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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SageTracey

  1. NSV = Non scale Victory. Congratulations, you are doing so well and maintaining such a positive attitude! Keep up the great work and continue to Celebrate your successes.
  2. SageTracey

    Quote About Not Giving Up

    So true. my favorite is "You can have excuses or you can have results but you can't have both."
  3. SageTracey

    Lap Band/plication Misery

    Hope you start feeling better very quickly. I had the lap band without any issues so I don't know what you are going through.
  4. SageTracey

    What Are Your Cant Haves

    I can't eat red meats, breads, spaghetti and foods of a thick consistency. Chicken, fish, turkey, fresh fruits are all good. Potato in any shape is a big no no.
  5. SageTracey

    Just Asking

    I hope everything works out for you. My husband is my greatest supporter on this journey. Occasionally he makes jokes about other men but he knows that he is the only one for me. Always has been, always will be. After all, where would I ever find another man who changes his lifestyle to support me becoming healthier?
  6. SageTracey

    Whats On Your Playlist???

    We do a great progressive rock and roll dance to Footloose! It really gets the heart pumping.
  7. SageTracey

    Failed Lap Band!!!!

    Have you considered getting your port fixed and giving the band a go before the other surgery? After all, the band hasn't failed and you haven't had a chance to work with it yet.
  8. I only told husband, kids and my Mum beforehand. Others I have told since because they have asked how I have lost so much weight. But I didn't want to tell anyone to start with because I thought they would be judging me. You know what, they were anyway, so it really didn't matter in the end. Fortunately all the judgement has been positive and my friends are a great support and encouragement.
  9. SageTracey

    Communication Problems

    Confrontation is unpleasant, but politely explaining that you expected to hear from them is not confrontational and will allow you to clear the air with them. If you leave communication problems unresolved at this stage, they will only get worse and you won't get the support that you need. Good luck.
  10. SageTracey

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    And I'm there as SageTracey. also, everybody, checkout the Lapband Group on MFP.
  11. SageTracey

    Very Disappointed In Myself... :(

    Recognising your situation is a great personal achievement. A fill may well help but I would also suggest that you find someone to emotionally support you on this journey. Best of luck
  12. This may come across as sounding harsh because you don't have the benefit of seeing my expressions or hearing my tone of voice. Such is the nature of the internet. Please be aware that I am not trying to be harsh. Doctors don't make rules just for the sake of it. They are trained, experienced professionals, and while it may seem that every dr/surgeon has different rules, they are providing you with the best advice they know. So follow your dr's rules. They are his/her best guidelines for you and your circumstances. I read your post as "getting away with breaking the rules". This won't last. The band is a total lifestyle change and that is what your dr is trying to guide you through. Good luck.
  13. I cannot imagine taking this journey without the total support of my husband. In fact, he suggested that I look into LB surgery (without knowing that my GP had made the same suggestion.) His comment that really meant so much to me was that he didn't want me to die or end up in a wheelchair because of my weight. He wanted me around for a long time to come. My husband still enjoys his food but is more than happy to eat whatever I prepare and he prepares foods that he knows I can eat. The biggest thing that he has done and continues to do for me is exercise. Every morning we walk, cycle or swim together. He is even taking adult swim lessons so that he can actually enjoy swimming. Plus we dance, usually twice a week. He doesn't need to lose weight but has found that adapting his lifestyle to support me has improved his cholesterol levels. And because we are on this journey together, with common goals, our marriage has also improved. We communicate better than ever before and we really look forward to our time together, whether we are walking, cycling, swimming or dancing. I hope that you can get the support you need from somewhere. I truly believe it will make your journey more successful.
  14. SageTracey

    In Need Of Advice And Encouragement!

    Holly Dolly said everything that you need to know! Plus you can always come here for support and understanding (and sometimes a little kick up the behind if you need it!) Best of luck.
  15. SageTracey


    Throwing up can cause swelling which could be irritating your insides. Take care.
  16. SageTracey

    About Fills.....

    First up, we are paying for the medical expertise associated with fills - assessment of whether we need one, their level of skill etc. Secondly, fills require a special needle, and that saline stuff is actually prepared to a medical standard. For me, those are peace of mind factors. But that is easy for me to say as all my fills are covered under Australia's healthcare system and I have never been in a situation where I have had to decide whether to get medical treatment or not based on cost.
  17. SageTracey


    Heartburn with the band is typically associated with being too tight and overeating, but you are unlikely to be too tight so soon after surgery. It's also highly unlikely that you would need your band out because of heartburn. You really need to get medical advice so make an appointment to see your dr. and good luck
  18. SageTracey

    Port Removal

    Sounds like you've been put through the mill! No idea whether you are healing or not but best wishes.
  19. SageTracey


    miop n hjgghgh iopuy9
  20. SageTracey

    How Do Wives React?

    I have had more compliments from gay guys and other women and they make me feel just as great as if a straight guy was hitting on me (actually, probably better, because I wouldn't know how to react!) Besides, I have so much fun flirting with my husband now and he flirts back, and we get to go home together. Work on your relationship and make sure your wife knows that she is the only one for you in everything that you do and say. PS As I told my husband just yesterday, I couldn't get jealous of other women checking him out if I didn't love him so much.....
  21. SageTracey

    Oh But Won't That Be Weird?

    I remember being totally shocked when I saw my insurance summary and it described the band as a prosthetic device. I had never really thought of it like that before. Apart from the fact that I want to be cremated when I die, I figure my bones would outlast the plastic that is my band!
  22. SageTracey

    Newbie Question-What Does It Feel Like?

    The only time I "feel" the band is when I try to eat something I shouldn't or more than I should have - and that's what it is meant to do. I could honestly say I don't even feel the band except when I try to do the wrong thing. I can feel my port, like the others said, but it has never been painful or cause any sort of an issue.
  23. SageTracey

    iPhone app for banders

    Is anyone using BariMate, the iPhone app for banders and other bariatric surgeries? I picked up a flyer about it at my surgeon's office today and downloaded it as soon as I got home. It's been developed by an Australian surgeon but can be used in kg or lb mode. There are nine sub-apps, the most inspiring ones look like the Track Me and Graph Me where you can get graphs and other reports of your progress. It says you can even download them as PDFs to email! Another of the sub-apps is Fill Me, which is described as an interactive estimator as to whether you need a fill or not. I think it's a bit light on the dietary advice section but that may grow over time. Just thought I would share this for bandsters wanting to carry a bit of inspiration and a reminder of how far we have progressed in your pocket.
  24. SageTracey

    How Long Were You Out?

    It depends on how you cope with the anaesthetic. I am a desk jockey and took two weeks off (one week running into Easter) and I really couldn't have gone back any earlier, mainly because of the anaesthetic
  25. SageTracey

    First Fill Today

    Wow, that is a big first fill! Pretty sure mine was only about 2CC. Good luck

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