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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SageTracey

  1. I saw my surgeon for a follow up and fill tonight. I was the only one in the waiting room when he came out and called me name, then looked around for me. "Oh, I didn't recognise you!" he said, "You look great!" Needless to say I was pretty pumped by that, but then he mentioned his information seminars and said I would be a model patient to speak at them. And then when I went out to reception, his receptionist pointed out that he hadn't recognised me! He also remembered that I had my son's wedding and was pleased that I had brought photos in to show him. (I've tried to attach a pic, so hope that it works.) Only small negative of the appointment was that my port may have partially flipped. He was able to get the fill in (two jabs, ouch!) but warned that it may flip completely, even though it was both stitched and mechanically attached. Fingers crossed that doesn't happen!
  2. SageTracey

    To Tell Or Not To Tell

    Initially I only told my husband, children, mum and one very close friend. A couple of people guessed and I couldn't lie to them. If people asked me straight if I had the band, I answered yes. But generally speaking, in the early months, I didn't volunteer the information. I felt it was my medical history and no one else's business. And I was a little embarrassed that I had chosen WLS - I guess a part of me still felt at that stage that I should have been able to do it myself! Well, I couldn't do it myself so I am glad I had the surgery. Now I am happy to share that I have a gastric lapband and that it has been a valuable tool in helping me to lose 60kg. I think it is an entirely personal decision and up to each of us as to how, when and why we tell people.
  3. SageTracey

    Jealous Spouse?

    Yes, change can be frightening, even threatening for the people closest to us. The best thing you can do is show by your actions and behaviours that he is still and always will be your number one guy. My husband encouraged me to get the band and then expressed concerns that I would be attracted to other men or that other men would be attracted to me. Considering he was the same weight as the day we married 28 years ago, I thought it was a strange concern that I might become attracted to other men! But we have taken this journey together and he is absolutely my hero. We eat mostly the same foods, unless we are eating out and we would have had different meals pre-band, so no biggie! We also workout together. I have made massive changes to my food choices, portion sizes and activity levels and am enjoying the health benefits. He has made great changes to his exercise regime and willingly gets out of bed early mornings so we can exercise together. He is even taking adult swimming lessons because I love to swim. The benefits to him are not only that he gets to have me around and healthier than before, but his cholesterol is also down. I hope your husband can become your champion on your journey!
  4. SageTracey

    Family Is Driving Me Crazy!

    That's too bad. Fortunately my husband is very supportive and prefers to eat healthily anyway. We share the cooking and both aim to prepare meals that are band-friendly and healthy. He just gets larger portions than me. Maybe you could take a turn at cooking and do the same? Good luck.
  5. SageTracey

    Do You Need Accountability?

    This is exactly what I get (and try to give) on myfitnesspal.com My diary is open to my friends so they can see when I am doing well or when I am struggling. I also log my exercise and that is a real accountability as well! In real life, my husband is my accountability partner, but he can cop a frosty stare if he tries to hold me accountable when I really don't want to be! Poor man, but still my hero.
  6. SageTracey

    Withdrawl?? Did You?

    I cook more post-band than pre. I think it's because I am now eating to fuel my body rather than just for the sake of eating. This means I value everything that goes into my mouth and I want to savour it. I get more enjoyment from eating now which means that I am getting more enjoyment from cooking and food prep. Do I miss the crap that I used to eat? Honestly, no.
  7. An occasional drink is fine. My view is that by denying or banning myself from any specific food or drink (except where I cannot tolerate that food for some reason, like bread, rice, and red meat!), will only make me want it more. Then it becomes a battle of wills which I will inevitably lose and feel guilty about. By allowing myself an occasional drink at a special event, I enjoy and appreciate it, but I also make sure I log the calories in myfitnesspal.com
  8. SageTracey

    Still Struggling

    Congratulations on identifying your own issues - eating the wrong foods and not exercising. Now that you are addressing them, you will enjoy success!
  9. SageTracey

    Daily Schedule

    Figure out what works best for you. It may be a case of trial and error in the beginning. I log my food and exercise in myfitnesspal.com and prefer to log in advance so that I have planned what I will eat and do that day - makes it easier for me to say no to extras!
  10. SageTracey

    Pureed Diet --- Meal Plan Suggestions

    You can puree pretty much anything by adding milk or water to liquefy it. One great suggestion I read elsewhere was to puree different foods separately so that you can put small amounts of each on your plate and enjoy the different flavours. Wish I had thought of that when I was in the mushy stage!
  11. Nine pounds in five weeks is pretty danged good! While I understand being worried/embarrassed to see your dr if you have a slow loss or even a gain, just remember that they have seen it all before. He/She shouldn't get angry with you but should be supportive of you getting back on track. If they do get angry, just tell them that you feel bad enough that you are struggling, now, what can they do to help you, because that is why you are there. Good luck.
  12. SageTracey

    I Am So Proud Of Me!!

