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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SageTracey

  1. SageTracey

    Starving - 7 Days Post-Op

    Really depends on your surgeon but most likely he/she will check your incisions, ask how you are feeling and tell you when you can schedule your first fill. Be sure to discuss how hungry you are so that he can offer you some advice on that one, too.
  2. Your surgeon should have given you anti-nausea meds as it is important that you don't vomit at this time. Feeling nauseous and having a sore throat are normal after a general, so, unless there are more symptoms that you haven't mentioned, you are probably feeling quite normal. - hope that makes you feel better! Stay in close touch with your medical team but also be assured that you will feel better with each passing day.
  3. SageTracey

    Exercise And Water

    Just drink in small sips over the period of your exercise. It's only water and it goes through very quickly and easily.
  4. SageTracey

    Restriction Question...

    If you are getting stuck on everything for the last three weeks then you don't need another fill. It may be that you are too tight. Even if it is only eating too fast, then you need to get that under control before adding more fill. Good luck.
  5. SageTracey

    Take Advantage

    Getting the lapband is a positive step towards taking care of yourself. I hope your husband will be a great support for you as you make this major life change and that he doesn't feel taken advantage of!
  6. Good advice about trying new things at home! Introduce foods slowly (bit like a baby that is starting on solids!) Chew plenty, eat slowly, very small bites and see how you go. Some people can eat everything, even with restriction, it is just the quantity for them. Others find there are certain foods which causes them issues. These are not the same for everyone, so be prepared for some trial and error.
  7. SageTracey


    Despite what some posters believe, there is no STANDARD practice re filling the band at surgery. Some surgeons put some fill in, some don't. It is just like our pre and post op eating instructions - they vary from surgeon to surgeon. It is just like the amount of fill and frequency of fills - they vary from surgeon to surgeon. it is just like the results that you will achieve, even if you are fully educated and follow your surgeon's instructions to the letter - they will vary from bandster to bandster. It's great to come here for information and reassurance, but remember that there is no one answer fits all for so much to do with the band!
  8. SageTracey

    Skin, Scars And Single Inscision

    Is it too late for you to get to some support meetings? I would strongly recommend that you do. I have five scars, and I hardly notice them. They are visible but they do not define who I am. I started out not telling many people about my surgery, now, if they ask how I lost weight, I just tell them. Re the loose skin question - it is a matter of genetics and a number of other factors so you can't compare yourself to others. Some people end up having a tummy tuck, others don't. Personally, after losing 62kg (with a few more to go), I am much happier and healthier with loose skin than I was with all that extra weight. It is definitely worth it!
  9. SageTracey


    No such thing as a dumb question, so good on you for asking. OP means that she had her surgery and her lapband was fitted or placed around her stomach.
  10. SageTracey

    New To Mushy Foods

    You are going from liquids where your body has not held onto anything (cos liquids pass through quickly) to mushies so your body is able to hold onto the food for a little while. give your body time to adjust and keep on following the rules, and you will be fine.
  11. Your body needs fuel to function so you will need to eat. But if you have now got restriction (which won't be clear until you are eating normal foods again, and even then, possibly a couple of weeks down the track), you will quickly realise the importance of choosing the right fuel to fit into your smaller tank. You will want quality fuel that enables your body to function at its optimum level - Proteins, fibres etc. So, I haven't really answered your question, but I think in a day or two you will find yourself hungry again. Just concentrate on making good choices. Best of luck.
  12. SageTracey


    No problems at all.
  13. SageTracey

    Expectations Of Others !!!!

    24lbs in 5 weeks is awesome! Don't let the judgement of others affect your success nor your enjoyment of it. You are doing really well and this is your journey, not theirs.
  14. SageTracey


    It's very cold down here (Australia)! But I went for my morning walk anyway....
  15. SageTracey

    Finding The Lap Band Green Zone

    Great article, Alex. Some possible topics for future articles would be: The importance of support on this journey Discussing lapband surgery with others Whether to tell or not tell
  16. SageTracey

    Movie Seats :(

    OMG I remember exactly what you mean.. on the other hand,I went to the theater (stage show) last night and was able to enjoy a private smile when the woman beside complained about the seats being so small because I was very comfortable. Hang in there and one day this will be just a memory for you too!
  17. SageTracey

    Not Enough Calories

    There are two key issues with myfitnesspal.com 1. It's calorie intake recommendations are not intended for bandsters, therefore, if you eat less than 1200 calories a day, it will tell you that you are not eating enough and will go into starvation mode. Follow your medical team's advice on how many calories you should be consuming each day. 2. The calories listed for each food are not necessarily what the packets of food say. Members add foods and nutritional information so they can be incorrect - especially when people list a serving as "one serve" without any guidance on how they determined the size of a serve! On the other hand, I do use MFP to track my calories in and record my calories burnt to help me stay on track. It is just a case, as HollyDolly says, of confirming calories for yourself where you can. Plus I use a BodyMedia Fit arm band to measure calories burnt.
  18. SageTracey

    Body Bugg?

