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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SageTracey

  1. SageTracey

    Plus Size No More!

    Awesome NSV. Congratulations. I was a tight size 26 when I started and am now in a 12-14 top and 16 bottom so I know exactly how you feel. Enjoy
  2. So many different "rules"! My surgeon is 30 before, 30 after. It does get easier after a while and now I don't even consider drinking with a meal. The hardest part for me is the 30 minutes between morning exercise when I drink water like it's going to run out and then having to wait to eat my breakfast. But I have found I can't eat breakfast, wait 30 minutes and then exercise, so I am just learning to live with it
  3. SageTracey

    4 1/2 Weeks...... And I Need My Band Back

    LOL! I enjoyed your band prayer and I think you speak for many of us. Good luck with your re-fills and return to restriction.
  4. SageTracey

    Calling All Swimmers!

    Just do it. One of the advantages of returning to an exercise that you used to do is that you will quickly feel very comfortable in that environment again which makes it easier to keep it up. I enjoy swimming and have found a quiet pool with few lap swimmers and am loving being back in the water.
  5. SageTracey

    Scared Of Exercise

    Try not to think of it as exercise but of finding activities that you enjoy doing. I love to dance and fortunately so does my husband. Added some walking, hubby joined me. Added swimming, now hubby is doing adult swim lessons. Added cycling, now hubby is cycling with me. Needless to say I am still losing weight and getting to spend plenty of time with my husband! I haven't spent any money on a gym or personal trainer, although we are pretty hooked now on our cycling and that can be a financial drain! LOL.
  6. SageTracey

    Burning In Thighs After Surgery?

    Nope, haven't heard of this one. Have you followed up with your medical team?
  7. One of my fill appointments was postponed because my surgeon was called into surgery to assist with a patient who hadn't followed the pre-op diet and whose liver hadn't shrunk. My surgeon made the call to cancel that patient's band. Made me so glad that I had followed the rules!
  8. I can't eat breads or red meats. I've also given up soft drinks. But....I can eat any fruit and vegetables, love my chicken, fish and turkey.
  9. SageTracey

    Is It Bad Of Me.....

    It's an entirely personal decision. so long as the people who need to know do know then don't stress about not telling. Just enjoy the compliments on your weight loss when they come!
  10. Initially I told only my husband (well, we made the decision together so of course he knew!), our two adult sons, and my mother. Now I don't mind who knows and even told three workmates when we went out for dinner this week. One of the reasons I didn't want to tell was to avoid the whole "I thought you would have lost more by now" and "Are you allowed to eat that?" conversation. Guess what? Those sorts of comments and questions still came up from people who thought I was simply eating less and working out more! Everyone felt they had a right to ask how much I had lost, how much more I was going to lose etc. So now I share openly about my band, but also point out, where necessary, that I eat well and that I exercise plenty. Being called a fitness fanatic is a compliment! (PS I am 58kg down in 11 months)
  11. My husband! He fetched and carried, ran to the chemist shop and just generally looked after me. On the other hand, stock up on your post surgery liquid foods. Don't rush back to work. Be prepared for it to be a challenging time and just concentrate on the big picture!
  12. SageTracey

    This Sucks!

    Damn, that is so frustrating! Makes you wish you had recorded the first conversation so you could play it back to them! Good luck
  13. How about an ice pack
  14. SageTracey

    Under The Gown Jitters!

    To reiterate what almost everyone else has said, they are professionals and will treat you with respect and dignity. On another note, once you've given birth, all of these concerns will be history. Best of luck
  15. SageTracey

    Hello Coffee Addict!

    I haven't been told to not drink coffee and I was banded 11 months ago. I still drink three to four cups a day. I have cut out all fizzy drinks (was drinking at least one litre per day) and I don't miss it at all.
  16. Sounds like you are doing okay as you really don't have that much too lose! Keep following the rules and exercise, you'll be fine.
  17. SageTracey

    Success Of Lapband

    I like the fact that I have ongoing visits with my surgeon as it helps me to stay on track. He provides great support as well. To be honest, I didn't consider other WLS options, but I have been extremely pleased with the band. Banded 13 april 2011, lost 58kg so far.
  18. SageTracey

    Support From You Signifigant Other?

    My husband has been my champion throughout this journey, eating with me, exercising with me, and always encouraging me, both in his words and actions. We have become even closer and are really enjoying spending more time together than ever before. Maybe I could have done this without him, not sure, but I truly believe that I have been so successful so quickly because he is 100% on my team. I was banded on 13 April 2011 and have lost 58kg.
  19. SageTracey

    What To Expect With First Fill?

    No pain, don't even feel the needle. Worst experience I have ever had with a fill was when I spotted a spider crawling across the surgeon's roof while I was lying down, waiting for the needle.
  20. SageTracey

    I'm Hungry....

    Geez, I had four weeks of liquids! You want the best chance of success? Follow YOUR doctor's rules. He/she puts them in place for a reason and that is to give you the best possible outcome.
  21. You could also try www.myfitnesspal.com to log your food and exercise. That will give you a really clear picture of how many calories you are taking in and how many you are burning, all of which helps to get back/stay on track. good luck
  22. SageTracey

    I Feel Like Im Falling

    You're not failing, but you are recognising your challenges. That's great! It means that you can come up with strategies (like coming on here for support) to help you deal with and overcome those challenges. keep up the great work. One day at a time....
  23. SageTracey

    Am I Close To The Green

    You will know when you are in the green zone! Yes, you will eat slowly and feel full on smaller amounts (learn to listen to your body, learn your soft stop signals such as hiccuping or burping). The other great thing about the green zone is that you will then feel satisfied for longer periods of time - but the real challenge here is to learn to differentiate between actual hunger and head hunger (you, that state that drives us to emotional eating!) You will also be losing weight. The green zone doesn't have to include negatives like getting stuck or vomiting. You can have those symptoms without being in the green zone and if you eat well and take care, you won't suffer them in the green zone. Good luck.
  24. SageTracey

    Not Sure If I Should Get Another Fill

    If you have heartburn then yes, you would be unwise to get extra fill added. Your dr should discuss this with you and if you answer honestly (not saying that you wouldn't, please don't take offence!), then he/she should refuse to give you a fill. Being too tight can have long term repercussions.
  25. I've lost my taste for beer since being banded

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
