your dr's guidelines. Your dr has trained for this and should have plenty of experience or be under the guidance of an experienced WLS. And try to pick the difference between head hunger and actual hunger. That's real toughie!
  2. SageTracey

    Friend Beening Very Negative

    Congratulations on your success and also on having such consideration for your friend to stop and think before reacting to her. You must be a great friend! I hope that you can find a way to let her know how well you are doing and feeling about getting healthier without her getting negative and seeing it as an attack on her. Try saying things like: "When I hear you say....I feel..." Make it all about your feelings and reactions. Maybe something like, "I'm sure you don't mean for me to feel this way, but I do." Good luck.
  3. SageTracey

    Rate Of Weight Loss?

    122lb in 10 months but I had a lot to lose - still got a way to go but very happy with progress
  4. SageTracey


    I'm 10 months post-op, down 55kg and obviously eating much smaller portions. Alcohol does affect me much more quickly than before. I won't drive now after even just one drink because I really have no sense of BAC. Fortunately (for me) I don't drink a lot because it interferes with dancing!
  5. SageTracey

    Hiking And Weight Loss

    You are doing a lot of exercise and not eating a lot of calories. It might sound contradictory to weight loss but you do need to fuel that engine we call a body. Imagine how long your car can keep running on low fuel levels? Try eating a bit more and you may find the weight loss kicks in again. Good luck PS Disclaimer - I am not a doctor or medical professional so be sure to follow your dr's advice over anything I suggest!
  6. Yes it can. You were obviously very near restriction. so long as you can keep your fluids down and eat small meals without difficulty, you will be fine but if not, you may actually need a small unfill.
  7. SageTracey

    Who Have You Told You Were Banded?

    I know exactly where you are coming from but can also (now) see your husband's side of things. Initially I told only my husband, our sons, my mother and one very close friend. I made it very clear to my husband that I wouldn't be telling his sisters until I was ready - because one of them is very judgemental and I didn't want her negativity. He respected that but after almost 10 months, I have started talking with others about my band and my husband pointed out that it was difficult on him that his sisters didn't know what so many other people now knew. I still wasn't comfortable speaking with one of his sisters but I could see the position he was in. If my surgery was becoming more widely known then it was only a matter of time until his sisters learned about it and they would feel very put out if they heard it on the grapevine. So, I spoke with one of his sisters and gave him permission to tell his other sister. I would have been very hurt and angry if he had gone ahead and told them without my permission, but when he explained it from his perspective, I understood where he was coming from. Good luck.
  8. Plus you have just had an anaesthetic which can have these sort of after effects.
  9. Extremely unlikely to be related to the band or his fill. You sound worried so get him to have it checked out. Peace of mind is worth it!
  10. SageTracey

    My Surgeon Is Not Supportive.

    Ask your GP for a referral.
  11. You are still healing and restriction you are feeling now is as a result of the swelling from your surgery. Your dr will discuss all of the things you have described and decide whether you need a fill yet or not. Good luck.
  12. You are still healing and restriction you are feeling now is as a result of the swelling from your surgery. Your dr will discuss all of the things you have described and decide whether you need a fill yet or not. Good luck.
  13. Seems to me you need to be eating more, especially some fruit and vegetables. Your body is telling you it's not getting enough of the right sort of fuel so listen to what it is telling you and move forward with confidence. It's a shame about your surgeon. Hopefully you can find the information you need here.
  14. SageTracey

    How Long To Wait Between Fills

    Interesting. My first fill was six weeks post-op, the next three visits were at one month intervals and I am now (9 months) at two to three months. My last fill was several months ago but I have definitely and suddenly become much tighter in the last week or so. There will be no fill at my appointment next week, that's for sure. I may even ask for a small unfill.
  15. SageTracey

    Even My Credit Card Company Knows Im Fat?

    Hope you told them that you will soon be spending in normal sized clothes stores and that they will become "characteristic" purchases.
  16. SageTracey

    How To Make Our Marriage Survive Thru Lapband

    It sounds like you are going through a stressful time in your marriage. I know when my DH and I are going through the inevitable downs, every little issue is magnified and seems to become totally unmanageable. Perhaps some counselling would be helpful for you both at this time. My reading of your initial post (and this is totally my own interpretation so could be way off!), is that you are feeling very uncertain about yourself because you haven't conceived, because you are overweight and because your DH is making some positive, albeit major changes. Each of these is unsettling and can make you feel bad, but all together - phew! I hope you are able to pull together and come through these times as a stronger and happier couple. Not all infertility can be resolved so you may need to find ways to grieve for the children you never get to have. Make sure that you do this together, if that is the case. Good luck.
  17. SageTracey

    Throwing Up... What Is Normal?

    Did your surgeon give you anti nausea meds? I would be calling and requesting some asap.
  18. Simple answer? Just ask. Although everyone has to start somewhere so everyone will have to have low numbers at some point.
  19. SageTracey

    So Frustrated...

    On the other hand, it may not have occurred to them that seeing them eat what they consider to be normal foods would be hard for you. You might try saying something kindly along the lines of, "Guys, I'm not asking you to change what you eat, but it is really hard for me to see you eating that stuff at the moment. I've just had weight loss surgery. Could you help me by...." and then be really specific about what you need them to do. Having the surgery is your decision, not theirs, so they cannot be expected to understand how their actions make you feel unless you tell them. Once I spoke to my husband, who really wasn't eating anything too bad, he just kept it out of my sight. Now he is my greatest champion and eats and exercises with me. Good luck.
  20. I finally understand what people mean about the band having a mind of its own. Yesterday my band was so tight I could barely swallow Water let alone eat food. I don't know why it happened as I haven't seen my surgeon since before Christmas and haven't had a fill since October. It was quite scary but the good thing was that I actually listened to my body and didn't try to force any food down. I stuck with fluids, tried mushies for Breakfast and was able to eat a salad, very slowly for lunch. I feel much better tonight and just want to say a big thank you to others who have shared their stories on here because you gave me the information to recognise what was going on and how to handle it.
  21. SageTracey

    Feeling Crappy....

    No catheter and no heparin shots, just compression stockings for about a week. Sorry I can't help with the babysitting. Hope you find someone to help out!
  22. SageTracey

    In Pain....help

    My surgeon told me this was referred pain from moving my diaphragm during the surgery. Mine cleared after a few weeks. Good luck.
  23. SageTracey

    So I Finally Saw My Surgeon

    Fingers crossed that you get it sorted out soon. You have been such a champion through other health issues!
  24. SageTracey

    What Is Your Workout Routine???

    I walk, cycle or swim five or six mornings a week for at least 40 minutes. With my riding, I try to ride to work twice a week so that means riding home as well, round trip of 56km. Finding/making time to exercise is getting easier now that we are empty nesters. We don't find ourselves thinking we need to stay or rush home because we haven't seen our son since last night etc. My big passion is rock n roll dancing and although it's been a bit quiet on that front over the summer (downunder), we'll be back to lessons soon and then that will be at least one, usually two evenings per week. The strange part is how much I miss it if I miss an exercise session. Yesterday I was off work with a dose of the gastro but my husband came home to find me on the exercise bike!
  25. Yes, I kept my pre-op weight loss off as well. But not everyone does for various reasons so be sure to work closely with your medical team for best results.

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