    I have a Body Media Fit, which is similar or even just a different name to some of the others mentioned here. I have had mine for about six months and wear it almost constantly. It is an armband so the only times that it comes off are when I shower or swim, and when I am wearing clothing that bares my arms (except when working out!) I use it to measure my calories burnt and steps taken, and it is interesting to see how many hours I have slept (or not, as is usually the case!) I use myfitnesspal.com to record my food diary and then just copy my exercise calories burnt across there rather than maintaining both in two places. MFP exercise calorie burns are somewhat overstated compared to my BMF readings. I won't giving up either soon as they help me to stay true to myself on this journey!
  19. SageTracey

    To Tell Or Not...

    Congratulations on your surgery date and also standing your ground with your MIL. There will always be a big family affair around the corner, if your family is anything like mine! There is no perfect time for your surgery. Good luck.
  20. SageTracey

    What Exercise Do You Suggest??

    First up, it is impossible to spot tone your body. I wish that were not true because I would love my stomach area to look better and less pudgy than it does. The key to success with exercise is finding something that you love and doing it. It also pays to have some variety to prevent boredom and to mix up the intensity. A typical week of exercise looks like this for me: Sunday, 40 - 45km casual bike ride, comfortable pace with large group Monday - 45 minute morning walk, 60 minutes of dancing/dance class Tuesday - weather permitting - 90 minute cycle to work (30km), harder pace, otherwise 45 minute morning walk. 60 minutes lap swimming Wednesday - weather permitting - 90 minute cycle to work (30km), harder pace, otherwise 45 minute morning walk Thursday - 45 minute morning walk Friday - weather permitting - 90 minute cycle to work (30km), harder pace, otherwise 45 minute morning walk. 90+ of energetic dancing (rock n roll) at live venue (NB no drinks/nibbles, just water!) Saturday - 60 minutes housework (No, I don't enjoy it, it's an unfortunate necessity of life!), otherwise this is my rest day.
  21. SageTracey

    What To Do :(

    Sandy, you need to hang in there. Sometimes a good rant and getting it all out of your system is helpful but other times, negative self-talk will only bring you further down. I hope you feel better when I say that YOU ARE NORMAL! Actually, I shouted that to make sure that you hear it. YOU ARE NORMAL! It is normal not to lose weight in the immediate post op period. It is normal to feel frustrated and wonder why you went through all of this. Don't give up. You are still at the start of your journey. Once you get some fills and restriction, and your body gets used to operating on smaller portions, you will see the results you are looking for. In the meantime, have your tried journaling to be sure about your calorie count and exercise burns? Many lap banders use myfitnesspal.com for this. There is a group for bandsters on there, too. Also, get back with your support team and ask specific questions about the types and quantities of foods that you are eating, the levels of exercise. Ask for their help, that is what they are there for. Do not give up, you are normal. Hang in there and you will succeed.
  22. You need to find some support in your real life as well as the support you get on here. And you need some of that tough love support - someone who will look you in the eye and say that eating two Snickers bars and a sonic sandwich within a week of surgery is not just a bad idea, but a really stupid and dangerous idea! You've made the decision and worked your way through all of the hoops to get your surgery. But that's not the end of this. In fact, it is just the beginning and you are looking at living your life in an entirely new way from here. Don't waste the effort that it took to get your surgery. Keep your head up, find a buddy and do whatever it takes!
  23. SageTracey

    Pain Under Left Rib

    Are you in any pain? I get a bit concerned if I feel any sort of sensation around my port or stomach area. In fact, I am pretty sure I feel things now that have been going on there my entire life, just because I have the band and am aware of it! But the important thing is, if you are concerned, go and see your dr - sooner rather than later. I feel better getting peace of mind and if there is a problem, you will get it addressed that much more quickly.
  24. And sometimes it takes several fills. I think it took three fills for me. Patience is still the key.
  25. My son announced his engagement soon after I got banded. With exactly 12 months til the wedding, I had a goal to work towards. I was down almost 60kg by the time he got married last month. Here is a link to preview their wedding book.

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