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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SageTracey

  1. SageTracey

    I'm Hungry !!!

    You're almost there! Hang on and this will soon be a memory.
  2. Are you feeling any better?
  3. SageTracey

    Why Cant I Lay On My Side?

    You have had abdominal surgery so it's normal to expect you won't be able to lie on your side until you are healed. In the short term, just find a comfortable position and remember that each day will bring you closer to being able to lie as you wish again.
  4. SageTracey

    Uhuh Duck Face

    I have a 19 yo son who has blocked female friends on FaceBook because he got sick of the "slutty" pix they were continually posting of themselves.
  5. SageTracey

    Estimated Time Ur Off Work

    I took two weeks and appreciated the whole time. It usually takes a week for me to recover from the anaesthetic. (And I have a desk job...)
  6. SageTracey

    Laughing Pain

    I don't remember laughing causing me pain in the early days. Aren't you lucky to have a life filled with laughter, even with a bit of pain. Hope you can enjoy a good old belly laugh really soon.
  7. The usual slime? That alone sounds as though you could be too tight. On the vomiting side - if it is continuing, then contact your dr. Vomiting with the band is not good so, regardless of the cause, you need to get it under control ASAP.
  8. Should not be a problem.
  9. I used to eat 6 - 8 Weetbix for Breakfast. Now it is usually one, sometimes two. I would make scrambled eggs with four eggs - now it's two and the dogs get the leftovers - and no toast with them any more. Always two potatos with dinner - now, half to one-third of one. Used to be a massive slab of steak - no more red meat. Fruit was once or twice a week, now it's twice a day, minimum. Junk like pizza, McDonalds, KFC was several times a week for lunch. This weekend I used a flour tortilla and made a chicken and avocado pizza - yummy and first pizza since being banded.
  10. SageTracey

    Sedentary Looking For Inspiration

    the key to success with exercise is variety and finding something that you enjoy so that you don't get bored and give up. I started with walking and dancing, added in cycling and swimming. DH and I are currently training for the Great Victorian Bike Ride, a multi day, 600 km touring bike ride in late November, so I am cycling more than any other exercise. But dancing is definitely a favourite as it is fun, social and something else I can do with DH. I have a couple of machines at home, stationery bike, elliptical and rowing, but only use them when we just cannot get outside because of the weather. I'd rather walk or cycle in the rain than get on the exercise bike in my lounge! but others may prefer the exercise bike, so it really is a matter of personal preference.
  11. SageTracey

    Pay For Every Fill?

    I'm Australian and all my fills are fully covered under our government healthcare scheme.
  12. SageTracey

    Waking Up During Surg????

    There are cases of it happening but they are so rare that you shouldn't worry yourself about it. More likely it was just your subconscious letting you know that it was a little nervy about surgery. If it does bother you, be sure to speak to your anaesthetist and they will be able to reassure you. As a young child I suffered a serious hand injury and had to have surgery. I have a very clear memory of being up in the top corner of the operating theatre and watching the surgeons discuss whether they had got all of the glass out of my hand! I never thought it was unusual because I was so young and just thought that everyone had out of body experiences during surgery! I have had four surgeries since and have never had the experience again.
  13. SageTracey

    New To This

    PBiing happens when a piece of food gets stuck and you bring it back up. It's kind of like vomiting but, for me, anyway, doesn't come from as deep in my stomach as vomiting.
  14. SageTracey

    Bag Fills

    It's not actually a bag but a ring which is placed around the upper part of your stomach to create a smaller pouch. The ring is connected via a tube to a small port which is stitched just under your skin, usually around the sternum area. To fill or inflate the band, the doctor inserts a needle into the port and injects a small amount of saline which has the effect of tightening the ring or band around your stomach. This in turn makes you feel satisfied on smaller amounts of food. If your band gets too tight, the doctor can use the same process to remove a small amount of the saline. The frequency of fills depends on your doctor and how quickly you achieve restriction - and whether you retain it. As you lose weight, the band becomes looser and you will need more fill.
  15. It's difficult when your partner isn't going through the same thing as you and even though he wants to be supportive, he probably doesn't realise the effect his choices are having on you. This is a learning phase for both of you. Hang in there and hopefully he will come around as your new healthy eating habits become normal.
  16. SageTracey

    Has Anyone Ever Over Eaten

    Didixo, be kind to your body! You have just had major surgery and I would be surprised if you are on anything but liquids at the moment. Take care of yourself and remember why you went through all of this.
  17. Think I read in another post that you are only about eight days post-op. Just think of all the medications running through your body at the moment, of the trauma your body has been through, of the major life changes you are facing - and have suddenly just confronted the reality of. No matter how much preparation and research you do, it's all theoretical until you are there. Hang in there, you will get stronger as the days, weeks and months pass and the lbs drop off.
  18. SageTracey

    Help Me With My List?

    A new wardrobe Inspiring others sleeping well healthy relationship with food
  19. SageTracey


    sounds fine to me, it's just a liquid and if it's sugar-free then it doesn't even have any calories. This is a big learning curve, but you also still have to live. Enjoy and don't worry!
  20. It could be where you had a stitch but you are about six weeks post op so shouldn't be too much going on there. It may be totally unrelated to your band. You describe it as tiny so I wouldn't be too worried just yet. If it doesn't go away or gets worse, be sure to get medical advice, just to give you peace of mind.
  21. SageTracey

    Kinda Sick To My Stomach/concerned

    Yes, take care against throwing up so soon after surgery. There is no reward for being a tough nut and not taking your anti-nausea meds, only possible issues if you do throw up.
  22. My port has tilted and may end up flipping so, yes, have had to have multiple pokes. Not fun as the needle was blunt after the first attempt hit the plastic rim of the port. My surgeon explained that the ports he use have teeth to hold them in place but he also stitches them to reduce the risk of flipping. Just hoping that mine is still ok when I get my next fill in July.
  23. SageTracey

    What Exactly Is "pbing" Or "sliming"?

    PBing stands for productive burping and means when you have some food stuck you basically bring it back up by burping. Sliming is the production of excessive saliva which commonly happens when you are stuck. Neither are pleasant and are best avoided if at all possible by eating very slowly, small bites and lots of chewing.
  24. SageTracey

    What Are You Most Looking Forward To?

    Never being the fat one in photos again. Exercising because I enjoy it (which means that it doesn't feel like exercise!)
  25. SageTracey


    You have answered your own question. You don't want to have sex with him, so don't. You will respect yourself in the morning.

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