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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SageTracey

  1. The more I read about the difficulties that people go through, the preparations, the build up and the anticipation about their actual day of surgery, the more it seems to me that our actual lapband surgery day is very similar to a wedding day. There is a huge amount of preparation and build up to both and then suddenly they have both passed and what do we have to show for it? A band of saline filled silicone around my stomach in one case and a band of gold around my finger on the other. Either way, the actual surgery or wedding day is only the beginning of the rest of my life. Neither event will give me the outcomes I was dreaming of if I reach that day and think that it is the end of my journey. With that attitude, I would end up as a band failure or a divorcee. My husband and I Celebrate our 28th wedding anniversary this month and we have never been happier as a couple, but we have had to work hard over the years and we know that we will have to continue to work hard over the coming years to maintain our marriage. It's worth it to be with my husband into our old age, to fulfil our dreams, to set new goals and dreams together. This month I will celebrate my first bandiversary and I am already the healthiest I have ever been as an adult. I have worked hard since being banded and I know that I will have to work hard for the rest of my life to continue to lose weight and enjoy my healthier new body. I have to set short, medium and long term goals and then keep setting new goals as I reach those earlier ones. Just as I have to talk with and listen to my husband, give and take, compromise at times for the health of our marriage, so do I have to listen to and work with my band and my body. Our wedding day was a fantastic day, a wonderful celebration. My surgery day was also a very special day. But now I have to look to and work on both for the rest of my life.
  2. SageTracey

    Going Well, Except 1 Thing

    Congratulations Amanda, you are perfectly normal post-op! Everything you described happened to me and I have read about it happening to others here on these boards. I've lost 130lb in almost 12 months, so I am guessing you would be happy to be declared normal.
  3. SageTracey

    Need To See Some Weight Drop Now

    And you are probably wondering where was all their interest when you were gaining that weight in the first place! Remember that it took you a long time to put the weight on and it only went on a little bit at a time. That's how it's going to come off, especially if you do it the healthy way. Try just saying "thanks for caring about my health" to people who ask and then change the subject. If they push you, point out that it took X number of years to gain the weight and it's going to take quite a while to lose it because WLS is not a quick fix, it's a healthy solution. PS Keep reminding yourself of that too! Good luck.
  4. SageTracey


    I feel satisfied on a small quantity of food and then I don't feel hungry for about 4 hours. I don't think about food in between meals. My weight drops!
  5. Exercise has become a priority for me. I played a lot of sport as a kid but gave up most of it by the time I got married at 20. Now I look forward to my exercise each day, especially as my husband likes to join in, whether it be walking, dancing, cycling or swimming. It has very quickly become our time together which makes it even more special.
  6. SageTracey

    Why No More Protein Shakes?!

    It's too easy to drink your calories and end up consuming more calories than you realise or plan to. That is most likely why your dr wants you to eat.
  7. How long does a small meal keep you satisfied before you feel hungry? That is the critical question to determining whether you are in the green zone or not.
  8. SageTracey

    Why Do I Sabotage?

    I've been struggling with this question for the last three weeks or so. I need a fill but am waiting until after my son's wedding in three weeks time. I have my outfit and obviously want to wear it yet I find myself accepting that slice of cake at morning tea, or eating the sweet slices my sister-in-law brought to that family event. At the moment I am winning by exercise but I need to work on getting my head in the right space! good luck to all of us
  9. SageTracey

    How Long To Take Off Work?

    It's not just the band that you have to factor in. How do you normally react to anaesthetic? That always knocks me for at least a week. I took two weeks off and was glad I did. And I am a desk jockey....
  10. SageTracey

    Help!! Food Stuck And I Am Terrified

    Sounds like you have possibly scratched your throat or something. You have eaten and drunk since it happened, obviously still breathing. Best just try to relax and let your body heal itself. If necessary, see your dr on MOnday.
  11. SageTracey

    Is This Normal??

    Yep, definitely and totally normal! You are still recovering from surgery so this is healing time, not weight loss time. Hard as it may be, have patience, follow your dr's orders and the results will come. Best of luck.
  12. SageTracey

    No Weight Loss After Surgery?

