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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SageTracey

  1. Congratulations on taking the first steps. You have great motivation because you can see your own future right there in front of you. Good luck and please keep us informed of your progress.
  2. SageTracey

    A Little Nsv!!!

    That's great, congratulations. I can't stand heels myself, but I was able to wear them for a full day at my son's wedding last month.
  3. SageTracey

    Never Realized ..!

    Hear, hear! It is amazing just how much of our lives have focused around this little activity!
  4. SageTracey

    Port Discomfort...

    I don't recall it lasting that long for me. Is it pain or just discomfort? I can definitely feel my port, especially if I wear tight pants, such as my workout pants, but it is only discomfort. If pain persists, see your doctor.
  5. SageTracey

    Magazine Articles

    I just click on the link on the right hand menu, same as accessing Recent Topics. Good luck
  6. I was sick last week - not band related but saw my surgeon as a precaution. Not only was his care better and more thorough than than the ER and my GP, but he also prescribed several medications that I needed. One of them was a very large pill which I was able to swallow whole, with no troubles. Just to offer my experience....
  7. SageTracey

    3 Fills Later And

    There really is no normal. Some lucky people feel restriction with no fill at all. Others require multiple fills. Some surgeons will only fill in very small increments, others are more aggressive. And it seems that sometimes people do not recognise when they have restriction until they get too tight and have to back off a little.
  8. SageTracey

    Had Wine Tonight..

    Definitely lighten up on yourself. Life is for living
  9. SageTracey


    Truly doesn't sound like a band issue. Maybe a consequence of anxiety post-op?
  10. For the second time in just four weeks I ended up at the ER last night with severe abdominal pains. Last time it was diagnosed as gastro as I also had diarrhoea. Last night it was just the pain. The hospital managed my pain and sent me home with the "suggestion" that I follow up with my GP and band surgeon. Fortunately I am proactive about my own healthcare and have a great medical team. I was able to see both my GP and surgeon today and both were, to put it mildly, disgusted with the treatment from the ER! Urine test at the hospital detected a UTI - no antibiotics prescribed. X ray at hospital appeared to rule out band complications but they wouldn't give me the image to take to my surgeon. He has done his own tests and ruled out a band complication, but was angry that they hadn't called him or ordered blood tests. Have had blood tests today as surgeon thinks I may have a bowel infection. Seeing both surgeon and GP again in coming days for follow up and test results. In the meantime I have two lots of antibiotics plus a stool softener. Looking forward to getting to the root of the problems as well as becoming pain-free, but mostly relieved that it is not a band complication!
  11. SageTracey

    Am I Being Sensitive

    I'm with those who point out that it is us who have made the decision to change so it should be us who are flexible enough to leave the room if our partner's eating bothers us. But that is coming from one who has been fortunate enough to have a most considerate and supportive husband. We share the cooking and our goal is to cook meals that we can both eat as much as possible. He makes different choices when we eat out and that's how it has always been, including pre-band. The bonus for us is that he has lost about 5kg (which is all he needs to lose), but his cholesterol levels have also dropped.
  12. SageTracey


    Yes, my surgeon reminded me of the need to keep hydrated this morning then confessed that he has trouble remembering to drink enough himself (well, he does have a seven week prem baby to occupy his mind!) Personally I just keep my water bottle with me all the time and sip continuously. And we are moving into winter here.
  13. SageTracey

    Unfill For Heartburn

    Hope you are getting some relief by now! I haven't had to have an unfill so don't know how long it takes to take effect.
  14. SageTracey


    try saving a few calories for an evening snack. Keep busy so you don't think of eating. Drink more water. Just a few suggestions.
  15. SageTracey

    Swollen Esophagus?

    Your throat may still be swollen from surgery. Don't try to rush the process .slow and steady is best.
  16. Welcome to the forum.you'll get plenty of support here.
  17. SageTracey


    Congratulations on your success so far! Glad to see you are working with your PCP re the palpitations as that something you definitely need professional care for. Hope it all works out.
  18. SageTracey


    I'm sorry to hear that your Grandmother is so negative about WLS. More than likely it is due to her lack of knowledge about the procedure and how it works. Or she may be genuinely fearful of you having surgery but doesn't know any other way to express this. If you have fully researched the band and have decided that it is the best option for you, then you need to go for it. Just make sure that you have someone who can be a great support for you. My husband has been an awesome support for me throughout my journey and I truly believe that I would have been less successful without such support. Good luck.
  19. SageTracey

    Feeling Down

    Three jobs, a baby and you still get to the gym three times a week! I am impressed. You are going to to rock this band.
  20. SageTracey

    Why Does The Port Flip?

    I felt my port move and mentioned it at my next fill. Surgeon confirmed that it had tilted and he had trouble getting the fill in. We are both hoping it won't turn into a full on flip which would require surgical repair. He said it wasn't my fault (I was 12 months post-op at the time), and very unlikely to get any worse as he uses the mechanical attachment that comes with the band plus sutures.
  21. SageTracey

    Am I Normal?

    Post-op really isn't a whole lot of fun but it is temporary. Concentrate on getting your fluids in.make it two sips at a time if three is too many. But do it often.
  22. For two days, I think you will be fine. But sometimes you have to wait longer for a fill appointment and then it really is up to you to manage. After all, that is what the band is trying to teach us -new, healthy eating habits. It's not easy having to suck it up for a few days or weeks, and, if you are anything like me and most of the rest of the world, you will make some mistakes along the way. But in the end, it is the big picture that matters. Good luck
  23. SageTracey

    Thoughts Please...

    Wow! Again, I say thank goodness for the Australian healthcare system where I can just rock up to an ER and not have to worry about how I am going to pay for it! Glad to hear you are recovering well.
  24. SageTracey

    Are Fills Mandatory!!?

    No fills are not mandatory, but they are usually an important part of the band process. Perhaps he meant they were not mandatory this early in the post op phase. Even if you don't need fills, I would recommend that you attend follow up visits as they are also important to your success with the band.
  25. SageTracey

    Flipped Port

    My port was fine for the first 12 months but at my last appointment I mentioned to my surgeon that I had felt it move. He had difficulty accessing it for my fill and agreed that it had tilted. He explained that the port has a mechanical attachment (bit like a staple), plus he stitches it in place to reduce the risk of port flips. He said his rate of flip is one in 100. I may end up being that one! But if so, he said it would only be day surgery to repair. So, yes, ports do tilt and flip but you seem incredibly unlucky if it has happened to you twice!

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