    Two major life changes! WTG
  13. SageTracey

    Estimated Time To Lose ?lb

    I hear you on the near freezing outside bit (I am in West Gippsland, just 90 minutes out of Melbourne.) I was getting ready to ride to work yesterday morning and thought about what I was putting on - bicycle shorts, pair of leg warmers (two separate items, like socks for legs without the foot part!), bra, undershirt, cycling jersey, cycling jacket, shoes, socks and full finger cycling gloves, felt hat with ear covers, then my helmet! BUT - apart from ice block feet, I was comfortably warm, i.e. not too cold, by the time I arrived at work about 85 minutes later. Now I am looking for some thermal socks and nothing will stop me from getting out and riding all year round. My local bike shop is wonderfully supportive and says that riding through winter is simply a matter of having the right gear. I use my cycling gloves, jacket and hat for early morning walks, along with a pair of Zaggora hot pants under track pants. The Zaggora hot pants are promoted as zapping cellulite(!) but for me they just add a layer of warmth. Good luck with getting back to goal! You are an inspiration to us all. And enjoy your break with your husband.
  14. Up until my last fill, no problems, but it appears my port has tilted slightly which meant he had to dig around a bit with the needle (yes, ouch), but he was eventually able to find it. He said it may be all right next time, it may stay tilted or it may totally flip, in which case it would need to be repaired via day surgery. He did also state that his flip rate is just 1 in 100 so the odds are clearly in my favour!
  15. SageTracey

    How Much Are You Exercising??

    My exercise pre-op was token at best. Apart from dancing with my husband (rock n roll) which always left me with very sore knees, and the occasional walk. No wonder I wasn't losing! Now I dance hard twice a week, cycle an average 150km each week, walk several times, and swim 40 mins once a week. And I love it!
  16. SageTracey


    It's great that you are looking ahead and thinking about what you can eat after your surgery! Don't get too stressed about the protein shakes etc. They are short term in the overall scheme of life as a bandster. I would suggest you go back to your nutritionist or doctor and ask for specific dietary instructions. Tell them you need their guidance and support in making the right decisions to be successful with your band. I ham 13 months post-op and just bought a book from my surgeon's office last week. It's called Knife, Fork and Band, and includes diets for the pre and post-op phases plus plenty of great information that is serving as a reminder to me of what I have been through and where I can go from here. I am choosing one or two recipes a week to add variety to my food choices and keep them fresh and interesting. It is an Australian book so I don't know where else you can buy it, but I am sure there are plenty of other band recipe books around to choose from.
  17. SageTracey

    It Lurks Where You Least Expect It

    Great article and very timely. There has just been a study released in Australia which discovered that obese women are discriminated against. Doh! they needed to do an academic study to figure that out? I know I was invisible in clothing stores at 149kg but the 65 - 70 kg woman could be served in an instant. I know I am treated differently in the work place since losing weight. I know I am treated differently by healthcare professionals. I know when people are looking, pointing, sniggering, judging, talking about me. I lost count of the number of times that doctors told me to lose weight but didn't offer any advice, help or program to assist me. But none of them said, "You need antibiotics" and then pushed me out the door to figure out which ones, what dose and to source them for myself!
  18. SageTracey

    This Weeks Bandster Challenge!

    I made my own Tandoori Chicken Salad, including the Tazitzki dressing. Just finished eating it for lunch and it was delicious! I'm still enjoying the spicy taste in my mouth and on my tongue. And only 166 calories per serve. Actually, less because the recipe made four serves at 166 calories and I wasn't able to eat a full serve.
  19. SageTracey

    Shoulder Pain!!!!

    My surgeon said the shoulder pain is referred pain from them moving my diaphragm during surgery. It was intense but passed within two weeks. Just hang in there and you will get through this.
  20. SageTracey

    Time Off Work! Help Please!

    My surgeon recommended two weeks and I am glad that I took them. The anaesthetic always knocks me about for a week, plus I had shoulder pain for about 10 days. I was able to get mobile at home but at my own pace, plus I could rest/nap as needed. Take as long as you possibly can.
  21. SageTracey

    General Question Re: Out Of Pocket

    I would get it in writing from your insurer with specific reference to your membership, your status, surgery, co-pays etc. Then you are not relying on your own interpretation and have it in writing to back up any issues you may have. Good luck.
  22. SageTracey

    Cramping After Fill?

    I have never had cramping after a fill. Could you be getting your period? I would be very disappointed in a surgeon that put you out on your own after just one fill! They should be a major part of your ongoing support system. This is a major lifestyle change and you will have questions and need their advice and guidance. My surgeon stresses that aftercare is critical and has been an important part of my support network since surgery 13 months ago.
  23. SageTracey

    Blood Clots

    Suggest you call your surgeon's office to be on the safe side. Better to do it sooner rather than later. good luck.
  24. SageTracey

    The Social Setting Meltdown

    My life is just one big social event most of the time! We eat out Mondays (dancing night), every second Wednesday (I'm in Lions), occasional Thursdays (my husband is a Rotarian), and we have plenty of other outings with family, dancing, cycling and friends. Plan as much as you can. Always take a plate of food to share but one that you know you can eat and enjoy. Don't let yourself get too hungry before eating and remember that while you have made the great decision to improve your lifestyle, you are still human and will have occasional slip ups - we all do! Don't beat up on yourself, just learn from the experience and move on. Best of luck.
  25. Just remind yourself that this is a phase, a temporary stage and that you will get through it. Look forward to coming out the other end with the satisfaction of knowing that you achieved it and it will give you motivation to move onto the next phase of being a bandster. Have patience, you haven't chosen the easy route and you know that you will have to work for your results but that they will definitely be worth it!

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