    You are still healing from your surgery. Weight loss will come later so don't get disheartened.
  13. Well hello April 13 bandsters! I was banded April 13 last year and am so glad I went down this path. Sure, there are some tough times but I have lost 58kg and have a new zest for life. Good luck and keep on posting on this forum as it is a great place to get your questions answered, as well as to get the support we all need.
  14. SageTracey


    Call your dr in you are worried - that is the only way to get peace of mind for your specific situation. But trying drinking more water until you get an answer. It certainly won't hurt you!
  15. SageTracey


    The port can turn over so that the side which the surgeon injects into to fill your band is underneath and not accessible. Sometimes the surgeon can manipulate the port to gain access for fills (sounds very uncomfortable!), other times it requires minor surgery to correct. Also seems to be fairly uncommon so don't worry about what may or may not happen.
  16. SageTracey

    Is The Band Filled

    That depends on your surgeon. Some put some saline in, others start it empty. Best to ask your surgeon.
  17. SageTracey

    4Th Fill...too Tight??

    Sounds like you could be too full. Take care and get it seen to sooner rather than later.
  18. SageTracey

    Cancelling Surgery?

    Life has a 100% failure rate - we are all going to die in the end. Morbid obesity hurries that process along and leaves us all feeling pretty damn miserable on the journey. Taking action to improve your quality of life will have have its risks but are they lesser or greater than the risks of doing nothing, of continuing on the same path that has led you to consider these changes? I did my own assessment and came up on the side of improving my life. No failures, no issues to date. Benefits in health, quality of life, marriage - out of sight!
  19. Today is going to be a real challenge! Breakfast: oatmeal and home stewed apples lunch: St Dalfours wild salmon and vegetables dinner - well, that depends on the menu at the very fine winery where the boss is taking some of us for dinner tonight. I am working hard at keeping my cals low all day, plus I had an extra long walk this morning, just so I can enjoy dinner tonight. Not that I can go wild and eat the menu, but it would be nice to have a taste of mains and dessert, and maybe a glass of wine.
  20. SageTracey

    Size 14 Feels Great!

    Congratulations! I've also hit size 14 on tops (down from a tight size 26), so I know just how awesome you are feeling. Enjoy.
  21. SageTracey

    Some Info From The Pros

    Others have addressed food so I'll go to your exercise question. Some people say you can lose weight with the band without exercising. Maybe you can. For me, however, exercise has become really important and while I haven't joined a gym, I do try to exercise every day, whether it be a walk (just staring to jog!), cycle (current favorite!), swim or dance. My husband and I have been dancing for 8 years now but it is only since starting to lose weight that I have really understood what I was missing out on before - now I can dance all night. Cycling - started out struggling to hit 10km, now a small ride is 50 - 60km, plus we have hooked up with a local group for regular Sunday rides, so our social life has improved. Swimming - always been easy for me, now my husband is taking adult swim classes to join me in the pool. Walking - best time to chat with my husband. In case you didn't pick up on the other theme here - I have a great support person in my husband. I strongly encourage you to have a champion on your side as that will make your journey so much easier and successful. Best of luck.
  22. SageTracey

    What Are Your Cant Haves

    No breads, red meat or pasta for me. And meat that is dry is impossible.
  23. Kr - you are very early in the process and most likely don't have any restriction yet. Therefore can probably eat anything -if you choose to do so. And you probably won't get stuck. Don't worry, all will come!
  24. SageTracey

    Weird Reactions From Friends

    Hey, I was banded just two days before you! Friends don't always know how to cope when we make such major changes in our lives, especially when you have been as successful as you have. Generally speaking my friends are wonderfully supportive, although several have now started telling me to stop losing and not lose any more weight. What the?!??! I am still obese, no longer morbidly obese. Wonder why none of them ever told me to stop gaining weight. LOL. I guess it's just that big change I have made and they think they are being supportive. Give them the benefit of the doubt and they won't be able to drag me down,
  25. Could be scar tissue but if it's new pain, then I would definitely be getting it checked out.

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